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I had been sleeping soundly, dreaming peacefully of T.V. shows and weird crap my brain decides to throw in. 

My subconscious, however, kicked me awake. I could hear soft sobs, whimpers.  I knew immediately what it was and sat upright in the dark of my room. "Ginny?" I call the Borrower's name quietly, and the sobs cease. She was trying to be silent, she's done this before. "Ginny, it's okay."

"I-I had a nightmare, a-and you're going to want me to talk about it but I don't want to talk about it." Her quiet voice choked out, clearly somewhere near me on my bed. 

Carefully, I extend my arms through the dark until my fingers brush against an object that cringed away from my touch. "Ginny, I won't ask if you don't want to." Speaking gently, I curl my fingers around her and I feel the familiar sensation of her tiny arms wrapped around my thumb. 

Sliding out of bed I walk across the room and turn on the light, both me and the Borrower in my hand blinking to get used to the bright light. Looking down, I could feel my heart twisting in pain at the sight of her tearstained face and matted hair. 

"Hey, baby, it's okay." I run my finger down her back a few times before shifting to rubbing circles to help her calm down.  Her arms stayed tight against my thumb, her face buried in my skin as she heaved loud, gut wrenching sobs. 

Returning to my bed, I lay on my side and cuddle her as close as I can without smothering her. "Genevieve, please take a deep breath and look at me."

It took a few seconds, but slowly her head turned to meet my gaze, tears dripping down her cheeks and black strands of hair sticking to her face. 

Genevieve's grip remained tight around my finger, and while cradling her in my palms I attempt to calm her down. "It was just a nightmare, ya know? Whatever happened can't really happen. Babe, I'm serious." Pushing my own hair out of my face, I watch as she seemed to grow uncomfortable all of the sudden and again hide her face against the side of my hand.

"I-It could. Y-You really could one day just d-decide you don't want to bother with me anymore, a-and kick me out, hurt me." Ginny's quiet voice responded in an almost inaudible whisper, but thankfully I've been training my ears to pick up her lower statements.

"I would never!" I whisper shout, taking into consideration the fact my parent's bedroom is right next to my own. "I know exactly what it feels like to be abandoned by people you thought were your friends, and I've read far too many and written too many stories to just leave you, hurt you. Ginny, you're stuck with me. Now and forever."

Carefully, I place a kiss on the top of her head and let her cling to my finger as her tiny figure trembled in my palm. "Go ahead and try and fall back asleep, okay? I promise I'll be right here."

Ginny slowly laid down, her black hair mostly hiding her face. I could hear tiny sniffles, her body curling up in my palm. She was still clinging to my finger for dear life, clutching it to her body and hugging it. 

Still laying on my side, I cuddle the Borrower close and continue whispering gently to her that it will be okay. I figure I should wait to go back to sleep myself. Despite all the stories I read about giants and giantess's sleeping peacefully with their own little buddy held close, I don't trust myself not to roll over on top of her in the middle of the night.

After maybe twenty minutes, the sniffles subsided and I slid from my bed to the pile of fabric I set up for Genevieve to sleep on. I laid her gently on the soft surface, pulling a cotton cloth over her sleeping form, smiling while I do. "Sleep well the rest of the night hon, you'll feel better in the morning."

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