Not In Isaac's Bed (Mature Content)

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"Or you could hang out here less." Stiles mutters, and Scott glares at him. Stiles sighs before rolling over on his bed to look at Isaac with distrustful eyes. "Did Derek say he wanted to go with someone?" Stiles questions, and Isaac bites his lips before looking at Stiles.

"He did not not say it either." Isaac says, and Stiles groans in annoyance before he glares at Scott.

"Why did you give him a key?" Stiles says to Scott who snorts before looking at Isaac fondly.

"So that I could be accessible to him. You know, for fucking." Isaac says, and Stiles makes a dying moose whine before he grabs his jacket to head over to Lydia and Jackson's. At there, he can be safe from sexual innuendo and listening to his best friend fuck.


The day of the party comes before Stiles realizes it, and he dresses up reluctantly like a stereotypical jock. He manages to get his father to bring him his old jersey from lacrosse, and it takes Scott about ten minutes to stop laughing when he sees him. Scott and Isaac are dressed as Batman and Robin, Scott lost the rock-paper-scissors and looks amazing as Robin, and Stiles wants to gag at their cuteness.

"I'm going to get Derek." Stiles says, and Isaac nods as he rubs his hand down Scott's back and Stiles has a feeling that they might not make it to the party before they take off the costumes. Stiles shakes his head fondly as he walks out of his and Scott's shared dorm.

Isaac and Derek's dorm is only about three blocks from Stiles and Scott's, and only about five from the party. Stiles really doesn't want to take Derek. It's not that Derek is a fucking gorgeous piece of man that Stiles has been lusting after ever since that first day of computer science about three months ago, it has to do more with the fact that Stiles is awkward and gangly and just everything that Derek isn't.

Stiles almost backs out, and text Scott that he is backing out but then he remembers that Scott and Isaac are probably banging in it. That thought alone makes him knock on the door, and shift his feet. He almost excepts Derek to not answer or not even be home, so he is surprised when Derek opens the door.


Stiles knows he is gaping but Derek is partway through getting into his costume that Stiles just notices involves suspenders, and Stiles makes an 'uh' noise. He finally takes his eyes off of Derek's tone chest to see that Derek is staring at him with a faint blush on his cheeks, and Stiles makes a point to look Derek in the eyes. "Uh, I can see that you're not ready yet so I'll wait here." Stiles says, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Do you want to come in?" Derek says, and Stiles hasn't really heard him speak at all expect when he stops by to see Isaac. Stiles nods his head, and Derek steps back so that Stiles can come in. Stiles sets into the dorm he has been in several times but it feels different without Isaac here, and Stiles finds himself rocking on the heels of his feet. He suddenly remembers that he is wearing cleats so he stops in order to not scoff the floor.

"What are you going as?" Stiles asks, and Derek looks up from where he was looking at Stiles' shoes or something.

"I'm a nerd." Derek says, and Stiles chokes for a second because Derek as a nerd was something that really shouldn't have made Stiles' stomach feel hot. "You didn't have to come with me." Derek says, and Stiles frowns.

"Why wouldn't I?" Stiles says, and Derek shifts his feet nervously.

"Well, it's pretty obvious that parties just aren't my thing." Derek says, and Stiles snorts.

"Oh, so they're mine?" Stiles says, without malice and Derek blushes while he buttons his shirt and Stiles almost whines when he can't see Derek's chest anymore. "Nah, not a partier. I don't really like drinking or anything. I just like Halloween and watching people get shit faced." Stiles says, and Derek smiles at him.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu