His Sweet Songbird

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((This short story is dedicated to Secret_Mistresses who has been waiting patiently for the full story. She requested something similar to this, so this is a sneak peek to the future story.))

In quite a far off land, there lives a giant. A giant whose name is known throughout the entirety of the world. This is because he is the only giant, but he's strong and terrifying. He gets what he wants when he wants, and when he doesn't he'll simply take it. Everyone fears him. No one crosses him out of fear.

Now it was early morning, the human maids and butlers were hurrying around preparing for the day. The giant's breakfast was on the table, his clothes for the day laid out across a chair. But the scent of the breakfast wasn't what woke him. No, in fact, it was a song. A sweet, smooth sound that caused his eyes to open.

He sat up in his bed and stood, stretching as his pajama sleeves rode up on his arms. He then glanced at his window and smirked. "A nice day to go look for another maid after the last one...quit. Or so I told the others."

A very soft knock echoed into the room from his door and he glares. "What is it?!" he barked, walking over to the door and threw it open, watching the tiny human maid's hair blow behind her back from the breeze.

"S-Sir, y-your breakfast is ready." She stuttered out, backing away swiftly from the door.

He nods. "I'll just skip it. I want it cleaned up when I get back. If it's not, there will be punishments for every one of you."

The maid nodded fearfully and took off down the giant hallway, and the man chuckled. "I love being me." He mumbled and closed the door, changing into his suit for the day.

Once he was dressed and had his nice black boots on, he left his room and went out the front door, purposefully treading over one or two of the flowers in the flowerbed to make the servants hurry to fix it.

As he began his search, he heard it again. The soft song. He began to silently follow the noise, which led him towering over the trees and peering into a small clearing where a woman sat, a white gown draped around her body as she sang.

Seraphina felt she had no worries. She was surrounded by trees, the birds were singing high up in the branches, and she joined them. A soft, sweet song she learned from her mother when she was just a little girl. With her brown eyes closed, she didn't see the shadow of the giant hand looming over her before it had her in its grasp.

A startled scream broke the song and she began to struggle violently in the giant's grasp. She heard stories about him. He wasn't one to mess with.

Growing annoyed with the human woman very quickly, his eyes darkened. "Stop that right now." He ordered, smirking when her body went limp in his hand. But then he noticed her eyes were shut and her head had fallen against the flesh of his finger.

He used his free hand and rolled her onto her back in his palm, looking over her tiny body. The dress fits nicely on her curves, a small bit of cleavage visible where his eyes lingered for only a second longer before rising to her face.

Her brown hair was covering parts of it, her eyes closed with the long lashes fluttering as he pushed the hair back. He had never seen a human this beautiful. And her voice was enchanting. He knew immediately he couldn't let anyone else have her. This human now belonged to him, and him alone. 

Seraphina's head swam as her eyes fluttered open and she nearly screamed at the sight of the giants face hovering above her. But she kept her mouth clamped shut, although she was unable to keep her body from shaking.

Eric was walking back to his mansion that he had to build himself before glancing down to the woman, who was now awake in his palm. A slight smile crossed his face when he saw how scared she looked, but it also hurt him. This human, who was beautiful and he wanted to be his shouldn't be afraid of him, otherwise, she would never truly belong to him. "I see you're awake." He said softly, using a large finger to help her into a sitting position.

The human woman looked slightly startled at how gentle he was but gladly accepted it rather than how cruel she'd heard he really was. "Y-Yes." She replied, turning her head away as her hair hid her face.

When her hair covered his face, a small twist of anger welled in his heart. "Look at me. I want to see you." He ordered sternly, the woman's beautiful features suddenly visible again and he smiled once more. 

As he walked into his home, he ignored all the other servants scrambling around to avoid getting crushed under his boots, keeping his gaze locked on the woman's face. He could never be cruel to her, she'd be too afraid. But he'll never let her go. She's his own little songbird. His own treasure. And no one else will ever have her.

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