Saving Lucy and tricking the obscurual

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Upon seeing Lucy once more unconscious something inside me snaps. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I am enveloped in an eerie green, red and black mist. My eyes flash in anger. I am done playing games.

At this, Tom gulps "calm down Catrina. I was only having a little fun. I won't let Lucy die. She's mearly unconscious, until I've dealt with the Potter boy. As I said I'm a very jealous young man and I don't like competition."

I growl in frustration and then turn my attention to the basilisk looking it directly in the eyes. "That is Enough! You will stand down, NOW!" I growl at it. This time the basilisk doesn't hesitate it immediately obeys my command and awaits my orders.

"That's impossible." Tom whispers. "What are you?"

Dabria Demona/ Obscurial POV

I smile at Tom. "I'm your worst nightmare. I know you charmed Lucy and I am going to make you pay for hurting her. Even if it means killing you."

Tom gulps "your not Catrina. You are the one Lucy warned me about."

"Bingo. She warned you, that I'm far more dangerous then you realize. I could kill you, and it wouldn't bother me in slightest. The ends justify the means. Isn't that what you believe? But we don't need to be enemies. Tell
Me what you did to Lucy and how to reverse it and I'll let you live."

"What are you?" Harry asks backing away from me. I chuckled at his scared expression.

"None of your concern golden boy. Just do me a favor, stay away from Dumbledore! He's my father not yours! And I am tired of him ignoring me but showering you with praise. Sometimes I think he wishes you were his son. It's as if I'm not even there and I hate it! Like Tom, I don't like to share!" I nod my head and the basilisk returns it's at attack on Harry. Tom smiles in amusement.

"Huh. I did not see that one coming." Tom replies.

"What? I told you, I don't like sharing." I reply shrugging my shoulders in an I don't care motion.

Catrina POV

At this, Lucy smiles evilly at me before turning her attention to the basilisk being sure not to look it in the eyes. "Attack her." Lucy tells the basilisk in parseltounge.

At first I am frozen in place. Did Lucy just speak parseltounge? How was that possible?

"You seem confused Catrina. Let me enlighten you. Lucy has given me her heart and her soul. She is as much a part of me as I am her. My talents are hers as her talents are mine. Oh and I should warn you, my connection with Lucy is extremely strong. If you hurt me then you hurt her. I know you wouldn't want anything to happen to your precious Lucy. So I suggest you do what you can to protect the both of us." Tom replies with a smirk.

As the basilisk approaches I stand my ground. For some reason I am not the least bit afraid of it. Harry tried speaking to it to no prevail.

"Stop!" I order in parseltounge.

At this Tom laughs. "It won't listen to you. It only obeys it's master."

However, upon seeing the basilisk heading in my direction Lucy snaps out of the trance like state she is in and turns to Tom angrily. "You said you wouldn't hurt her!"

Tom shrugs "I've kept my word Lucy. I'm not the one who ordered the basilisk to attack Catrina you are."

Upon hearing this, Lucy moans. "What have I done? Harry, Catrina look out!" Lucy screams angering Tom.

"Lucy, who's side are you on? Harry's or mine? Because right now, I'm inclined to think you care about that Potter boy then you do me. That would make me very angry. Very angry in deed. I don't like to share Lucy." Tom replies with a snarl. "If I can't have you then no one will." With that Lucy falls unconscious.

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