Review 60 // Mei Hatoyama

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Here I am, back again, this time with my first danganronpa oc by tsxmxgi_shirogane . It's actually surprising this is my first one since this is such a popular franchise, but anyway.

My comments will be in bold

Basics and grounding

I have a very high opinion of dr, so let's see how this goes

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I have a very high opinion of dr, so let's see how this goes.

Character information

I love ace people getting the representation they deserve in ocs

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I love ace people getting the representation they deserve in ocs. I like her appearance and personality, maybe just flesh out her personality and bit more and have traits that don't surround her recklessness, but this is dr so that isn't exactly a problem. Also maybe consider adding more hobbies that add to the character.


I  think these relationships work and can be interesting as long as they're well developed and make sense

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think these relationships work and can be interesting as long as they're well developed and make sense. People disliking people for no reason is valid though and I have no issue you pairing her with Suichi, even though he's a popular character.


This is an interesting backstory, however this ultimate is pretty common, so you're going to have to make sure your character sticks out and it works for her

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This is an interesting backstory, however this ultimate is pretty common, so you're going to have to make sure your character sticks out and it works for her. You can also flesh out her past a bit more and make her backstory more full and have more significant points in her life.


These are all fine, but good theme choice, that really seems to fit her character

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These are all fine, but good theme choice, that really seems to fit her character.


These stats are fine in my eyes and I don't have anything to say

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These stats are fine in my eyes and I don't have anything to say.

Final thoughts
This is a pretty good oc in my eyes and I actually really like this character. All I can really say is make sure you develop her further and flesh her out a bit more to add to the character.

*My critiques are simply at your request and to help improve your character. It is not my intention to cause any offence and you, of course, do not have to listen to what I've said. This is all just a bit of fun and I apologise if I have done any kind of damage*

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