Space 'Adventure'

762 23 19

Inspired by Gbbhjcgjnbc
Also, made with 'Mega Fantasy Avatar Creator'

Captain Ricardo was surrounded on all sides by flashing, blaring lights. He was practically button mashing the controls to stabilize his ship, but one of his engines died after being struck with space debris and now he had no way to keep his vessel steady. That wasn't his only problem. If he didn't somehow stabilize his ship, he would probably either crash or be floating in space for the rest of his life.

A new blaring sound made him jump and wheel around to face the other panel. Now it seemed like something else was oncoming from behind. 

"Damn it!"

If he lost his other engine, that would be it.

Ricardo went back to frantically pressing controls, trying to get in contact with his station back home but the radio seemed to be dead too.

The debris on his monitor was getting closer to the rear of his ship and he realized this wasn't a situation he would be able to leave alive. He is convinced the universe is making sure he won't make it home again.

Everything suddenly went dark and silent. The alarms stopped, his machines turned off, even the roaring of the single remaining engine had died out. Something else was going on. He should be floating about aimlessly now but instead, things were perfectly steady. What was this?

He listened in the silence, picking up faint tapping noises outside of the ship. Perhaps it was the debris? 

Everything around him jerked to the left, sending him toppling against the wall hard against his back. He coughed a few times, being sent to the other side of the small pod. He scrambled to find something to hang onto and look out the window.

Outside the front of the ship, a large blue cover was blocking the window. If he hadn't known any better, he'd swear it had lines in it like a fingerprint. But that couldn't be possible.

The blue vanished, leaving a mark on the window. Taking a closer look he realized it actually was a ginormous fingerprint! What was happening?!

His ships metal creaked and groaned, the hatch on the top being ripped away and leaving a hole twice his height above him. 

A strange pinkish orb hovered over the hole. He gasped when it shifted and seemed to be looking right at him. It was looking right at him, it was an eye. Whatever left the fingerprint on the window was staring at him right now. 

Two fingers almost a little larger than his height reached into the ship and moved toward him.

Ricardo gave a startled cry and tried to get away, but there was nowhere to go in the small room. The fingers pinched the back of his gray suit, lifting out through the hole.

He was met with a large, blue female...alien? She had long curly green hair flowing around her shoulders, a darker shade of blue lips, pink iris's, black where the whites of her eyes should have been, and her ears were almost like elf ears but a little too rounded and poking out more. 

She was dressed in a dark purple jumpsuit with a silver trim, and a gold colored belt around her waist. Curvy too. The suit was very form fitting.

He would have thought attractive if he wasn't drowning in his own fear.

Panic finally seeped in and he struggled with all his might, raising his arms and yanking at the fabric to try and get away. "R-Release me, now!" 


Estella blinked in surprise as the tiny being began to speak, but she couldn't understand the garbled language. Her brows furrowed and she used her free hand to pull a small scanner out of her utility belt. Just what was this strange creature?

Tossing her green hair to the side, she held the device up in front of the squirming thing, letting the machine scan them.

After a few short seconds, the scanner spoke in a feminine voice. "Specimen identified: Human. Humans live on the planet Earth. Their population is vast but very few get along. Little is known about the bug-like beings. They do communicate, but in a language called English."

Her pink eyes widened. A human. She's heard stories, and even a long time ago she could remember finding a book about them in a reading lab back home. Though, she couldn't be sure just why they weren't on their home planet and drifting in space with a broken ship. At least, she thinks it's a ship.

That's why she grabbed it and brought it onto her own pod. To make sure maybe it didn't belong to anyone she knew and it was just broken. She didn't expect to find a...a human inside.

What language did her scanner say it spoke? English? 

Putting her scanner away, she continued to ignore the garbled speech and squirming, pulling a small round ball from her belt and placed it carefully inside her ear. The garbled speech faded and quickly turned into cries of fear and desperate pleas.

"Let me go! What do you want with me?!"

Estella mentally cursed herself and lowered the human into her palm. "You don't need to be afraid."


Ricardo didn't know what was happening. All he knew was that she was investigating him. The voice that came out of that electronic device was low and in another language, but it sounded female. 

Now, this alien girl was talking, but he couldn't understand a word she was saying.

"Ni ken jo nah."

He did a double take. Was she trying to communicate with him? 

"I-I don't know what you're saying."

The female faintly smiled and rolled her eyes, tapping herself in the forehead. She pressed a button on her blue jumpsuit and spoke again in a clear voice that didn't follow her lip movement.

"My apologies. I said, you don't need to be afraid. I hope you can understand me now, sometimes my translator acts up. I saved you from out there, you were going to crash and one of your engines are dead."

The blue fingers holding him set him slowly down next to his ship, which was sitting on what looked like a counter with tools unfamiliar to him.

The large female smiled down at him, placing her hands on her knees and bending over slightly, her jumpsuit squeaking as she did. "Such a little thing. I think I'm going to have to take you back home with me. Don't worry, it won't be permanent. Just until I fix your ship."

"No, no way in hell!" He began to step back, but her hand came over and scooped him back up. 

"Now that's no way to act," she giggled.

He startled to struggle again, being lowered down toward her what he could only assume was a utility belt.


Once she'd placed the human safely in a small pouch on her belt, she returned to the controls of her own ship. The goal now is to get him to her home planet and fix his ship

Something suddenly crossed her mind and Estella laughed at herself. She hadn't even gotten his name.

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