Playtime P.2

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((I wasn't going to do this, but several people wanted a short update to my previous one. So here you go!))

After their mother walked away, Emily still didn't lift her head to look at Matthew or Kamri. Nothing could describe her embarrassment to the fact her crush just caught her dolled up in well, doll clothes.

Kamri, on the other hand, was confused as to why Emily suddenly seemed sad. She turned her head and looked at Matthew with a frown who couldn't fight it back anymore and erupted into loud laughter. At first, she was confused, but then she heard her older sisters quiet sobs. 

When Matthew started laughing it only added to the embarrassment and pain. She couldn' fight back the tears any longer and they began to roll freely down her face as she tried not to make any sound. 

Gentle hands lifted her off the bed and she slowly looked up to see Kamri looking down at her with a frown. "Emily?" She whispered, one of her large fingers pushing across her cheek. "Why are you crying?"

Emily's arms wrapped tight around the child's finger, hugging it tightly as she tried to block out the laughter of the giant boy, which was finally dying down.

"Wait, she's crying?" Matthew asked as his smile was replaced with a frown and his own hands lifted her from Kamri's palms. "I wasn't making fun of you. Well, maybe a little, but-"

Kamri's own angry voice interrupted him. "She's crying because you laughed at her! You're supposed to be here friend, and we were just playing! She always plays with me, no matter how much she doesn't like it and now because you laughed at her she probably won't ever again!"

Matthew's frown deepened and he looked back down to the human resting in his hands. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? You have to understand that sometimes everyone laughs at things we shouldn't. Take cruel jokes or injuries on the internet for example."

"This isn't a cruel joke or an injury!" Emily snapped, lifting her head to glare at the teen boy as one of her hands gripped the itchy fabric of the dress. "I was playing with my little sister! And I like playing with her, she always gets all excited and that makes me happy!" She felt tears brimming in her eyes again. "M-Mom and dad, they understood that I can't do too much to actually play with her. They didn't laugh."

"Look, I'm sorry!" Matthew's voice boomed overhead. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad! I think it's nice you want to play with your little sister but the whole dressing up in dolls clothes is funny!"

Emily looked back down and balled her hands into frustrated fists, finding herself being taken from him and back into Kamri's hands. "Maybe to you." She whispered. "Please, just go. We can talk later. I need to finish this game."

Matthew turned on his heels and left the house quickly, now feeling a tad guilty he had laughed at her. But he couldn't help it.

Kamri looked at her older sister with a slightly confused look. "Y-You're still going to play with me?" She asked quietly, watching Emily itch her back around the velcro.

"Of course. I love you, and I'm so glad you're my sister." She responded, tugging at the piece of velcro which was starting to cut into her back now.

"I love you too." Kamri smiled happily and placed Emily back down on her bed. She then set the lid back up as a barrier so she could change again.

Emily picked up one of the other doll dresses, looking at it. She may have been embarrassed, but nothing could get in the way of her and her sisters bond.

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