"Lauren, I'm sorry." I stated figuring I should probably just apologize for whatever I did. Seeing as I was the one constantly messing up. "Whatever I did, I can fix it."

This time Lauren raised an eyebrow as a small smile appeared on her face and little giggle escaped her lips. She made her way over and wrapped her arms around my neck sending a small shiver down my spine as I placed my hands on her sides.

"Stop apologizing for everything." She giggled again. "Especially when you didn't even do anything."

"Then what did you want to talk about?" I questioned confused again. "You said you wanted to talk and I just assumed it wasn't good. I mean Ally knew you wanted to talk and I guess that means you talked to the girls about something and I guess...."

She smirked again planted a soft kiss on my lips as a way to get me to stop talking. She shook her head and laughed again as she pulled away to look at me again.

"Let me talk." She giggled as she lead me toward the bed as she sat down facing me, my hand still in hers.

"Okay." I responded with a quick nod as I felt her thumb tracing my hand.

"I wanted to talk about us." She stated and I furrowed my eyebrows again. "I was watching you earlier when you were playing with the kids and you were so good with them, even the baby. Ally couldn't even get him to sleep but you did." She smiled. "I was thinking about how if everything didn't happen the way it did we would be married and starting a family. I think maybe taking things slow isn't the right idea for us."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I could feel my heart beating in my chest.

"I think, if you're okay with it...." She paused to look at me. "I should move back in with you."

I was, again, confused. I thought taking it slow is what she wanted. She said that she needed time to learn to trust me again and now she's ready to move in again.

"Lauren..." I shook my head and it was her turn to be confused. "You know that there's nothing I want more than to go back to what we were before the accident. I just I don't want to force you to do something you aren't ready for."

"I want this." She smiled reaching up to my cheek. "I want us. I want to marry you and I want to start that family with you. I want the life we've always talked about."

"What changed your mind?" I asked smiling a little now as she did the same.

"Seeing you with those kids." She answered honestly. "I want that with you and nothing will change that. I love you so much and I don't see any point I'm wasting anymore time in the dating stage. We already did that, I know you and you know me. We've both grown but that's it, nothing else has changed."

"You're serious about this?" I smiled as she nodded. "This is what you want and you're okay with it?"

"Yes. One hundred percent." My girlfriend smiled. "It's all I've ever wanted."

"Then yeah, I guess you can move back in." I smirked and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"You guess?" She repeated with a devilish grin.

"I mean yeah, it would be cool." I laughed as she wrapped her arms around me and tackled me to the bed in a hug. "Seriously though, I'd love to be able to wake up next to you again."

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