Taking on a troll

Start from the beginning

"Look, I'm sorry ok. I didn't meant to embarrass you in front of your friends." Lucy replies.

"Malfoy is not my friends he's my cousin. As for the two of you don't ever pull a stunt like that again. I hate to agree with a Weasley but he is right it's a wonder either one of you have any friends at all. I heard the crybaby isn't even your real sister." Henry asks pointing to me.

"Henry what's gotten into you? I thought we were friends. Your acting like Draco. and Don't call her that!" I reply in irritation and Henry smiles.

"First off you thought wrong. I would never be friends with blood traitors like you. As for not calling the Crybaby a crybaby why shouldn't I? She certainly acts like one." Henry replied with a scoff.

"You know that She can't help it."

"Why's that?" Henry replied rolling his eyes slightly.

"Not that I should explain things to a bully like you but the childish behavior and speech is a side effect of a potion that she had to take." I reply.

"What kind of potion? What's it for? Why do you hang around with her all day? I mean I know she's supposedly your sister but sheesh. Don't you want a least some time apart from her? I mean she seems a bit clingy." Henry replies.

"I can't tell you and as for your other comment I could ask you the same thing. Doesn't it get tiresome having to follow a Royal snob like your cousin around all day?" I reply.

"Watch your tongue know it all!" Henry replies his eyes flashing in anger momentarily. Then after realizing that Draco wasn't around he sighs and chuckles slightly. "Your right, my cousin is a stuck up snob and I hate hanging around him. What can I do? He's family. Anyway sorry about it what I said earlier. I didn't mean it."

"I don't understand you. One minute your insulting us the next your apologizing. Make up your mind. You can't have it both ways. You should find a better group of people to hang out with. Ones who won't be a bad influence on you."

"Yeah? Like who? Golden boy and his motley crew? I don't think so." Henry replies.

"If you weren't calling my sister and I names all the time I'd say we could be friends. What do you say? Want to give it a try?" Lucy asks and Henry nods.

"Sure but it will have to be in secret. If my cousin finds out and informs my Uncle I'm up the river without a paddle. My Uncle truly despises anyone he considers to be of lower status then our family. Take the Weasley's for example they are pure-bloods but my Uncle and cousin despise them. Why? Because they aren't as rich as us. Anyway, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It was cruel. I think you should go after your sister. She seemed really upset after class. I think I saw her running towards the girl's bathroom."

"Thanks. It's almost dinner time. I'm sure she's already headed towards the great hall. If she's not there already."

Lucy POV

I turn just in time to see Katherina rushing off in tears and I groan. I don't care what my dad says that potion they make her take is not good for her. It makes her too venerable to teasing and all sorts of other kinds of cruelty.

When I reach the dinning hall I look around for Katherina but she is nowhere to be seen. Which seems odd. I'm just about to go and search for her when Professor Quirrell comes running into the dinning hall screaming. "Troll in the dungeon. Troll in the dungeon! I thought you aught to know." He replies before fainting.

Everyone starts to scream and panic around me. Until Professor Dumbledore yells loudly "Silence! Everyone will please not panic. Now prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

We are rushed towards our dorms I pause as does Harry. "What?" Ron demands.

"Hermione and Katherina they don't know about the troll." With that the three of us are rushing down the corridor. Upon hearing a grunting noise we pause in a doorway. As a large and quite ugly troll thunks into the room.

"It's heading toward the girl's bathroom."

Katherina POV

I can hear someone else in the bathroom crying and can only guess that it's Hermione. I sigh 😔 knowing that crying isn't going to solve anything. Its not my fault that I act so childish. It's that stupid potion that Professor Dumbledore insists that I drink. As I turn to exit the stall I pause I can hear a deep breathing which obviously isn't Hermiony. Upon hearing her gasp I peek out of the stall to see a giant troll standing there. He instantly being attacking Hermione who lets out a scream.

I duck down in an attempt to hide from him. As Harry, Ron and Lucy come bursting into the bathroom. "Hermiony move!" Harry calls to her.

"Katherina are you in here?"

"I'm here." I quietly reply unfortunately the troll hears me and turns its attention towards the stall I'm in. Grabbing ahold of me he pulls me out of the stall and lifts me up towards his face. I stare into the troll's eyes. I know that I should be afraid but for some reason I'm not. "Put me down!" The troll just stares at me in response.

Lucy POV

"We've got to do something."

"What?" Ron demands as Hermione quickly rushes to our side. Picking up rocks nearby the boys begin tossing them at the troll in an effort to distract them.

"Stop!" Hermione and I say simultaneously.

"What? Why?"

"You could hit Katherina." I reply.

"Then what do you suggest we do miss know it all?" Ron demands.

"Guys now is not the time to argue. We've got to rescue her.

Meanwhile for some reason Katherina seems to be extremely calm. "I said put me down!" She pauses then demands "now!"

Surprisingly the troll does as Katherina demands and begins to lower her to the ground. One she is safe on the ground I raise my wand and use the levitation spell from earlier to cause the troll's club to raise into the air and hit the troll on the head knocking it unconscious. Then I rush to her side in concern. "Are you alright? That thing didn't hurt you did it?"

"I'm fine."

"Oh thank God. Come on, we should be getting back before we get caught." Ron replies.

Before we could exit the corridor Professors Snape, Macgonagall and Quirrell come rushing into the room and gasp in shock. "Oh my goodness! Explain yourselves all of you."


"It's my fault Professor Mcgonagall. I went looking for the troll. I read about trolls and through I could handle it."

"That doesn't explain what you two are doing here." Professor Macgonagall replies turning to Lucy and I.


"I wanted to see the troll. Hagrid has told me so much about them that I was curious. He didn't make them sound dangerous. I thought that I might be able to talk it into leaving the castle."

"If Harry, Ron and Lucy hadn't shown up when they did I'd have probably be dead." Hermione replies.

"Be that as it may it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behavior on your part Ms Granger. As for you Ms. Lupin, perhaps you've been spending too much time with Hagrid. Ten points will be taken from Griffindore for your serious lack of judgement. As for you two gentlemen I hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students can take on a full grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points will be awarded to each of you for sheer dumb luck."

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