Little Sammy (Supernatural)

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Sam Winchester shot upright on the pillow he currently called his bed. Sweat dripped down his face, his shirt sticking to his chest. Another nightmare. It's only been two days since whatever it was did this to him, but every time he falls asleep the nightmares begin. He cast a glance over to his sleeping brother in the opposite bed, shuddering as he remembered the dream.

Giant fingers crushing his torso, Sam desperately struggled to escape. The man holding him wasn't his brother. Not at all. This things eyes were black. And it had a horrible grin on it's face. "D-Dean!" He shouted, hoping his older sibling would hear.

"Awe, what's wrong?" The thing hissed, too similar to Dean's voice. "Is little Sammy scared of his big bro?"

"Y-You're not Dean!" He glared at the being as the grip around him tightened. Sam swore he could hear his own ribs cracking under the immense pressure.

"Oh, but I am. I'm the part that considers you a burden. I can't go out with you like this. Can't go flirt with chicks, drink beer, even drive the Impala the way I want to. You're nothing but in the way now Sam." 

Sam shuddered and brought his knees to his chest. It's so rare that he feels this scared. This helpless. Especially with his brother just right there. But the dreams have all been saying the same thing. That was nothing but a burden on Dean like this, and these thoughts drove him mad.

"Sammy?" A deep voice made him jump and he turned with wide, startled brown eyes towards the large figure looming over him in the dark of the motel room. "Sam, what's wrong? You're...crying. You never do that unless we're having one of those sappy moments in the car." 

Dean flicked on the lamp to make sure he could see his Barbie sized brother better. Sure enough, tiny droplets were dripping from Sam's eyes. He hated seeing him upset. The past few days have been hell. Little movements Dean made that would have been nothing made Sam jump. Sam would refuse to let Dean pick him up at first too. But eventually, he gave in, when Dean had refused to bring food over to the bed for him.

"Nothing. I'm fine Dean." Sam lied poorly, looking away from the green eyes that were staring him down from above. "Let's just go back to sleep."

"Listen here short-stop. You're a bad liar, especially when you're nervous." Dean reached down and curled his hand around Sam's torso carefully. He flinched, as he could feel his little brother shaking in his grasp. "Sam...are you...scared of me?" He asked calmly, taking a seat on the bed. 

Keeping his eyes low, the small hunter hesitantly nodded his head. He remained silent, unsure what to say.

"Damn. I mean, I know demons are scared of me but I never thought you would be." Dean said in a gentle tone, trying to ease his brother's fears. "Did I do something?"

"I-It was a nightmare." The brown-haired man admitted, embarrassed. "Am I in the way like this? Am...Are you sick of having to change the way you act just because of...this?" 

Dean's eyes widened at the question, and he pressed his younger brother into his chest at an attempted hug. "Sammy, whoa. You're my little bro. Sure you annoy me, but I look out for you. These past few days have been weird as hell, but you're still my brother. Why would a nightmare make you think something stupid like that?"

Sam once again remained silent, actually enjoying the hug his older brother was poorly attempting. He gripped onto the fabric of the t-shirt. The sleepless nights left him weak. Too weak to fight back the few quiet sobs that passed his lips. He buried his face into the shirt, and finally let it out.

"Oh, uh..." Dean watched Sam awkwardly, unsure what to exactly do. Remembering back to when Sam was actually little, a little kid, he figured the best thing to do would be to try and comfort him. So he brought his free hand up, using a finger to rub his little brothers back. "Sammy, I don't know what the nightmares are about. But you can be damn sure I'm not going to just up and leave you because you're a little shorter." 

He leaned back on the bed, making it so Sam could lie on top of his stomach. He could see how tired the small hunter really was, and wanted him to be sure that he was safe. 

Sam leaned into the warmth provided by Dean and began to calm down. Having his older brother right with him was a lot more comforting than him being a few feet away on the other bed. He curled into a fetal position so he could be more comfortable. "H-Hey Dean?"

"Hmm?" Dean grunted as he flicked off the lamp, getting situated to go back to sleep himself.


Dean was about to respond when he heard what sounded to already be light snoring. He placed a gentle hand over top of his younger brother and smiled warmly into the dark of the motel room. "Sleep tight, you walking Ken doll."

I wanted to do more fluff. I know that maybe this is how it wouldn't go down in the show, that Sam might be more tough and Dean not as gentle and understanding. But I wanted to write fluff. They're brothers after all.

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