Mysteries Lie Within Pt. 2

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Warning: Blood and guts and stuff.

One moment she seemed calm, then once unchained, she pounced. Sam stared up at the dragonesque female, his eyes wide. 

She leaned her head forward once more, her one golden eye scanning over his body, and her nose brushed against him. She sniffed a few times before a large tongue rolled out and licked from his torso up, causing his hair to slick back with the saliva. Her throat rumbled, almost like she was purring. Behind her, her tail could be seen swaying back and forth, thumping loudly into the walls.

Sam hesitated to touch her after before, but now he placed a hand delicately on her nose. "Uh...y-you're welcome." He looked at her eyes, then to the one gray one and pointed to it. "Did...they do that to you?" He asked hesitantly.

Acrylla let out a soft angry, yet sad growl and gave a soft nod, her hand curling tighter around him but seemingly for her own comfort. She used her free hand to point to a shelf attached to the walls filled with all sorts of chemicals, then pointed to her eye.

"They used those?" Sam frowned deeply, his hand rubbing up and down on the top of her nose. She was alive, she seemed to have feelings, why would they do such a thing to her? Military weapon? Just some experiment?

The commotion outside grew nearer, and Acryalla growled, her fangs bared. She released him from her grip and now turned to the tiny door. Her body stretched overtop of him, the gray clothing making it seem like swarms of storm clouds hovered over him.  The girl shifted to her hands and knees as to shield him from whatever or whoever came through the door.

Dozens of guards dressed in white and gray armor came inside, their military-grade guns raised and ready to fire. They weren't expecting to find Acrylla unchained and snarling at them from across the large room. The panic in their faces was evident, and so obvious, that a few didn't bother to wait for special orders to fire their weapons.

As soon as the gunshots rang out, the body above him lunged forward. It had happened so fast, the first one didn't have any time to scream when the sharp fangs ripped through his armor, tearing his body clean in half. Blood dripped on the floor as the empty legs dropped down. 

Acrylla continued to growl in anger, roar, pouncing, biting, slashing with her claws. Sam couldn't even speak as he watched. The crunching of bones filled his ears, frightened, pained shouts that were immediately silenced when her teeth pierced their flesh. 

One of the men had taken a chance to aim his weapon at Sam, but his trigger finger wasn't fast enough. Two large hands snatched him up, holding half in each hand and snapped his spine backward with a shattering crack. Sam had to shudder. It looked easier than breaking a toothpick. 

When there were less than five left, and plenty of organs, blood, and bone bits were scattered about the room, she returned to Sam and took him gently in her crimson-colored hands and started to smash into the walls around her. With each blow, the thick rock cracked. Multiple inhuman shouts could be heard coming from the other rooms nearby, no doubt other creatures in captivity. 

Dust started sweeping up around them as she banged the walls, rubble falling, the ceiling cracking above them. As more pieces began to fall, Acrylla wrapped her wings around them both and charged one more time against the rock, a deafening rumble following in its wake.

Sam was blinded by sunlight as it hit his eyes, the sun scorching at his skin. He hadn't realized just how cold it had been down there until now. Blood now stained his shirt and pants. That wasn't going to come out easily. And even if it didn't, what was he supposed to do with them? He'd totally be hunted down to get arrested, and now Acrylla would be hunted too. 

While in his own thoughts, he hadn't realized the giantess had scooted away from him and was now crouched over in the desert land, snarling and clearly chewing at something. 

"Acrylla? Acrylla! Come on, we've got to go!" Sam called out.

Acrylla turned to look at him, her lips lifted into a closed mouth smile, but what was clearly someone's intestines hung out past her lips. She slurped them up easily, just like noodles, and it took Sam a moment to collect himself because of how proud of herself she looked. It was like she was trying to show off, show him what she could do.

They deserved it in her mind, after all. They kept her chained up, tormented her. What else was she supposed to think when he let her go?

She walked on all fours across the ground back to him, and scooped him back up into her palms. She pressed her nose into him once again, the same purring noise rumbling in her throat. 

"We've gotta go before they come for you..." Sam whispered, resting his forehead gently against her nose. 

Acrylla looked back at her wings, then stretched them out behind her and flapped the strong appendages once or twice, then looked at him with a inquisitive gaze. It was as if she was asking his permission to use them.

Sam looked around the area, knowing there would be no other way to get her out of there fast enough. He smiled, and lifted his head to gaze at her blood-spattered face. "You know what, go for it."

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