Chapter 14: Family Bonding Time

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I woke up early for today because I needed to make Emily feel special before she left. I went towards the kitchen and started cooking. "Dad?" Arthur called as he walked out the room rubbing his eyes. He's so adorable. "Over here." I hollered putting the bacon on a plate. "Why did you wake up so early?" He asked yawning. "I want your mom to see that I changed to a better man." I replied smiling at him. He smiled back and climbed the stool. "Eggs or pancakes?" I asked smiling. "Scrambled eggs!" He exclaimed excited. "Do you have any homework?" I asked beating the eggs. He froze and ran towards the kids room. I chuckled frying the eggs and getting the bread out of the toaster. "Dad! Help! I hate history!" He yelled running towards me. I laughed helping him on the counter.

"Arthur, why didn't you do it yesterday?" I asked raising a brow. he smiled innocently. "We were having family bonding time." He replied giving me his best puppy eyes. I chuckled taking a look at his homework. We suddenly felt an eerie aura surround us. I looked up to see Emily glaring. I frowned walking towards her and hugged her. The aura immediately left. "Why are you two up so early?" She asked looking up at me. I smiled and kissed her. "He didn't do his homework. Go easy on him." I whispered kissing her forehead. She sighed and pulled away walking towards Arthur. I jogged after her and prepared the food. "It's Queen Elizabeth, love. She was quite the queen." I heard Emily said as I set the table. The twins started to cry. "You two eat. I'll get them." Is aid smiling. "No, I'm coming with you. Arthur, try to guess. I'll correct it later." Emily hollered pulling us towards the kids room. I took Kieren in my arms as Emily got Naomi.

"They're hungry... Can you uhm... Go out for a bit?" She asked blushing. "Oh... Yeah, uhm.. Sure." I replied smiling and laid Kieren back on the bed. I closed the door behind me as Arthur rushed through the room. "Can I see mom?" He asked smiling. I chuckled kneeling in front of him and fixed his clothes. "You should learn to fix yourself." I commented smiling. He blushed embarrassed. "Oh my, thank you." Emily said blushing again. "Mom! Check it please!" Arthur said smiling. I got Kieren from her and walked towards the counter. I ate some of what I cooked and put the dishes in the sink. "Chris, may you start helping Arthur pack his things. I'm leaving in three hours!" Emily hollered. I smiled walking towards her direction to see Arthur crying. "Hey, bud. Don't cry. Mommy will be back sooner or later." I whispered carrying him. "I can't leave the any of the twins with you." Emily stated after standing up. I frowned disappointed. "Why?" I asked as Arthur wrapped his arms around my neck. "You're a busy man, Chris. Arthur is a handful and it's best for the both of us." Emily replied smiling. I sighed rubbing my face. "Just promise us you'd Skype us everytime you can." I stated cupping her cheek. She blushed nodding. I kissed her passionately and let go of Arthur. "Ew..." He mumbled running towards the room. We pulled away because the twins started to cry. "Gosh, we should stop doing this." Emily stated rocking the twins gently. I chuckled kissing her forehead.

"You're right. I'm sorry." I apologized walking towards the kids room. "Are you... Arthur, what's wrong?" I asked seeing Arthur shaking. I hugged him towards me. "What's wrong bud?" I asked as he hugged me back tightly. "I-I'm s-scared, m-mommy would go b-back to C-Colin." He whispered crying on my shoulder. "He won't. I promise, but if that does happen... Go with Mommy, ok? If she wants Colin to be your new dad... Go with them." I whispered back kissing his forehead. "N-No! I don't want to go!" Arthur yelled hugging me tighter. "Shhh... It's ok. You're spending time with me for at least months." I whispered kissing his forehead. "Hey... uhm... are you guys done packing? I need someone to watch over the twins while I pack." Emily stated. "Oh, yeah... uhm... we're done." I said carrying Arthur and pulling his trolley with me. He buried his face in the crook of my neck as we passed by Emily. The twins were looking around and I sat beside them. Arthur stopped sobing and decided to look at me. "Are you really willing to give up mom that fast?" He finally asked. I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck. "I know I've just spent time with her like three or two months, but I still do love her... and if that means letting her go then so be it. I just want her happy." I replied letting Naomi holding thumb. If she ldoesn't want me to touch her, I won't. If she asks... I probably will.


