"Uh oh.  I'm not gonna like this, am I?"

I pushed off of him and stood.  I looked down at him for a moment and then chickened out. "I need to clean up this mess," I waved my hand over the stack of pizza boxes, grabbed a handful and scurried off to the kitchen. 

Paul followed me and grabbed me around the waist. He lifted me onto the counter and situated himself between my legs.  "No more stalling, Rachel."

I sucked in a deep breath and nodded.  "It might be a while before we see each other again."

He scowled. "How long is a 'while'...are we talking Spring Break?"

"Maybe longer than that."

He growled and stepped back a little.  I wrapped my legs around his waist and used my heels to drag him back to me.  "I want you to hear me out."

He crossed his arms over his chest and nodded.  "Go ahead."

I slid my hands around his neck and intertwined my fingers behind his head. I knew he would bolt and this probably wouldn't do much to stop him, but I had to try. "I may not be home again until summer."

"Summer?" He echoed angrily. "Are you fucking serious?"


I glanced out to the balcony and watched Paul.  He had been out there for ten minutes at least. The longest ten minutes of my life.  I didn't want to let him go, but he was so angry.

I sighed as I weighed my next move.  I could be patient and let him come to me ...or go out there and hope for the best.  I waited another minute and decided to hell with patience.

 "You're not thinking about jumping, are you?" I teased.

He gave me a side eye glance and scoffed.  "No such luck."

I stood next to him, gazing out over the city skyline in the distance.  I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered. "Ready to come inside?"

"You should go in.  It's too cold out here," he replied stoically.

I rubbed my arms and shook my head.  "I'm not going in until you do."

He sucked in a deep breath and growled. "Dammit, Rachel, just go."

"Nope," I replied through chattering teeth.  "If you can handle it...then so can I."

"Oh for fuck's sake," he muttered before throwing the glass slider door open, stepping behind me, lifting me by the waist and forcing me inside.

When he dropped me inside the door and moved to shut it, with him still outside, I yanked on his hand.  We stumbled back, falling over the couch, with him on top. "I'm sorry," I gasped as he stared down at me. 

He started pushing away from me, but I held him close. He growled in frustration, but didn't move off of me.  In a brave moment, I leaned up and kissed his neck, dragged my lips to his earlobe and finally his cheek.  

When he didn't respond to me, I did it again.  I hit the same three spots with a little more pressure as I inched closer to his mouth. I did this three more times with the last kiss landing on the corner of his mouth. 

With a sigh, I gave up.  I looked up at him to find he wasn't scowling anymore. With that smirk of his, he whispered, "Cheesecake," before crushing his lips to mine.

He lowered his full weight onto me and when we kissed, it felt like we were one person. I held him tightly against my body and whimpered when I felt his tongue slide under mine.  He sucked my lower lip into his mouth and growled playfully. I felt that growl vibrate in his chest and it poured right into mine.

Constantly ♡ (Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now