Lucy tells her mum about why she's upset.

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Lucy POV

When dad told Kat to tell me goodbye I groaned. This wasn't going to end well. As I expected, Kat began to throw a huge temper tantrum. To which, dad responded by threatening to spanking her with his belt. Despite being irritated with Dad, I knew that I had to step in and help Kat understand that this wasn't forever. "It's alright Kat. I'm not going bye bye. We will see each other soon. I promise." At this Kat looked confused and I sighed. I knew I had to phrase this so that she'd understand. "This isn't bye bye it's see you later." I reply causing dad to cock an eyebrow at me.

"You mean wike see you wata awwygata? In a whiwe cwockdiwe?"


"Pinky Pwomise?" I smile at Kat and nod.

"I pinkie promise. We will see each other again soon. Now please, be a good girl for me, and go with Hagrid without anymore fuss ok?"

"Otay Wucy." Kat replies skipping over to
Hagrid who seemed just as confused by Kat's change in attitude as my dad. I couldn't help but giggle at their complete confusion.

"All that just because she didn't want to say goodbye?" Dad asked with a frown.

"It's a bit more complicated then that dad." I reply in amusement.

"How so?"

"In her current mindset saying goodbye means something completely different then it does to us."

"Like what?" Dad replies his voice filled with skepticism.

"Like how I had to say goodbye to mum after Grayback's attack."

Dad's eyes go wide in realization. "You mean that she thought?" I nod. "Oh boy. I really have to watch how I word my sentences when she's in that mindset."

"Yes, you do."

"Come on Lucy, lets go home."

The ride home was quite as I decided to give dad the silent treatment. Every once in a while, I caught him glancing over in my direction with hurt and sadness in his gaze but I didn't care. As soon as we arrived home, I rushed into my room and slammed the door. About an hour later, Dad knocked on my door. "Are you hungry? Come on Lucy, you can't give me the silent treatment forever." I frowned. Oh yes I could. "Come on Lucy, we are going to have to talk about what's bothering you at some point. Won't you please open the door? I made your favorite, pumpkin pasties." Barely opening the door I grab the plate and close it again quickly. "Come on Lucy talk to me. Tell me what's bothering you. How can I help you, if you won't talk to me?" Dad continued to try several different tactics for a least an hour if not more before finally giving up.

When I fell asleep I was greeted by my mum who's gaze held disappointment and sadness. "I see your giving your father the silent treatment." I nod not really wanting to talk to her and she sighs. "I know your upset Lucy. What I fail to understand is why?" When I don't respond again Mum sighs. "Come Lucy, talk to me. We could always talk about anything. Especially when we came to this meadow. Are you upset because your father grounded you for the first time in your life?"

"No." I mumble.

"Then what is it? Why are you upset? Is it because he sent Kat away for the summer?"

"No." I mumble again not wanting to meet her gaze.

Mum sighs in frustration. "Then what is it? Why are You giving your father the silent treatment? You know it hurts him when you do that."


"Lucy your not being fair. What's really upsetting you?"

"Dad was cruel mum. He said horrible things to Kat that really really hurt her and He wasn't even sorry for it."

Voldemort's daughter original unedited version Where stories live. Discover now