Beacon Hills Blank

Start from the beginning

"Who hired the hit?" Stiles asks, and Braedon sighs in annoyance before opening her eyes.

"Her name is Kate Argent." Braedon says, and Stiles nods before pulling out his phone to get plane tickets to California.


"I can't believe you're back, kiddo!" Stiles' father, John, says before pulling his son into a painful hug. Stiles doesn't even feel guilty anymore about leaving his father out of his life, he is safer this way, and Stiles just smiles at him.

"Well, I wanted to graduate from Beacon Hills just like you, Dad." Stiles lies, and John easily believes him. Stiles is good at lying now that he has made it his job since he was sixteen. "I'm sorry to just spring up on you unannounced." Stiles says, but John just waves him away.

"I'm just so happy to see. The last time I saw you was last Christmas." John says, and Stiles smiles at the vacation that he and his father had last Christmas. John had flown to England to visit Stiles on his break from "school", and Stiles had told him that school paid for everything. Stiles knows that his Dad still struggles finically and he makes deposits into his account every month, but tells his father that he has a good job as an editor of a local paper just outside of London and has no use for the money.

"I'm sorry about that, Dad. Been busy with school and all that." Stiles says, and John nods his head in understanding. John will never understand the life that Stiles lives though, and Stiles knows that it is for the best.

"Just happy you're home, son. I had a feeling you weren't happy at that school. I noticed at Christmas but I didn't want to say anything." John says, and Stiles tries to give him a reassuring smile. "Just happy you're home, son. I had a feeling you weren't happy at that school. I noticed at Christmas but I didn't want to say anything." John says, and Stiles tries to give him reassuring smile. Stiles makes a mental note to watch how he acts around his father since the older man could read him a lot better than Stiles thought.

Stiles threw his things down onto the floor before walking back to his old room. He hasn't lived in this room since he was fifteen, and the room still looks exactly the same. Stiles figured that his father hasn't even touch anything from his room since Stiles left to go to school. "I'll go tomorrow to register at Beacon Hills High." Stiles calls, and his father walks into his room pausing at the doorway.

"It's okay if you want to take a couple of days." John tells him, but Stiles shakes his head. The sooner he kills his targets, the sooner he can go back to his apartment in London.


Stiles has never been to a proper high school in his life, so he really isn't too sure what to except. He called Braeden the night before to ask her what he should expect, and she immediately hung up on him so he figures high school wasn't her thing. Stiles obviously isn't worried about bullying or anything, he just isn't sure how long it is going to take him to kill nine people as inconspicuously as possible without his father finding out.

He slams the door of his Jeep that his father kept all of these years, he can already feel all eyes on him, and he makes his way to the front office. Stiles is impatiently waits for the receptionist to finally notice him. When she does, he tells her his name and she smiles brightly at him. Apparently, all of the Beacon Country had eagerly awaiting the Sheriff's son. Stiles manages a fake small smile at her before she hands over his schedule, and Stiles waves over his shoulder as he makes his way to his first class.

By the end of first period, Stiles is pretty sure he knows more than the teachers. He listens bored as the teacher talks about something he learned when he was fourteen. Given that Stiles technically has the IQ of a genius, it isn't too surprising to himself. Stiles trying to see if anyone from the file is in this class, and unfortunately no. When the first bell rings, Stiles is already done with school. He turns a corner to climb the stairs for his next class, Stiles sees a group of boys shoving another one to the floor.

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