Borrower!Reader x Predator

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My first predator based short, inspired by NuclearSugarBomb

It was horrible. Borrowers of all genders and ages trapped in separate cages while dozens of hungry voices boomed out different prices. I could hear them over the sounds of the desperate pleas of my own kind. Despite what the Predators think, I am a Borrower. I really am. But due to the bushy tail poking out of my back they believe I am some new species for them to try. A rare delicacy to end up on an expensive dinner plate.

It felt like I'd been in here hours. Days. The number of different voices decreased around me. Finally, I could hear a male voice speaking in a mysterious voice, clearly hyping up the different bidders. 

"For out final morsel of the night, we have an entirely different little thing for you! They have a strange fox tail attached to them! You could simply eat them away, or I'm sure they would make a darling, obedient pet to do with as you wish!"

The sheet that had been covering my cage lifted, and the bushy, brown tail that had been behind me now curled around my body as a sort of security blanket. Dozens of eyes were on me. Each mouth before the stage grinning, showing off frightening fangs. My blood ran cold, and the bidding began. 

A young woman with a wide grin instantly raised the amount, her hungry eyes never breaking from me. I could feel her devouring me with her eyes. "Eight hundred!"

It was another male's turn, his fat body shaking when he laughed in disbelief. "You'll have to do better than that to beat me, sweetheart. One thousand!"

This was how it went. My heart racing in my chest, loud bids being shouted. My eyes landed on an older woman in the back. She wasn't smiling, but instead, a deep frown was on her lips. If I hadn't been horrified, I may have noticed that her eyes weren't hungry, but had a glint of sadness in them.

I'd practically drowned out every voice, but when the bids began to slow and fewer people were speaking, I finally tuned back in to see just what people would pay for a quick bite. God, it terrified me just to think about it. Being eaten, whether it be alive or killed first. 

"Sixty-three thousand!"


The pompous man from before eyed my hungrily and again opened his mouth. "Ninety!"

Now there were no more voices. Everyone looking at each then back to the cage with envious eyes. 

It was then I heard a new voice. One that hadn't been bidding at all through the whole ordeal. "One-hundred thousand." 

Turning my head, I could see it was that older woman. Instead of standing in the back, she had moved upward toward the front of the crowd. Her eyes never left me, but I couldn't meet her gaze. The tail that was around me tickled my arms, but I wasn't about to move it away from my body as if I were afraid one of those Predators would try and cut it right off of me.

The man glared at this elderly woman. "One hundred and ten."

"One hundred thirty." Her voice remained gentle and calm, and when I looked toward the man he appeared suddenly nervous. 

"Uh, one hundred and thirty-five!"

The grey-haired female peeked into the small black purse she was carrying before speaking again. "One hundred forty."

"N-Now you stop that you old witch! I-If I go any higher-" He began, but she immediately cut him off.

"Then don't." She was still softspoken, and she flashed an almost too kind smile at the well-dressed man.

He sputtered, fumbling over his words but didn't place another bid. Even from this distance, I could see nervous beads of sweat dripping down his face. 

"Sold, to the lovely lady with the white shawl!" The auctioneer barked joyously, and for the first time, she smiled, revealing her own fangs. So she too was for sure a Predator. 

The crowd dispersed, disappointed mumbles coming from every direction that I didn't want to even try to hear. Some Predators were carrying cages with trembling Borrowers in them. However, I was too focused on the woman nearing my cage with a few stacks of bills in hand. She wasn't hesitant to hand them over to the man who had auctioned us all off.

"Would you like to keep the cage?" He asked the woman, his smile evident in his tone when he took the money from her.

"It won't be necessary." She spoke calmly, and he obliged, unlocking the cage with a silver key that I doubted I could carry.

Her hand reached in, and I could only cower away, waiting for the harsh grip as all of them had handled me with before. But it didn't come. Her fingers nudged me forward before scooting me right into her other hand's open palm. They were soft and smelled slightly of lilac. 

The outside world around me blurred as she walked from the cage, carrying me gingerly in her open hand. However, her other stayed near me, almost forming a protective wall from me and any of the jealous Predator's that might try and snatch me away. 

I knew what was coming, it was inevitable. I was going to die. "J-Just get it over with fast. I-I don't want to feel any more pain." I managed to squeak out, my hands gripping the soft fur of my tail that was still curled around me.

"Hush now little one. I'm not going to harm a single hair on your head or tail. I wouldn't dream of it." Her voice was so gentle, and she smiled at me, but my eyes were only locked onto the white fangs that her parted lips revealed.

"I know you're frightened, but I just couldn't let them harm you. Sell you off to someone that would only see your uniqueness as a special ingredient. You're special darling. Now please, tell me your name."

I was hesitant, but her voice was smooth and convincing. "Y-Y/N."

"Well, Y/N, I'm Eleanor. I'll be taking care of you from now to the end." Her smile only widened, one of her fingers reaching up and began to stroke the top of my head in what appeared to be an attempt to comfort me more.

I didn't know why, nor how I believed her words so easily. But I knew it then. I was truly safe with this different, gentle Predator.

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