Meeting Tom Riddle

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Lucy POV

After speaking with Professor Dumbledore, I felt a little more at ease. Yet I still felt as if something were terribly wrong. So I decided to write in the small diary I had found. "Tom Maldolvo Riddle." I was suprised when the ink sunk into the paper without a trace. "Dear Diary my name is Lucy Lupin. I am writing in this journal to put my thoughts onto paper." I frowned when my writing disappeared.

"Hello Lucy. My name is Tom Riddle. What seems to be bothering you?"

I gasp as I read the cursive writing and gasp again when I realize that the ink is dry. With trembling hands I take my pen and begin to write back. "Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know this diary belonged to anyone. I was only writting in it because someone tried to get rid of it. The pages were blank."

"That's perfectly alright. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself and how your feeling."

"My name is Lucy Lupin. My Mother died when I was young."

"So did mine. How did your mother die?"

"A werewolf named Fenrir Grayback mauled her to death right in front of me. I was only five at the time."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Your not a werewolf are you?"

"No but my father is. Grayback turned him when he was younger."

"I see."

"Anyway, my best friend Katherina and I met when we were toddlers. I learned that Katherina has to take a special potion. It has been the subject of several arguments between my father and I. We never argued about anything until Katherina came along. Sometimes, I find myself wishing that I had never become her friend. I find myself feeling bitter towards her and I hate it. She's like a sister to me and if she ever found out about how I feel, it would break her heart."

"Why bitter?"

"Multiple reasons I guess. The biggest being that she's almost broken apart my family on more then one occasion."


"She ran away one day and the ministry of magic came and almost took me away from
My father just because he's a werewolf. When she's in her toddler mind-frame daddy tends to give her a lot of attention and it seems as if I'm invisible. He even gave her a similar nickname to mine. Our relationship really hasn't ever been the same since and it's all her fault."

"Though I don't have a family of my own, I can understand where you are coming from. I'd feel bitter too if someone came and tried to replace me in my mother or father's heart."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rant."

"It's fine. I enjoy talking to you."

"Thanks. Tom, do you know anything about the chamber of secrets and the heir of Slytherin?"


"Can you tell me?"

"No but I can show you." Tom replies.

As I watched Tom Riddle's memories I felt extremely uneasy. Something wasn't right. There was no way Hagrid could do these things. "You seem confused."

"Are you sure you couldn't have made a mistake? Hagrid is a sweet man. I just can't picture him doing something like this."

"There was no mistake. Myrtle died because of Hagrid's pet. I know he didn't mean for it to happen but it did. I'm not surprised that these things are happening again. Especially since the monster was never caught. I'm actually quite surprised that they even allow Hagrid to be on the school grounds considering he was expelled for helping the creature responsible escape."

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