Chapter 12: Promises, Promises

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Shit, I need to make do with that promise. I can't leave her like that... not after what I just kept saying to her. I do love her so much. I was broken and craved for her. I yawned getting milk from the fridge and unlocked the door. I sighed getting a pillow and a blanket from Emily's room. I hate seeing her cry, but I made her cry for months. I broke up with Minka now so I think I can steal... that sounds so wrong. Emily is not an object she's the person I love. I will get her back from Colin. I promise that. I turned to look up the ceiling. "Emily?" Grant asked getting in. I chuckled rising up. "You. Why are you still here?" He askedu frowning. I chuckled smiling. "I'm here to win her back. By the way, she's in her room. Don't worry, I won't do anything. Go home, Grant. I'll take care of them." I replied smiling. "Do I have your word on it?" He asked crossing his arms. I smiled and nodded. "You have my word." I replied laying back on the couch. The door closed and I smiled closing my eyes. I will win her back.

The smell of pancakes woke me up and I smiled seeing Emily cooking for Arthur. "Morning." I said sitting beside Arthur who yawned and smiled at me. "Morning, dad." He said hugging me. I chuckled and hugged back. Emily's phone started to ring. "Hello?" She asked motioning for me to get the pancakes. "Yeah, alright. Quit shouting, shesh." Emily said getting in her room. "Are you going to try and win back mom?" Arthur asked as I laid the pancakes on his plate. "I'll try, but do you want me too?" I asked smiling. "Probably. Colin treats mom better so you have big competition." Arthur replied eating his first pancake. "Alright, thanks, Alana. I know I will. Adieu." Emily replied ending the call. She laid the laptop in front the three of us as we ate. Clever News was on.

"We have new hot rumours about our favorite Romanian actress, Emily Stan. She has stared in Underworld and Doctor Who, but she's currently back in Supernatural after a long break. You asked why she had a long break and if she was ever in a relationship.

We're here to answer your questions! This is a special video about her. Anyway, we're going to start with 'Was she ever in a relationship?' The answer is yes! But here's the catch. Rumours have been circling about her being in a love triangle. She was with our Human Torch, Chris Evans last year! Take a look at this photo. They look perfect together! I'm jelly.

But here's another photo of Emily seen in the UK just last year as well. Look! She's carrying a child with another up coming star, Colin Morgan! She's linked with both men, but we don't know for sure whether it's true which leads us too our next rumour.

Eric Kiprie, the man who made Supernatural, said that Emily Stan needed a break for personal matters and we found this photo that Bradley James posted in Twitter just last year August! Emily looks so tired, but she's carrying two beautiful babies so we thought that she gave birth that's why she was on break.

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