Tiny!Black Butler x Reader Pt. 2

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Another request from Cheeseous and I hope you enjoy.

I woke up the following morning due to small, angry shouts and curses. It sounded like Ciel was in trouble or something.

Sitting up in my bed, I rubbed my eyes and glanced toward my nightstand where I had set up a bed for him, but he was no longer in it. I couldn't see Sebastian anywhere either. 

Leaning over the bed, I easily spotted the tiny Earl  with his leg wrapped in one of my carpet fibers, struggling to break free. "Ciel...? Where's Sebastian? Do you need help?" I yawned out half of it, again rubbing one of my eyes with a hand.

"Shut up, I do not need help. And I sent Sebastian to go see what information he could gather about why we are in this dreadful place," he spat bitterly, grunting as he continued to fight the carpet.

I knew he was lying. And technically he's just a poor kid that wants to be seen as more than that. Slowly, I moved my feet to the floor and knelt down. "Hold still."

Despite his cursing and struggles, I slipped one hand under his back while I used the other to untangle his tiny leg from the carpet. "Easy."

He finally ceased his movement, breathing rapidly as his single eye watched my hand closely. I could see the faint glint of fear in his eye even if he didn't want it to show. "L-Let me go. Immediately."

"Please. Let me see if you're leg is rug-burnt or something. I won't hurt you. I said that yesterday," I tried to be gentle as I spoke, but he wasn't taking anything for an answer.

He looked up at me as if judging my intentions, one of his tiny hands resting on my thumb and the other keeping his eyepatch straight. "Look, Y/N, I'm fine. Just put me down or I will call Sebastian."

"Go ahead. He can try to kill me for taking care of you but it'd be so worth it," I sigh, taking my now free hand to try and roll up Ciel's pant leg.

"I don't know why I would kill you, but I must insist you set my master down and allow me to handle any injuries he has sustained from being a stubborn child," a smooth voice spoke, right by my ear. I flinched in surprise, nearly dropping the tiny Earl.

A gloved hand came around, taking Ciel from my hands and I turned to be literally face to face with Sebastian. His face was a few mere inches from mine, and he was smiling innocently. "You look confused."

"Y-You're...big," I stuttered out, standing from the floor. Watching Sebastian skillfully check Ciel's leg for any wound was fascinating, but he didn't seem to answer my question.

"I have heard that from many women before," Sebastian responded with a sly smirk, casting a glance in my direction and it sent a chill down my spine as his words registered in my head.

I paused before chuckling under my breath. "Ha. Dick jokes. But seriously, how are you...the height of me?"

"It was easy. I'm just simply, one-"

"Hell of a butler!" I cut in with another laugh, ignoring the annoyed look that was shot in my direction. I then looked toward Ciel who seemed just as uncomfortable with Sebastian as he had with me. I hesitated before asking a soft question. "Ciel, you preferred him being normal to you didn't you? It was familiar. Now you just feel out of place."

Ciel turned away, his shoulders lightly shrugging. "I have no issues."

Realization crossed Sebastian's face and he slowly handed Ciel back to me, bowing apologetically. "My, I have committed such a blunder. Forgive me and allow me to return to the more familiar height." 

Ciel didn't speak a word but only kept his face turned away. I decided to keep an eye on him until a light touch was on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Sebastian standing steadily next to my head before gracefully leaping down and joining Ciel in my hand. It was an odd sensation, having two sall beings in my hand. But they were letting me touch them and hold them with no complaints. 

It wasn't much, but it was a start.

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