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The human let out a small yelp of fear as the giant dart pierced the flesh of another human taped to the board beside him, killing them instantly. This was just a game to the Giants. They taped humans to the dart board and took turns throwing, aiming for each one. It was absolutely terrifying. The floor below him already had pools of blood from the other humans were killed before, and even blood stains that they couldn't clean.

"Come on Mat, take your turn and see if you can hit the little bugs!" One male giant laughed, holding out a sharpened red dart to a giantess.

"I told you not to call me that. My name isn't Mat, it's Matilda." The woman grumbled and took the dart from him. "I'll start calling you Sammy again if I have to." A smirk fell onto her delicate features as she turned her gaze to the dart board, taking aim.

"Fine, fine. I'll be right back, I have to take a piss." The man turned and exited the room with thunderous footsteps, leaving the giantess and single remaining living human taped to the board.

Matilda was just about to let the dart fly when the human began pleading. But this was different than the average 'I'll do anything' plea. "Please, please you have to let me go. I-I have to get back home, m-my wife!"

"Just tell us where she is and we can go take her as another target!" She laughed, once again preparing to throw. "Now shut up and hold still."

"N-No, you don't understand! S-Since you giants have taken over medicine has become scarce. Sh-She's sick, I have to get this to her!" His hands fumbled in his pockets until he removed a tiny bottle of liquid medicine. "I-I have to!"

Very slowly, the giantess lowered the dart as her smile slowly faded into a frown. She then took in how bloody everything was. The board, the floor. and the tiny bodies hanging from tape. A sick feeling washed over her. How had she never seen before how evil this was? She began to approach the tiny man with an arched brow. "You say your wife is sick?"

"Y-Yes, very!" He trembles as her massive form approaches. "I-I'm begging you, please have mercy on me. Please." 

"My brother though." She mumbled, thinking. "Alright, hold still." She took her finger, gathering some blood on the tip from other dead humans and smeared it over his clean clothes and face. "Close your eyes and play dead, okay?" She whispered. Why she decided this one human, she didn't know. 

The tiny man closed his eyes tight and hung his head down just as the giant arrived back in the room. "Alright Mat, way to go! You got him!"

"Yeah, I'll take the bodies out to the incinerator. Then we can go get some lunch." She forces a laugh and untaped all the bodies, including the one living human and carries them all out the back door into the yard. It was there she lowered the live human into the grass. 

"Alright, now go. Be quick." She whispered, nudging him with her hand. "Hurry. before I change my mind."

"I-I won't forget this, I swear." The human male whispered as he stared up at the giantess before he took off running as fast as his legs could carry him.

Matilda watched the human disappear into the distands before dropping the bodies of the others into a small firepit where there lay maybe dozens of others, dead. 

Once again the sick feeling washed over her. They really needed a new game.

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