Mysteries Lie Within Pt. 1

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A request from GamerBerry6767!! I really liked this idea, and the fact that it's based around current trends made it even better!

Also, two parts to this one! And it's actually planned! Part two will be out later today, most likely.

Sam accepted some time ago that maybe life just wasn't made for him. School was never the best, his parents fought all the time, and it was like all of his friends ditched him over the years. So when he heard about the raid that was going to take place out at Area 51, he knew that if he were to go and live or die, it would be a great final adventure for the graduated nineteen-year-old.

So, when the time got near, Sam used what money he had left from his sucky job at a retail store and rode his bike two states away to Nevada. 

It was hard, making an excuse to get out of work. He didn't need one for his parents, they were too busy arguing about the unpaid bills to notice he had slipped away in the middle of the night. If he had enough money, he'd have been out of there and living on his own in an apartment somewhere but he didn't.

It was quite a far distance to bike, and of course, people were concerned when they saw him, but because he was nineteen no one could say anything since he was legally an adult. And once he was there, he stayed in a cheap motel with what little money he had for a few days. Then the time came.

Sam was quite surprised at the little number of people that had actually shown up. It worried him, his anxieties immediately suggesting he would be the first one to get caught. What would it matter anyway? That was the end he really wanted right? 

Everyone there seemed to have a few things wrong upstairs, shouting, dressed strangely and whatnot. The authorities seemed to be more focused on those ones than the ones like him who appeared fairly normal.

When he guessed no one was looking, he started running across the desert. He was light, and quick on his feet. By the time those with guns had noticed him, he was already too close to the small, half cylinder-shaped building. He didn't know what he would find. Aliens? Just an air force facility filled with high-tech aircraft?

He could hear gunfire behind him, bullets whizzing past his head and hair but now, he ducked through the cracked garage door and tripped down a small flight of stairs, banging his knee up pretty badly on the way down.

"Shit!" Sam hissed, holding his knee. He'd torn his jeans and spots of blood were beginning to bead on his skin. He was already this close, he had to keep going. Now that he could see the white tunnels so far down below, he had to see.

Several more flights of stairs led deep into the ground, led into vast white tunnels with multiple doors stretched out for what looked like miles underground. Who would ever guess that this was what that small airbase was underneath? 

There was still commotion above, and he could see several men on their way down the stairs, so Sam chose to run. he ran until he was positive he was out of sight of the stairs and ducked into a random room to hide. Part of him was starting to realize, being chased by guys with guns isn't a good way to die.

He could hear voices, doors opening and shutting as they were no doubt searching for him. He let out a soft sigh, then air rushed past his head. What sounded to be loud, heavy breathing came from directly behind him. He was almost too afraid to look but slowly turned his head to gaze over his shoulder.

Sam had to clamp a hand over his mouth to avoid shouting his back falling into the thick walls of the room as he gazed up at the creature before him. It would have appeared human, had it not been for the ombre red and black horns poking out of its head. That, and large wings that were unfolded only slightly, and a scaly tail that wrapped around its legs. The arms of this humanoid also had scales that started at the hands but soon faded into normal skin near the elbow, and the face had this too around the eyes. The eyes...the eyes were a piercing golden color that stood out harshly against the dark brown hair of this creature. No, only one eye was. The other was off-color, like it was blind in just that one eye. Judging by the hair, as well as the body shape, it was female. It even looked to be close to his age. But it didn't reach for him. Instead, when it moved, the clinking of chains echoed around the room.

Off to the side was a sign that read 'Half-dragon Beast: Acrylla - DO NOT REMOVE CHAINS.' 

Acrylla. She even had a name, yet was chained up like this? Nervously, Sam lifted his head to meet the golden eye that was gazing at him curiously. She seemed to know that he wasn't supposed to be here, and was wondering why he was. Her face came closer, her nose bumping into him as she made soft sniffing sounds and quiet, growling grunts.

"'s your name?" Sam asked nervously, reaching a hand up to touch her nose but she flinched away from his touch with an angry yet frightened growl. "W-Wait, i-it's alright. I'm...I'm Sam." He put a hand on his chest, wondering if she could understand. "Sam."

Acrylla gazed at him in silence, before she pointed at him and made a low, hissing sound that sounded as if she was attempting to say his name. 

"Y-Yes, Sam. I'm Sam," he smiled. She didn't seem too dangerous. If anything, she seemed relatively normal. Well, besides the dragon horns, tail, scales, wings, and the inability to speak. He felt a sense of pity well inside of him. He knew what it was like to be trapped. "D-Do they force you to stay here? What...what do they do to you?"

Acrylla made a soft, sad whine, one of her chained hands pointing to her eye, then to several scars covering her arms. Her one golden eye glistened as she stared at him pleadingly, and it was obvious to him what she wanted. 

"I-I can't let you go, I'd get in so much trou-" he didn't finish his sentence, realizing he was probably going to get gunned down the moment they found him. "Okay, okay, second, okay?"

Following the chains, he found that they were only hooked into the wall by a much larger version of what you would clasp a necklace with. If her arms weren't chained the way they were, she could've gotten out on her own some time ago.

The fact he knew he was already dead made it easier to undo the chains. Being killed by a large, dragon girl seemed much more fitting to this adventure of his rather than a bullet. As soon as they were undone, a sharp pressure circled his body. 

Large, dirty fingers had grabbed hold of him, and he turned to see the girl baring her fangs down at him, her wings outstretched, and her tail wagging back and forth behind her, knocking into the few empty shelves around the room. She was making a low growling noise, and her fingers seemed to tighten around him. 

Sam gasped at the pressure and gazed up at her, waiting for her next move.

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