Remus pushed us away Kat casts away her heart

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"The truth hurts. Now if you'll excuse me Lucy, I have things that I need to get back too. I will not apologize for what I said. I meant every word. I want you to stay away from her from now on. Don't be going after her. The woods are far too dangerous. Just go to your room."

"Fine!" Lucy throws herself onto her bed and closed her eyes focusing on who she wants to see. "Why is he doing this? What has gotten into him?"

"He's talking out of anger and fear Lucy. He almost lost you that night on the hill and it terrifies him. He's angry about what happened and he needs someone to blame. Plus he's also worried that he might have bitten or scratched Kat that night. And who's to say he's wrong?" Tom replies.


I could hear my heartbreaking as Mr. Lupin once again said that I was a burden that no one wanted. As I ran deep into the forrest, I eventually collapsed to my knees. Why did this keep happening to me? It wasn't fair. Am I truly a burden that no one wants or loves?" I tried chocking back a sob to no prevail. After crying for what felt like hours, something in me snapped and my sadness was replaced with fury. It was so fierce that it scared me. That's it! I'm done! I'm done having my heartbroken time and time again. Maybe the Wizard in the Warlock's hairy heart was right. Perhaps it was time to lock it away so that I'll never be hurt again. "Take away this pain I feel, make it so my feelings are no longer real. Take this broke heart and lock it away so that it never again sees the light of day."

Just as I finish the incantation Lucy rushed over to me pulling me into a hug. Which I quickly pulled out of. "Kat stop! Kat listen to me, I know your hurting. Believe me, I know how you feel. I wanted to do the same thing after Tom was taken away from Me. But I knew that in doing so, I'd loose a part of who I am. The truth is Kat, that our hearts get broken, but in time they mend. Kat please, if you lock away your heart you won't be able to feel anything."

"I'm sorry Lucy, but it's already done. Besides, this is what I want."

"Kat you've got to reverse it."

"Why don't you run along home Mutt? This isn't your concern. What's done is done and I have no intention of reversing it. I'm in control now. It's what she wants and I always do what is in Katherina's best interests. Both Your family and Dumbledore have hurt her more then you could ever understand."

"Dabria please listen to me. You don't understand the consequences of this choice. In doing this, Both you and Katherina won't be able to feel anything for anyone. Grayback and his men could show up and threaten to kill me right now and you wouldn't care. Is that what you want? To not care about anyone? Not even me?"

"I could care less. All I care about is what is in Katherina's best interests and I can assure you, you're family is not in her best interests you filthy half blood mutt! Now leave me alone!" Dabria snarls.

"No. Katherina, can you hear me? Katherina please...."

Katherina groans and then looks at Lucy. "Lucy? What's going on? What have I done this time? I can't feel anything. Why can't I feel anything?"

"You cast a spell that casts away your heart."

"Lucy, I don't know how to undo this. I don't even know if it can be undone. Help me Lucy. I don't want to stop caring for you. Help me. Please...."

Suddenly Katherina's gaze turns cold and she glares at Lucy. "Don't do it."

Lucy ignored Dabria. If you can hear me Kat, repeat after me. What was said."

"What was said."

"Now undo. Return my heart to its form that's true."

"Now undo. Return my heart to the form that true."

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