Ginger Snap (Satan and Me)

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Lucifer sighed, slowly opening his eyes as he leaned back on the beanbag. Since the voices were quiet, he was actually able to get some sleep. "Hey kid, are you awake?" He grumbled and glanced over to Natalie's bed before his golden eyes widened in both shock and confusion. The kid wasn't on the bed like she normally was. And she wasn't pestering him. "I swear if Michael came and fucking did something-"

"U-uh, Satan?" A soft voice called, sounding quite similar to Natalie's. It made him scan the room, his red horns pushing through the skin on his forehead. "D-Down here." There it was again. He lowered his head, his black hair now hanging in his face as he spotted a small feminine figure on the floor with red hair.

"What the actual fuck happened to you kid?" Lucifer mumbled, reaching down and plucking the tiny eighteen-year-old off the ground. His mouth was curled into a smirk, amused and confused.

"Hey! You be careful! I get you're a marshmallow but, you can't just...dangle people over the this." Natalie spoke slowly, staring at the floor far below her. "Oh god, I might vomit."

"Not on me. Don't do that." He lowered her into his palm, his eyebrow turned upward. "Do you know what happened? Does Michael think this is some sort of fucking joke? I swear I'll use his entrails to strangle him."

"I-I don't know what happened!" Natalie pouted, plopping onto her knees. "And just because you're the Devil doesn't mean you have to be so mean."

"We've been through this before, girl. Heh, but now look at you. You really are a 'Nat' huh?" He teased, poking her. 

"That's not funny Luce. Do you know how we can fix this? I mean, your horns and everything is huge now. Even your head seems a little bigger. Oh wait, isn't that impossible?" A wide grin fell onto the redheads face, and it took every ounce of strength in Lucifer's body not to just close his hand around her and squeeze.

"Shut up." He mumbled and pushed himself to his feet. "We should probably avoid Kristi, your dad...Laila, anyone seeing you like this until we find out what the hell is going on here and why you're able to fit in my palm."

"Yeah, you're the one supposed to be in the palm of my hand." She stuck her tongue out at him, giggling. 

"Even in a situation like this, you're able to crack jokes?"

"You know it."

A familiar ginger haired angel appeared, his blue orbs glinting angrily. "I swear. The human me is a pain in the butt. So Luce, where's...Ginger Snap?" Michael trailed off, looking at the teen in his brother's palm. "Oh my dad, what happened to her?" 

"Hey, Michael. I'm glad you're not still mad at me and all...but did you do this?" Natalie whined, pointing an accusing finger at the angel. "Because if so you really are a buttface!"

"Don't accuse me of such things Nat. I've been sticking to the human me like glue, I haven't had time for pranks. Besides, if anyone would do something like this I'd say...Gabriel." He mumbled.

"You know Gabe doesn't do this sort of thing, he's too...stiff," Lucifer mumbled, glaring at his brother with an annoyed expression. "What are you even doing here?"

"I was just popping in, but now I think we should find out what happened to Ginger Snap. Before anyone else finds out and she gets hurt. People have found out that for some reason using her gets to you, and they were to use her in this way...they could probably find a way to hurt you both." Michael mumbled, his blue orbs staring at the floor as he thought.

"He's got a point kid. So. What do you think we should do? We can't leave her alone."

"I never said anything about leaving her alone. You go out as Stan and see if you can question anyone of your followers. Maybe they might know exactly what's going on?" Michael mumbled again, his eyes now watching Natalie who was struggling to get a word in. 

"And babysit the shortie?!" Satan almost whined with his teeth bared at the angel. "You're out of your goddamn mind Michael."

"Satan. I trust you." Natalie turned her large green eyes up to the Devil. "I've told you that before."

Lucifer paused and turned his eyes down to the teen in his hand before averting his golden eyes. He made a slight 'tsk' sound with his tongue before heaving a sigh. "Fine. I'll watch her and keep an eye out."

"Thanks. I'll ask around Heaven." Michael smiled a wide smile before taking off, his wings making soft fluttering noises as he disappeared into the distance.

"Alright kid. Where to?" Lucifer turned his eyes back to Natalie who was smiling up at him, despite his own scowl.

"Michael told you where. So let's just go and find your little babies." She giggled and poked the center of his palm.

He groaned in response, turning his head away from her. "I hate you, you know that right?"


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