A Little Thief: Part Two (Black Butler)

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This is part two of a Black Butler short I wrote a while back. Hopefully, this does the first part justice, and I plan to possibly turn this into a full story one day.

When Sebastian pulled the tiny woman from the pocket of his tailcoat, he finally took in her disheveled appearance. Greasy, tangled, filthy hair. Dirt spots covering the bare skin on her arms, legs, and face. Small cuts all over her skin to the point a few even looked infected. He didn't know too much about humans, but he knew it's been quite a while since this 'Borrower' has had a chance to bathe. And he most certainly couldn't allow his Master to see anyone, especially a lady like this. "Would you care for a bath?" He said smoothly, lowering her into an open gloved palm.

Kadence was so deep in her own thoughts she almost missed the butler's question. She was already trying to plan an escape. A way to get away. But the fact he offered a chance for her to get cleaned up surprised her. "W-Why...?" Was the only thing she could manage to say, quivering in the surprisingly cold hand.

The raven-haired man blinked in shock. Did she just ask why? Why wouldn't she want a bath? Wouldn't anyone who looked the way she did want to clean themselves? "I beg your pardon, Miss Kadence?" He asked with an arched brow, eyes scanning her features even more curiously than they had before.

The Borrower tensed as the ruby colored orbs trailed over her body, almost investigating her. She began to visibly tremble in fear. Not knowing what this man was thinking was entirely unnerving. It made her feel smaller than she already felt. Did she maybe anger him already? From the little time she's been in his presence? Unsure how to respond, Kadence remained silent; staring into the large crimson eye a few mere meters away. 

After a few moments of not receiving an answer, Sebastian heaved a soft sigh. The girl was truly frustrating it would seem. With every good intention, he raised his voice only slightly to catch her attention. "Miss Kadence, I must request that you answer as soon as possible. I do not have all day, and I must prepare dinner shortly. So please let me know. Would you or would you not like to bathe?"

She flinched at the sudden change in his tone. He went from gentle to stern in less than a second. The thought of bathing was quite nice. Warm water, soap, cleaning off all the dried blood and dirt. She could almost imagine the feeling of the soap suds against her skin. A very small smile began to make its way onto her face. She pushed her red hair out of her face, meeting the crimson orbs above her with her own emerald pools. "That...actually sounds quite lovely, thank you. But sadly, I do not have a change of clothing. I'm sorry."

"I do not know why you are apologizing, but I am sure I can manage something for you to wear after your bath. After all, if I couldn't do this much, what kind of a butler would I be?" A smirk fell upon his lips as he lowered the small girl onto the desk of his room. "Considering you are in my bedroom, no one will disturb you here. Give me a few moments to fetch the water. Just stay here and be patient little Miss Kadence."

The red-headed female inhaled deeply through her nose as she watched the tall butler exit the room; the door closing with a soft click behind him. She got an odd vibe from him. Like she could trust him, but not entirely. She feels like he is hiding something. And aren't there at least five others living in this building? There are the servants who always cause a ruckus. And then there is the Young Earl whom she has always been terrified of going near. And this butler...he always seemed intimidating from a distance; he is up close as well. But his gentle touch and soft-spoken words are comforting. 

Sebastian reentered the room with a small porcelain bowl filled with warm water and soap.  With his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, he placed the makeshift tub beside the Borrower. The longing look in her eyes as she stared at the water amused him. "I will leave so you can slip out of those rags and wash up. There is a scrap of cloth you can use as a towel there as well." 

Kadence's emerald eyes shifted from the bowl to the butler. A wide smile finally perched on her lips. With a very soft voice she thanked him. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought someone so large and intimidating would be like this to someone so meek and fragile.

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