My heart is aching... How can he be so calm while saying that?! Does he really want me to end up with Colin?! What the hell am I saying... why do I always have hopes that he'll fight for us... why do I wish that he'd hold and kiss me again like last night and this morning. The two hours that we stayed together until I left for UK again... he didn't try anything on me. Didn't try to hold or kiss me... Why? "Emily, are you listening?" He asked waving a hand in front if me. "Hmmm?" I turned to look at him "I said we're going." He replied frowning. I can't take this. "Arthur go get your other things inside the room." I ordered keeping our eye contact. Arthur jumped off he couch and skipped towards my room. "Are you avoiding me?" I asked frowning. "Why would you think that?" He asked breaking our eye contact. I crawled towards him and sat on his lap. "You haven't done anything you used to." I replied sighing. "What do I usually do?" He asked raising a brow. Should I answer him? I'm scared though. I don't Arthur to think we're getting... I miss his blue orbs looking at me like they used to. I miss his soft sweet lips on mine. I miss his arms around me when it's cold. I miss him so much. Fuck it. "Kiss me." I replied smirking at him. He smiled obliging. This was nothing I've felt before. Yes, we've had hot kisses, but this was a mixture of everything I've always dreamed of on how he'd kiss me. He changed our position with out breaking the kiss. I smiled through the kiss and slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around him. We pulled away just so our foreheads are touching. "You, jerk. You wanted me to ask." I whispered blushing. "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't ask." He replied smirking. "Shesh! I should stop catching you two in this kinds of situations! I need a knife to gouge my eyes out!" Arthur yelled. We laughed pulling away. "You watch too much of your Uncle Jensen and Jared." Chris commented helping me up.

Arthur blushed in embarrassment. "I'll drive you and the twins to the airport. Sebastian is there apparently." Chris said smiling. I smiled back and pulled my trolley after me. "You're adorable." Chris whispered smirking. "Shut up." I whispered back as we reached the car. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the airport. As he said, Sebby was waiting there. "If it isn't Miss 'Take-Her-Time'. Prince Charming and son brought her here. Isn't that cute?" Seb teased. "Dude, your sister is embarrassed here. You should stop teasing her." Chris defended. "Oh by the way, this guy is staying with me." Chris added. "Ok, ok. Just take care of him. Sya your goodbyes. The plane is leaving in about... seven minutes." Seb ordered looking at his watch and taking my twins. I laughed kissing Arthur goodbye and hugging Chris. "Take care of him." I whispered kissing his left temple. "I will. Take care. Call when you land." He whispered hugging me tighter. We stayed like that and it felt like forever. I wanna stay here. "Alright, break it up. Bye, Chris." Seb said giving Kiren to Mr as we rushed in. Both waved goodbye before Seb pulled me towards the counter then pushed me towards the gate 5. "See you later. Call as soon as you land!" He hollered waving at me. I smiled and waved back. Naomi was sleeping in my pouch in front of me. I call it that anyway. I sat by the window and sighed gently rocking Kieren to sleep. "You have adorable babes. Can I hold him?" A familiar Scottish accent rang in my ears. Oh don't tell me it's... *FANGIRLING*

JAMES MCAVOY! "You're James McAvoy." I stated blinking. I love his acting and accent and just everything! But he can't measure up to Chris. Oh gosh, that man has his way of appeaeiv in my mind if I don't want him too! "Shhhh, let's keep that a secret, shall we?" He asked smiling. I smiled and nodded. He practically helped me with my children and we talked about everything. He's my new best friend now. "I like you. You're adorable. Can I ask your number?" He asked smiling. I blushed and typed my number in his phone. "I'd give you a ring sometime. Oh, by the way, are you a fangirl?" He asked smirking. I blushed nodding my head. He laughed as some food came. "I'll help you get off when we land. This is going to be a long journey." He said smiling. I nodded and started to eat. I miss them both now.

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