I Fell In Love With You For The Same Reason You Watch The Rain

Start from the beginning

"I'm Derek." Derek says, quietly and the whole room chorus back a 'Hello, Derek.' It so cliché that Derek wants to laugh, but he doesn't. He doesn't want to tell his story in front of strangers, but at the same time he does. He isn't worried that Allison or that guy are going to say anything, this is an anonymous group, but he just cannot speak. "My parents and two of my sisters died in a fire." Derek finally says, quietly and just like that everyone knows who he is.

The town he lives in is small, and it was all over the news. He can feel people shift closer to him as if they want to know the real truth behind the fire. The newspaper said it was a hit gone wrong, but Derek and his family know the truth that wasn't published. Derek was spared being harassed by the newspapers because he is still a minor at seventeen. No one says anything until the boy speaks thoroughly distracting them.

"Hi, I'm Stiles. (Hello, Stiles.). I was in a car crash that killed my mother, and also forced me to get my leg amputated from the knee down." Stiles says, and he pulls up his jeans to reveal a prosthetic limb. Derek is shocked because he never knew that Stiles had that, and they had been going to school together for a while now. Derek almost feels like talking to him, but Allison begins to tell a story about her mother and Derek figures it's for the best.


Derek is pacing around the parking lot waiting for Laura to pick him up when he feels someone standing next to him. Derek looks up to see the boy from earlier, and Derek frowns at him before trying to make room in between them. He can see Allison making out heavily with a boy against his car, Derek is preety sure his name is Scott, and they keep whispering into each other's mouths. Derek isn't sure what they are saying until he catches Allison mutter out "Forever" only to have the boy say it back.

"So what's your name?" The boy asks, and Derek frowns deeper.

"Derek Hale." Derek says, and the boy laughs. It is a loud, clear sound that begrudgingly warms Derek's heart.

"No, like your full name. Like, I'm Hezekiah John Stilinski but my friends call me Stiles." He says, and Derek raises an eyebrow.

"Hi, Hezekiah." Derek says, sarcastically and Hezekiah laughs loudly. Derek sighs before he turns around to face him. "Derek Samuel Hale." Derek says, and Stiles grins at him.

"Hello, Derek Samuel." Stiles says, and Derek gives him a small smile.

"What's with the forever?" Derek asks when curiosity gets the best of him while he points at Allison and her boyfriend. Stiles grins at him before he replies.

"It's like they'll be together forever". Stiles says, and Derek watches them a second before he can feel Stiles staring at him. Derek nervously adjusts the tubes in his nose before snapping at Stiles.

"Why are you staring at me?." Derek snaps, and Stiles grins at him.

"Because you're beautiful." Stiles says, and Derek feel his mouth open in disbelief, and blush fly on his cheeks as Laura pulls up. "You want to come over and watch a movie?" Stiles says, just as casual as if he was asking what time it was.

"Sure. What about Saturday?" Derek says, and Stiles laughs.

"I meant right now." Stiles says, and Derek stares at him in shock before finally nodding his head in agreement. Laura rolls down her window to smile at Derek and Stiles.

"Hey, Laura. This is Hezekiah. I was hoping if I could go to his house?" Derek says, and he plays with the oxygen tubes in his nose. Laura grins at them both before nodding her head at them.

"You're the sheriff's son, right?" She says, and Stiles nods his head. Derek remembers the Sheriff from the after the fire, and he had been a stoic and kind man. "Have fun, Derek." Laura smirks, and Derek begins to nervously fiddle with his oxygen tank.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now