Chapter 41: Cast Bonding Time (Part 2)

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Previously: Tom walked towards Emily's room to confront her.


"Emily, can I talk with you, in private?" I asked as Arthur jumped back on the bed. "Sure, just give me a moment." She said walking towards Arthur. She whispered something and he nodded and smiled. "Fine, see you downstairs then." He said grabbing his books and dashing out, banging the door behind him. "Don't bang the door!" Emily scolded pulling me with her as we fell on the soft bed. I smiled as she laughed. "What? Is there something on my face?" She asked raising a brow. I shook my head and smiled at her. "Emily, I have to explain something to you." I said caressing her cheek. "I have to ask you something as well." She said taking my hand away from her face. I sighed and looked down. "You go first." I said tubbing circles on the top if her soft hand. "Alrighty... Is it true that you... you're just with me because you struck a deal with Sebby?" She asked squeezing my hand. I smiled an kissed her hand. She gasped and tried to pull away, but I wouldn't let her. "Promise to listen" I replied. She nodded. "Whatever Arthur told you about me striking a deal with Sebastian is true, but-" She cut me off.

"Leave." She ordered. "You promised to listen." I replied not letting her hand go. She sighed and nodded. "I did struck a deal with Sebastian, but it's not what you think it is. Sebastian's deal was about paying me to get your mind off Chris, but I accepted it at first for the money, but then I realized how amazing you were... Emily, I don't want to lose you. I know your heart belongs to Chris, but please, please give me a chance." I whispered closing my eyes. I felt soft hands caress my cheek then soft sweet lips captured mine. I can kiss her all day and I won't ever get fed up. We pulled away slowly and we opened our eyes. Emily was blushing crimson. "May I ask one last favor. I swear, after this... We'll be spending the whole time together." She said guilty. I smiled sadly and kissed her forehead. "Emily, this is your second favor about Chris. You have one last one... Please be careful." I whispered, wrapping my arm around her waist. She sniffed and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Why didn't I meet you earlier?" She asked as I wiped her tears away. "Some call is destiny, I call it fate. Emily, you've taught me so much." I whispered soothing her. She looked at me in confusion. I smiled kissing her cheek. "Emily, I've been through a rough break-up. This lady I loved was a bitch and ended our relationship pretty badly. You taught me that not all ladies are like her. You're so much more." I whispered as she clung tighter.

"Why would a lady do that to you?" She whispered kissing my cheek. "I don't know myself, but thank you." I whispered as she sniffed. I smiled wiping her tears. "Stop crying, we have to eat." I whispered kissing her forehead. She smiled as I helped her up. I took her hand in mine as we walked out the room. We walked down the stairs and towards the dinning table to find everyone laughing and telling stories. "About time you both came down!" Mrs. Downey said smiling. We smiled as I helped Emily seat down first and I followed. Chris H and Emily shared a look, but I didn't mind. We all ate in laughter. The food was amazing! Scarlett cooked the fried marinated chicken, Jeremy and Sebastian cooked the baked mac and Robert made the smoothies. Chris H was practically sleeping the whole time they were cooking. Chris... I swear he touches Emily again... I'm going to punch him.



Everyone practically fell asleep right after we went clubbing. I too was exhausted, but I have to put my children to sleep. "Mom?" Arthur called as he went under the covers. He looks so much like Chris, but he has blue eyes. "What is it?" I asked as I made sure the other two were already fast asleep. "Are you going to give Chris another chance?" He asked. I fell silent. I don't even know my feelings about him anymore! What is he doing to me? "I... Art, I really don't know." I replied kissing his forehead. "I'll give you an answer when I find out myself. Goodnight, my brave soldier." I replied covering his body with the blankets and giving a his forehead a kiss one last time. Thank goodness I didn't drink that much alcohol.

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