Alois x Borrower (Black Butler Season 2)

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A small female was scouring the floor of a large study, her heart pounding in her chest. Sometimes the blonde Earl would take his meals in here, meaning there may be just a crumb or two left behind. Anything. 

Her stomach growled painfully and she clutched her gut in agony. It's been almost a week now. That golden eyed butler made sure everything was kept in shape. The maid and triplets did too. She hardly ever managed to find a bite to eat. And she started to believe they were catching onto the fact they had an unwanted guest in the mansion.

She stood in the middle of the floor, looking around the vast room. Spotless. Not a speck of dust, not a crumb of food. She sunk into a defeated heap on the ground, continuing to clutch her stomach s it grumbled painfully and hungrily.

The clicking of heels caught her attention. Only one person wore shoes like that. It was the blonde Earl.

She told herself to move, but if she couldn't get a bite to eat, she'd die of starvation anyway. Knowing how sadistic the Earl could be made her wonder if she could und her suffering any sooner.

The door was pushed open, and the footsteps shook the ground beneath her before they stopped completely and the door closed with a loud slam. "Oh my, and what have we here?" The voice was slightly higher pitched, more like a female's than a boy's.

Her body flinched slightly and she kept her head low. She was afraid to move. Afraid to speak.

"Come on now, are you already dead?" There was a sharp jab against her back.

Hesitantly, she lifted her head and turned to look up at the young Earl. His pale blue eyes widened and glistened with delight. "Look at you!" he laughed. "You look just like a starving animal!"

her stomach growled again and she looked away, her golden lock hiding her face as she struggled back frightened tears. 

The voice suddenly changed to a sadder one before bouncing right back to cheerful. "Look at you...starving. Oh, I know! You can stay and be my own companion! I'm not allowed to travel anywhere, and I hardly get any guests!" 

She gasped as large fingers curled around her body, a golden ring around one of the fingers. She turned to meet his eyes which were sparkling with pure joy. She couldn't see any reason why she couldn't trust him currently, but she knew how fast his mood could change.

"Can you talk at all or are you mute? If you're mute, how am I supposed to have any fun with you?" His fingers seemed to tighten around her body.

"A-Ah! N-No, I can talk, Lord Trancy!" Her voice was pushed from her body, her eyes wide as she gazed into his.

"Wonderful. Then, what's your name?" He questioned, pale blue eyes watching her with the utmost fascination.

She hesitated, pushing pieces of her hair out of her face. "I-I don't have one."

Alois suddenly looked hesitant. His eyes wandered to the side, his fingers around her body loosening as she was shifted into an open palm. But just as fast as he looked sad, his eyes began to sparkle again. "Can I pick one for you? It's only fitting for the guest of an Earl to have a name fitting said guest."

With a soft nod, she couldn't fight the smile that began to cross her face. 

"Let's see now...golden colored hair, brown eyes...I think a good name would be Caroline." He stated matter-of-factly. "Now let's go get some sweets or something from the kitchen. Claude can make us a delicious cake!"

While sweets weren't the first thing she'd like to eat, 'Caroline' wasn't going to complain about a free meal. 

Alois skipped merrily out of the room, his hand shifting up so he wouldn't jostle or drop his tiny passenger. "Oh, Claude!"

Caroline. Caroline. The more she said it in her head, the more she fell in love with the name. She looked up toward the blonde boy, gripping a part of the golden ring to keep herself steady enough to see the joy on his face. This was strange, but perhaps...they would end up being friends.

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