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Come on daddy!" Amelia squealed excitedly, tugging on her father's free hand. "I've been waiting for weeks for being able for just me, you, mommy and Uncle Keith!"

Callan laughed softly, cupping Molly in his palm against his chest to keep her from falling, as well as her little brother, Keith. "I'm going as fast as I can with these two." He glanced down to his tiny wife who was laughing quietly as well. 

"We're alright love." Molly murmured, placing her head sideways against her husband's chest. She then turned her bright blue eyes to her adoptive daughter. "But please give your father a little room to move, okay sweetheart? What if you drop the basket? Then we won't even have a picnic!"

Amelia's eyes widened, immediately releasing her grip on Callan's hand. "Sorry, daddy! I don't wanna drop it." Her smile only widened as she turned her back to her parents and uncle, looking around the edge of the lake. "Where should I set it? It's gotta be perfect!"

"I'm sure whatever spot you pick will be perfect!" Keith said with a grin, his head resting against his elder sister. 

Molly inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. She's been married to Callan four years, her little brother is now ten years old, and her daughter is eight. Samantha even is ten years old too. Time flew by. It felt like only yesterday when Callan wound up bringing her from the pet store to his home, where they slowly fell in love and went from being pet and master to husband and wife. And she wouldn't have it any other way.

"Here's good!" Amelia shouted, dropping the basket into the grass and laid out the blanket she was carrying inside it. "I got mommy and Uncle's Kieth's cups and plates too. And mommy' dress if she wants to wear it." 

Callan shook his head, chuckling. "You know we gave up on trying to keep those dresses nice. That's why she wears clothes from this time period now." He lowered his hand to the blanket, allowing his wife and little brother in law to climb off. "Even though she looked beautiful in them, she still is in sweatpants and t-shirts too."

With a light giggle, Molly gave his thumb one last hug before lowering herself onto the blanket and looked at the lake. "It's so nice out today, I'm glad we were able to do this."

"Me too!" Amelia smiled down at her tiny mother, placing her hand flat beside her and waited, looking at Molly expectantly.

"Sweetie, she just got down, let her relax for a moment." Callan looked at his daughter, knowing she wanted to hold Molly. 

"Oh, okay." The young girl nodded and took a seat on the blanket, pulling out some paper plates, napkins, and a few other items. "Daddy, since I have to wait after eating to go swimming, can I just do it now then eat?" She asked, rising back to her feet shortly after sitting down.

"Alright, fine." Callan nodded before pausing and glanced to Molly. "I'll have to go watch her, will you and Keith be fine her alone for a little while?" He questioned worriedly, frowning.

"We'll be fine Callan, thank you. Go have fun, it'll be fine." Molly smiled reassuringly up at him and watched as he and Amelia walked over to the lake. How she'd love to go swimming, but at her size, everything in the lake could hurt her. Snakes, fish, bugs. Sure Callan would be there, but things only take a second to happen.

A few minutes later, Keith quickly shook her arm, frowning. "M-Molly." He whispered fearfully, causing his older sister to look around quickly. 

Sure enough, there was a large stray Tom cat slowly making its way over to them. Rising to her feet, Molly pushed her brother behind her in an attempt to protect him. "Stay put." She whispered, watching the orange cat carefully.

Its ears were pinned back, a low growling rumbling in its throat. It looked ready to attack. Molly began to breathe shakily. In a poor attempt to shoo it away, she waved her hand. "G-Go. Bad kitty."

It growled in response, crouching down. Suddenly it charged, pouncing, claws out ready to kill. 

Molly used her arms to shield her face, waiting for the impact but it didn't come. Instead, when she looked she saw Callan crouching down over her and Keith, using his body as a shield which scared off the Tom. 

"I told you I wasn't sure." He whispered, fear in his own eyes as he lifted his wife and her brother off the ground, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "I've never been more afraid in my life than right then."

"W-Why were you scared?" She stuttered, leaning into the kiss and his chest, her small body trembling. 

"I was afraid I was about to lose you. Lose Keith." He whispered, bringing his other hand up and around, holding them protectively. 

While Keith stayed quiet, Molly tried to steady her breathing. "I-I'd probably die without you Callan." She whispered, slowly closing her eyes.

"Yeah, probably. I love you, my little doll." He murmured gently, using a finger to pet her hair. 

As a small smile graced her lips, Molly nodded. "I love you too Callan."

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