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Ever since my grandmother told me about a rare demon species, I've been very careful about what people I consider my friends. The Calinthro is what she called them. While my mother told me it was all a fairytale, I believed. I still do, more than ever now.

The Calinthro are a giant, humanoid creature that can change into the size of a normal human. This is a trick they used to deceive a human before dragging them back to the Underworld. Once the human is in the Underworld, it is unknown what exactly happens to them. No one has returned from there after all. 

My name is Jenny Lopez, I'm sixteen years old. I met the Calinthro that took me in high school. He was one of my bet friends, and the way he acted made me feel so certain I could trust him, so I finally let my guard down. Just as I did, everything around me flashed black and red before I stood in complete black with him standing in front of me. Or above me, I should say. I remember feeling trapped like I couldn't get away. Though, it's not hard to remember considering it only just happened yesterday. 

"Jenny." A deep voice pulled me from my light slumber. Had I not been so utterly terrified of what my 'master' would do to me, I would have completely ignored him. But knowing the size difference, I slowly opened my chocolate brown eyes and found myself staring right into his massive green ones. 

Giant digits suddenly encircled me and I let out a small squeal of fear. It was nearly sickening the way his flesh felt against my own. It was almost enough to gag. But I didn't. I fought that feeling down and stared up into his face, awaiting his next move.

When the world around me blurred I knew we were moving. But I had to close my eyes again to avoid getting motion sickness. I'd always gotten queasy easily. Something that when I thought he was a human, Derrick was very considerate of. "Well, it took me long enough to get to you," The deep voice said with an amused chuckle. "I was beginning to think you'd always be suspicious of me. I was about ready to give up, but I'm sure glad I didn't."

"W-Well this is what I was s-scared of," I squeaked out. I could feel myself shaking in his fist. "I-I thought I could trust you. I-I thought I'd be safe. But I was wrong." Why did I keep talking? Did I think maybe pity would get him to let me go?

"Who says you aren't safe?" He questioned, a slightly hurt tone in his voice. "I've never said anything about hurting you. But you are my property now. And now it's my job to take care of you. You're my pet, Jenny. And you better keep that in mind. I'd hate to have to remind you who is in charge." Derrick's voice was so stern. I'd never heard that tone of him.

But is that what I'm doomed to be for the rest of my miserable life here? A pet to a Calinthro, and nothing more than a piece of property to him. Something he owns, controls. The thought made my eyes glaze over as tears threatened to push their way through, but I fought them off. Not daring to speak, I slowly nodded.

"Oh, come on. Don't be like that, what happened to the Jenny I knew I wanted? The Jenny I wanted to take home? The perky, cheerful, smart human that I fell for in the first place." His voice was right by my ear, behind me. I could feel his breath against my arms and neck, and my hair blew in front of me only slightly. Was he...flirting with me?

I felt my cheeks heat up with him being so close. But I couldn't like him the way he likes me. Not after this. "Sh-She's gone when you betrayed her. When you kidnapped her." I spat out. 

HIs green eyes darkened dangerously as the grip tightened around my body. I didn't get a chance to react when I was suddenly dropped down into what I could only assume was a drawer with him glowering down at me. 

"I suppose the Derrick you knew is gone now. Now that he knows you don't seem to understand the situation." He hissed, a frightening scowl on his face.

There was a sudden jolt and I fell onto my back as he slammed whatever I was in shut. Staring straight up, I regretted talking back like that. Now all I could do was wait for him to let me out. To wait here in the darkness for the Calinthro that will decide my fate.

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