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Taron Mills
"Did you get a look at her?"
"Taron talked to her"
"No way"

I was sat in a group of snobbish people from my hall, Emily was also in the group.
All they wanted to talk about was Maggie.
"Taron, did you really talk to her?" A girl asked and I nodded.
"A few time's actually" I sighed.
"Did she try and kill you?" She giggled.
"What's your name?"  I asked and she shuffled closer to me.
"Abigail Richardson" She said and I nodded.
"She's actually cool" I said.
"She super cool!" Emily said.
"You shouldn't be friends with her. She's not good for your image" Toby, her boyfriend scoffed.
"She's not as bad as everyone thinks" she said and everyone around us laughed.
"She's a criminal. Being bad is what she does" Toby said.
"You can't just judge someone based on rumours. Besides I bet you she's extremely clever" Emily argued, folding her arms over her chest.
"What do you think Taron?" Abigail asked, and I noticed that she had moved closer to where I was sat.
"I don't know yet. I've only met her a few times. One of those times she threw a knife at me, the second time she was fighting with her brother and then I talked to her today in our lecture and she was nice." I shrugged.
"You're both delusional. We're up here in life, and she's down here" Abigail said, gesturing to how far apart we were.
"She's hot though" Toby laughed and I noticed Emily look down while all the other boys laughed. I just rolled my eyes.

A knock on the door interrupted their discussion about Maggie.
"I'll get it" Emily said, considering it was her room.
"This is embarrassing but I don't have anyone else to talk to" I heard from the doorway as the others laughed away.
"Erm, I-I would let you in but-"
"I think she's fitter than anyone here. That badass famous King attitude, it's sexy" a boy shouted.
"Wait, Maggie Wait!" I heard Emily hell before Maggie made herself known to everyone in the room.
"Who just said that?" She said sternly.
"Oh don't get your knickers in a twist" Abigail laughed, but none of us joined in her laughter.
"What's your name?"
"Abigail Richardson" she sighed looking at her nails.
I watched as Maggie pulled out her phone and typed away.
"How do you think your parents would react knowing you had to go to the doctors for a morning after pill and an STI check?" Maggie said and Abigails eyes widened.
The whole room fell into gasps.
"H-how did you..."
"I have my ways. I have my ways getting information on every single one of you. So let's all remember that the next time you want to talk about me when I'm right next door ok?" She said, that intimidating grin appearing on her face.
She looked around the room and scoffed as we met eyes.
I quickly looked away.
"Pathetic" I heard her say before she strode confidently out of the room.

"Maggie!" I heard Emily say and I rose from my seat.
"Where are you going?" Abigail said, holding onto my hand.
I just pulled my hand away and walked to the door.
"Where did she go?" I asked Emily and she pointed down the hallway to where I caught a glimpse of her black jacket heading down the stairs.
I ran quickly trying to catch up with her.
"Maggie!" I said and held my jacket as a ran down the stairs.
I yelled her name again, but still she didn't turn round.
I ran a bit quicker as she entered the secluded courtyard spot and grabbed her hand.
Before I could comprehend what was happening she had pushed against my chest causing me to fall on my back.
She quickly pinned my arms down with her knees as she sat on my chest.
"What" She said, a stern expression.
"What just happened?" I gasped.
"You got pushed over"
"You're really strong"
"Not the point. What. Do. You. Want?" She asked sternly.

Looking at her from this angle, her expression as stern as anything, her hair falling down one shoulder, the way her hands pressed against me, I was attracted to her. My heart was racing, and not because I was nervous.
"Spit it out" She said and I felt my own eyes go wide.
"I just wanted to say, that I wasn't talking about you. Not like they were" I said.
"Well, aren't you sweet. You expect me to just trust you now? You want us to ride into the sunset on a little white horse and live in a castle?" She asked and I shrugged.
"Wouldn't be the worst thing"
"Shut up" She said and stood up off of me. "Why are you even bothering to talk to me?" She asked.
"I think you're different. And cool" I blushed and she smirked.
"Aw, does someone have a crush on me?"
"N-no" I stammered.

She laughed a beautiful laugh and rolled her eyes.
"You would never be seen dead with someone like me." She said.
"I don't know you. I want to know you for who you really are"
"No you don't. You're just like the rest of them" she said and before I could protest she had walked off.
"What happened?" Emily said standing next to me.
"She freaked. She said that I was just like those people upstairs and left" I sighed.
"She's going to be a tough one to crack" Emily said and I frowned.
"What do you mean?" I immediately thought of what my dad had asked of me, and wondered if her parents had asked the same of her.
"She deserves someone Taron. A friend. And I want to be that friend. She seems tough but I bet you there's a heart of gold in there" Emily sighed and I nodded.
"I think you're right. You're not like those other girls" I said facing her, and I didn't go without noticing the pink tint appear on her cheeks.
"Thank you"

Emily was the girl my parents would love me to be with.
She was nice, intelligent, kind hearted, and she was a pretty girl.
If I brought Emily home to my mother, I was certain they'd get along straight away.
Maggie on the other hand, was everything that I wanted.
She was different, and independent, she was amazing.
But I'd be killed if my mother ever found out I was interested in her.
Besides, Emily already had a boyfriend.
A stupid one, but still.

"You're not like the other boys Taron" she smiled and I nodded.
"You're boyfriend's a dick" I laughed and she nodded.
"I know. He wasn't my choice" she sighed. "Our parents chose us for each other"
"That sucks" I sighed and she looked directly into my eyes and nodded. She took one step forward.
"It really does" she said and I nodded nervously. "I don't know if you'll see this as forward, but, could I get your number?" She asked, tucking a piece of hair behind her ears.
"Oh, sure" I said taking her phone, and typing my number into it.
"Thanks" She said.
"No problem. You seem nicer than all those" I laughed.
"We should hang out" she said quickly.
"Oh sure. But I don't think your boyfriend will like that"
"He won't be my boyfriend for much longer, don't worry"

 But I don't think your boyfriend will like that" "He won't be my boyfriend for much longer, don't worry"

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