Idk (Black Butler G/t)

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((Storybuilding, I guess for an OC I was using for a roleplay. Kinda sloppy, I have no title, I'll probably do a part 2 and a part 3. Enjoy!))

It was quite late, the fires already burning themselves down to nothing, the few candles lit about the mansion running low on wax. A certain butler, however, despite it being two hours past midnight was still making his way through the mansion. 

Sebastian was used to going about his tasks while everyone else slept. It was of course the easiest time to get things done, none of the others could get in his way.

Currently, the demon was in the kitchen, doing some extra cleanup and preparation when the time came to begin breakfast. He always made sure that he had everything ready to go, that he didn't have to make any last-minute run for ingredients or wash a pan that was forgotten about and dirty.

However, he paused his movements and went still. His ruby eyes flashed brightly, but for only a moment as a familiar scent wafted past his nose. He turned his head slightly to the side and closed his eyes with a faint, gentle chuckle. 

"Everyone else is asleep. Yet you hesitate to come out. Where are you, little one?" 

It took moments for him to catch a glimpse of her golden hair, her green rags she called her clothes. His head snapped her direction, but he didn't move from his place. Her kind were already near extinct as it was.

"You know what I am. I know you sense it." He spoke calmly, his voice in a hushed tone in an attempt to ease her worries. "And I know that you know that I am fully aware of what you are."

The sounds of movement ceased now, and he kept his gaze focused on the space between the stove and the cabinets. He wasn't talking to himself. He knew he wasn't. Sebastian exhaled softly, dusting his hands off and folded his arms tightly over his chest. 

"Your patience already wears thin," a delicate response finally came. A smooth, soft sound. "Your kind are not the most dangerous. But you are the most unpredictable."

Not the most dangerous, no, but many would think her words were silly. There was truth to her statement. "You've been watching me, though you've only recently arrived here. Understand this. If I thought you a threat, I wouldn't be holding a conversation with you. I'd have ripped you to pieces by now."

He was met with silence once more. Perhaps he took his response too far now. However, the bodyless voice spoke again.

"Sebastian." It was even quieter now. The tone had shifted, it had become less confident. Frightened. It wasn't his words that did this, this was something else. The underlying message in simply her calling his name was enough for him to understand. 

"You want help," Sebastian stiffened, his expression that had been hard to read shifting into a visible frown. Her kind were weak. Vulnerable. They'd been brainwashed to believe the demons were their biggest enemy. Yet here she was, seeking him out. "I cannot form a contract. I am already bound."

At last, her tiny figure emerged from the darkness of the small nook. Her light blonde hair long and braided, it hung to her waist. Taken down, it would no doubt be longer than that. Pulled back it also revealed her pointed ears. Her emerald green eyes stared at him from her place on the floor. "I don't want to form a contract. I'd like you to take me. You're one of the few beings that could do it with no remorse, that's what I need. I-I'm tired of running from them."

Had she been human, angel, demon, anything but what she was he may have granted her request immediately. Sebastian, however, hesitated. "Killing a fae is not exactly on my list of things to do. Though I could agree that running and hiding from those winged bastards would be tiresome, your kind are nearly gone. It would do me no pleasure to take another."

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