Max (Calinthro)

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BASED ON MY STORY 'Calinthro' which if you haven't read you probably should before reading this because it may contain spoilers. Thank you someonesaidhi for the idea!

Max paced back and forth across the hardwood floor, breathing heavily while his hands gripped his hair in frustration, confusion. "I don't get it! You're supposed to be terrified! You're supposed to cower in fear every time I reach for you!" He all but shouted, turning to face the tiny, bruised female on the table. 

Her dirty hair only partially hid her face, and she forced herself upright on shaky arms. Her tiny, silver eyes met his large dark ones as they glistened from painful tears in the dim light. 

Leia knows just why he's so cruel. Why he tortures her. She doesn't care what he does to her. She knows that somewhere in his heart he knows she won't give up on him. "B-Because, I-I said it before, I-I love you."

"Stop saying that! No one loves me, no one could ever love me!" With burning red eyes, he swings his hand that impacts harshly against her body and sent her rolling across the table, shouting in agony.

This had been going on for weeks now. He would hit her, kick her, lock her in that metal cage yet no matter what she always found a way to say those three words. 

Leia choked on her words, blood dripping down her face as she struggled to again look at the Calinthro towering over her. She slowly started to reach out a bruised and bloodied arm to him, a weak smile crossing her lips. "I-I do. Y-You only think n-no one can, b-because it's been s-so long."

Max clenched his fists, feeling his teeth and nails turn sharp and jagged. As he raised his hand to strike her again, it fell short and he returned his hand to his side with sorrowful eyes. "L-Liar."

"I-I'm not l-lying." Leia again started to shove herself up, crying out in pain when she tried to move her other arm. 

Max could see the bone was broken and couldn't bring himself to reach out to help. Why? After thousands of years, why now did someone pretend to care about him? Why were they putting themselves through so much suffering to try and convince him? 

His clawlike nails sunk back into his skin, leaving blood on his fingers. He could feel the fangs retracting into his gums. And very gently, maybe the most gentle he's been with a human for years, lifted the female into his palms. Part of him believed her. Part of him didn't. He doesn't love her back, not yet. It would take him time to learn what love feels like after so long. However, it won't stop him from doing his best to help her now.

Leia nuzzled into the warm hands, ignoring the blood covering her clothes from him. His touch was so gentle, so caring all of the sudden. Using her good arm, she touched one of the closest fingers to her. "M-Max, y-you're not evil. Y-You can be l-loved."

Max's throat felt dry. His chest was tight and his jaw clenched. After shutting his eyes, he opened them again with tears glistening in the dark-colored orbs. "H-How...a-after all I did to you?"

"I-I knew i-it was because of how many p-people have rejected you. Wh-When you loved them b-but they didn't r-return it. I-It made you c-cold. C-Cruel. I-I can see past that." Leia's eyes met his giant ones, and she was glad for the first time to see they weren't glazed with evil not she could see any sadistic desires on his face. Only pain. Maybe even fear.

Cupping the human in his palms, Max held her against his chest as silent tears dripped down his cheeks. It'd been so long since anyone, let alone a human, had been remotely as caring as she has been to him. No matter what he did to her, she always responded with the same thing. 'I love you.' It confused him. Made him angry at times. So he took a deep breath and through his tears, smiled down at the injured female, knowing he had to take care of her. 

"Thank you."

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