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Margaret King
The day has come around sooner than I had hoped.
I had received countless messages and calls from Mum, Dad and Carter, all telling me not to do anything tonight, to just stay with Taron in the safe house.
Evidently none of them knew me very well.
Mike had caused so much disruption to our family and to Taron and I wanted to be the one to make him suffer. Just like he had made us suffer.

"Why are you helping us Miss King?" The police captain asked as both Taron and I sat in his office.
"He needs to be locked away. He's committed too many crimes to count and only for bad reason. He stabbed Mr Mills practically killing him, has threatened me and my family more times than I can count, and is a general threat to society. No one wants him locked away more than I do" I explained and a grin appeared on the captains face.
"And what are you wanting in return?" He asked.
"You stop pestering me and my family" I shrugged.
"Port at seven" I reminded him and the captain nodded.
"I'll get a team together. Thank you Miss King, Mr Mills" he said shaking our hands before we left the office and heard back to the safe house

If the plan went accordingly then Mike would be locked up by the end of the day, and I would get my revenge. He would rot away in prison.

But I couldn't get rid of the feeling of anxiety and fear that this wasn't going to go the way I thought it was going to go. I was scared. But the want for revenge overpowered the fear. I knew I was ready. It was Taron I was worried for.
I had trained him as best as I could but it was still hard with his wound and bruises still healing.

"What are you thinking about?" Taron asked as he wrapped his arms around me.
"This evening. I'm worried for you" I sighed and I felt his breath on my neck.
"You can't worry about me. You have to focus on the plan" he whispered.
"Maybe this is all a mistake" I sighed holding my head in my hands.
He came to the front of me and took my hands from my face.
"It's not a mistake. This is right. This is what we have to do" Taron said and I sighed again. "You are a wonderful girl. You know that don't you?" He smiled.

I gazed into his eyes and became mesmerised by the different shades of grey and blue.
Taking a chance, I cupped his strong jaw in my hand and pressed my lips to his. There was no protest. Instead, he held my face with one hand and my waist with the other.
I slowly removed my jacket before sliding his off.
He pushed my body slowly down onto my bed, hovering above me.
"Are you sure about this?" He breathed and I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Yes. If I'm going to die this evening then it's only right to do it" I laughed and Taron shook his head with a smile.
"You're an idiot" he smiled before kissing me again.
I used the feeling of pleasure so I could forget about the impending fight.
The feeling of his hands, and his lips made me forget about the anxiety.
If this was the last pleasurable sensation I would feel then I would be content knowing it was with Taron.

"You know what I think?" Taron said as we cuddled together under the covers.
I looked up at him and frowned.
"I think we were always going to end up together. It was fate" he said and I couldn't help but giggle. "It's true!"
"Why would you think that?" I smiled and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Because I fancied you from the moment you hit me with your knife and yet we were polar opposites. Opposites attract and with my family being all law and yours being all gangs it was bound to happen" he explained and I laughed at his made up tale.
"Whatever you say" I giggled.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his skin against mine.
If I could feel this way each and every day I would be happy. Truly happy.
I didn't want to move.
I could have stayed there for a week.
In his arms.
But alas, reality had to come bursting through the enjoyment.
"We should probably get ready" Taron sighed before kissing my forehead gently.
"Ok" was all I could say through the lump in my throat.

I slid from his arms and slipped my clothes back on with shaking hands.
Not a single word was shared between us. Not until we arrived at the port.
"Yes?" I said turning off the car engine.
"Would you be my girlfriend?" Taron asked.
The question took me back.
One of us could be about to die.
The question seemed abnormally out of place to be asked at that moment.
I unclipped my belt and turned to Taron, caressing his cheek with my hand.
"Are you asking me out of fear or feeling?" I asked and he sighed.
"A bit of both I guess" he shrugged and I nodded.
I smiled and kissed his lips lightly.
"Stay alive and ask me again when Mike is behind bars"

 "Stay alive and ask me again when Mike is behind bars"

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