Humans Alone

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Michael gave a slight yelp of fear and scrambled behind the rubble of an old townhouse. He stayed there, frozen in fear as the thunderous footsteps made their way right past him. "I hate giants." He whispered, his shaggy black hair falling into his face; his dark blue pools staring at the shattered picture frame at his feet.

It was true. Though these aren't the towering monsters that can hold a human in the palm of their hands. These giants stand only three times the height of a full grown man, however, their strength is just as enormous as their bodies. And while humans aren't that small, they're still considered vermin to these giant beings. Killed, crushed, burned. It was horrific. It still is. Only now there aren't many humans left. Those who are alive are either with you or against you. It's a kill or be killed world. 

Michael waited until he could no longer hear the footsteps before he continued running in the direction he knows he needs to go. He has to find his old house. And even though it lays in ruins, it may hold the key to take back what the monsters stole.

He continues to run, panting, making sure not to slow his pace. Then the ground was suddenly ripped from his feet and he found himself encircled in what appeared to be a net. It was a net! He'd run into some sort of trap! 

Struggling, he fidgeted for his blade. One thing was on his mind and that was to get out before whatever giant came back and killed him. He cursed his panicky state, cursed the name of whatever giant's done this.

"Look, the net! We got something." A young male voice could be heard in the near distance, and Eren's heart continued to race in his chest.

"Yeah, maybe. that a human?" Another male voice spoke, deeper and more menacing than the previous one.

"Awe, no way! Seriously?! I thought they were all dead! Let's take it to the labs, maybe they can breed it." The younger male voice responded and the deeper voice chuckled.

"They don't do that sort of thing anymore. Cut it down, let's see if its hurt then let it go on its way." 

"We can't kill it?!" After those words, Michael heard a sharp 'thwack' followed by a shocked gasp from the younger voice.

"I don't want to ever hear you talk like that again. It's still an innocent life. If you lay one hand to harm it, I'll see to it you're grounded for the rest of your life."

Now, this confused him. Michael could have sworn all giants were cruel beings. But why was this one not going to kill him? Why does he sound so angry about the very thought? The world around him began to spin and the ground slowly rushed to meet him. He was gently lowered onto the ground and gentle hands began to untangle him from the ropes of the net. He held perfectly still, terrified of what might happen if he were to move.

"There ya go little fella." A deep voice rumbled above him. "Safe and sound and free." 

Hesitantly Michael turned his dark blue eyes upwards, meeting brown ones above him. He would have spoken, but the younger giant beside this man was casting a menacing look down at him. So instead Michael turned and bolted into the woods with sounds of disappointment from the young giant echoing behind him.

"Dad why'd you let it go?!"

"Because. All life is precious. We may be the head of the food chain, but we have to remember if we get too cocky, it may be our downfall." The father responded, watching the human disappear into the trees ahead. 

"I don't get it." The boy mumbled, brows furrowed as he attempted to figure out what his dad meant.

"I'll tell you another day. For now let's just head on home."

G/T AdventuresDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora