Brothers to the End (Supernatural)

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Sorry guys! I needed more brotherly fluff in my life. I LOVE THE FLUFF SO MUCH!

Dean kept his gaze fixed on his little brother who was curled up on his chest fast asleep. It's been almost three weeks since Sam was shrunk by that stupid curse, and even after they ganked that vengeful spirit Sam stayed small. 

The look on Sam's face when he didn't return to normal was the worst thing Dean had ever seen. Those tiny hazel eyes staring up at him in pure disappointment, confusion, and sadness. The way Sam's voice cracked when he started speaking. The younger Winchester has been doing everything in his power to act like it doesn't bother him. But it does. However, it's most definitely brought them closer.

Sam's been willing to talk about what's bothering him more. He doesn't fight Dean when it comes to things that concern his safety. And he's even been crawling onto Dean's chest or stomach if he's had trouble sleeping. That's what happened tonight.

The small Winchester has been plagued with nightmares about things hurting him. Crushing him. But staying close to Dean seems to help him sleep more peacefully. And if that's what Dean can do to make him feel better than he'll do it.

Movement pulled Dean from his thoughts and look towards Sam who had slowly sat up, his long brown hair tangled and fluffed up all over the place. 

"Hey Sammy," Dean whispered gently, reaching out and using a finger to smooth down the tousled hair. 

Sam mumbled tiredly and tried to shove the hand away, turning his small eyes to look at his older brother's face. "Dean, come on. It's dark, why are you still awake?" His lips parted as he yawned, his body slumping against the large hand that remained up by him.

Gently, Dean curled his fingers around Sam's torso to keep him from falling over. "I was making sure you were getting to sleep, Sleeping Beauty." He spoke quietly, a playful smirk on his lips while his thumb rubbed up and down on his back. 

Still too tired to fight him, Sam attempted to turn around an wrap his arms tightly around a few of Dean's fingers, nuzzling his face silently into the warmth. He groaned contently, again closing his eyes.

Dean slowly sat up, holding Sam in one hand and cupped the exhausted hunter to his chest. He shifted him so Sam was reclining against his fingers, one leg dangling over the edge of his hand. "Sam?"

The shrunken Winchester muttered a quiet 'hmm?' in response to his older brother.

"I don't care how long it takes me, I'll find a way to fix you and get you back to normal."

Now Sam's eyes opened and he looked directly into his brother's face. "Dean, you heard Bobby, that might be impossible. A-And if it is I'll stuck like this."

"Don't try and fake the tough guy thing. No chick flick moments is kind of my motto, but if you're hurting Sammy, you need to talk to me. I'm your big brother, right?" Dean again used his finger to ruffle Sam's hair. 

Sam didn't respond as he shifted in the hand he reclined in, rolling over and nestling into his brother's chest. The shirt was permanently stained with the smell of burger grease. It didn't bug him, it was familiar. And with the world now so large and foreign, familiarity was something he needed. 

Watching his younger brother, Dean heaved a quiet sigh. "You know Sam, I know you're still scared of me. I get it. I'm some huge ass freak now to you. I see the way you look at me sometimes, the way you flinch when I move without warning."

A pair of tiny hazel eyes slowly turned in his direction while he spoke.

"But I'm still your brother. You can talk to me, you need to talk to me. If you keep it bottled up it's only going to kill you, man. You think I want to see you get hurt?"

Sam slowly shook his head in response but still said nothing, his eyes watching Dean closely. Before Dean could open his mouth to talk again, he finally spoke up. "Y-You think you're the freak?" He stuttered out, slowly sitting up in his palm. "Y-You're not the one that has to stay in hiding now, you're not the one who can barely do anything on his own! You're not the freak! It's me! I am! And you know it!" By the end Sam was shouting, his voice cracking significantly as tears threatened to roll down his cheeks. "I-I'm the f-freak, a-as always."

"Oh, Sammy, come on. You're not a freak." Dean's eyebrows furrowed and he pressed the smaller hunter further into his chest to hug him to the best of his ability. "I'd never think of you as a freak. Freakishly tall before, sure. But never, ever a freak."

He waited for a response from Sam, but when he didn't get one he looked down at his little, little brother and the frown on his lips deepened. 

Sam had buried his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed in near silence. It was clear he was trying to hide it. He never liked saying too much about he felt, Dean usually played it off with some comment like 'No chick flick moments.' 

All Dean felt he could do was hold Sam, hug him, quietly tell him everything was going to be okay. It hurt Dean to see his brother hurting so bad. 'Take care of Sammy' was always number one on his mind. 

It was still late, they both needed sleep. Propping up a pillow, Dean leaned back against the headboard of the bed while practically cradling Sam as his younger brother sniffled and sobbed.

This went on for quite a while before Sam's sobs ceased and he drifted off to sleep in Dean's hands with the help of Dean's comforting words and gentle gestures.

Dean was finally able to relax, his thumb still continuously rubbing Sam's back until the older too drifted off into a light, dreamless sleep, ready to wake up if Sam needed him.

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