Chapter 57: Date Dash 4: Family Day (Part 2)

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Emily fell asleep on me as we reached house. "Should we wake her up?" Sebastian asked as everyone pilled out. "When we get in the house." I replied carrying her as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I chuckled kissing her cheek and followed the others. "So which one first?" I asked as Arthur rushed to the kitchen. "We make snacks then watch 28 Days Later!" He replied as Emily shifted in my arms. "Alright, Murdock, Rogers, get the kids in the living room. Sebastian help me make the food." I ordered smiling. The children left an I blew on Emily's ear. "Wake up, honey." I whispered as she did an annoyed face, but woke up rubbing her eyes. "Chris?" She asked looking at me. "Yeah?" I asked as Sebastian cleared his throat. "Right, sorry." I stated putting Emily down and started to make food. "Sis, why don't you go join the children in the living room." Seb suggested as she nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek then hugged Sebastian.

"So, how is she? Is having any morning sicknesses lately?" Sebastian asked as Emily walked towards the living room. "Better and now that you mentioned it, yeah she does a lot. Why do you ask?" I asked pouring the popcorn in a bowl. "You seriously haven't noticed?" He asked smirking. "Notice what?" I asked confused. "Arthur was right when he said you really don't notice." He commented as we walked towards the living room. "Sebastian, come on. What is it?" I asked as we reached the living room. "Nah, find out for yourself." He replied as we sat on the couch. Emily leaned on me as soon as I sat down. "I wanna see how Mom's gonna react to watching this!" Arthur exclaimed as he put the disc in the player.

And the movie started. Emily was amazing with her accent. She was a supporting actress, but she looked so young. She's the sister of the main character. They found her in his old house. The movie ended with her dying for him when she sacrificed herself to push the sergeant out of the car.

"Mom, you were so bad-ass." Arthur commented as he went and changed the movie to About A Boy. She was the older sister of Marcus. It's amazing how she acted like a drug addict, but changed when the older man showed her what Marcus was experiencing and what she was doing to herself was really killing herself more than getting attention.

Naomi was sniffing by the end of the movie. "One of my favorite movies of her." Sebastian said smiling as Emily hugged her brother. She sat between us. "Okay since it's practically past our lunch time and we didn't have lunch at all, but we're going to make our lunch anyway. Let's rest from watching the telly." Emily said stretching. The children yawned and followed her to the kitchen. I yawned as well and followed after them. Emily was slicing carrots as the children watched her. "Chris, can you stir the rice please?" She asked as I smiled and did what she said. In no time, we had fried rise with shrimp.

"What is that?" Arthur asked frowning. "Shrimp and fried rice, it's good I swear." Emily replied as I set the table. Sebastian said grace as we all started to eat. "Da, what's Disneyland like?" Kieren asked taking a spoon full of rice. "It's fun! You get to see big Mickey and Minnie Mouse. You get to go in the castle and play around. There's also the roller coaster and boat ride. You also het to see the parade of characters! You know, we're planning on going there on Christmas." I replied smirking. "Really!?" He asked as I nodded and took a bite of my shrimp. "Yup, we have exactly four months before the trip." I replied as Kieren grinned. "Ma, are we really going?" He asked as Emily looked at me and nodded. "Yes!" Kieren exclaimed smiling brightly.

"Arthur, you're on dish duty. Mimi, gather the plates. Kier, clean the table after." Emily ordered smiling. The three nodded and started to move. "Ems, I'm going to go. Alana an I have a date and I'm practically running late. See you around, yeah?" He asked as Emily nodded and gave him a hug. "Take care." She said as they pulled away. "You too." He replied patting her back. "Take care of her, old man." Sebastian said smirking. "I will, kid. Go to your date." I teased as he rolled his eyes and walked towards the front door. "You keep teasing and you won't get anything for tonight." Emily whispered trailing her fingers up and down my bicep. I gulped raising a brow at her. "You want to play that game?" I asked as she shrugged her shoulders and walked away. I chuckled following her to our room.

As she closed the door and pinned her on our door and started kissing her. She moaned silently and wrapped her hands around my neck as my arms wrapped around her waist and I pulled her closer. "The children might be looking for us." She whispered as I started a trail of kisses down her neck. "Don't jinx it." I whispered capturing her lips in mine again.


"Mom, can you and Dad sing us to sleep?" Kieren asked behind the door. I chuckled slowly pulling away from Emily. "You jinxed it." I whispered as she smirked and gave my cheek a peck. "At least they don't know what we were doing." She replied fixing her clothes and opened the door to see Kieren yawn. "Where's your older brother and sister?" I asked carrying him. "In the *yawn* In the... Room." He replied wrapping his arms around my neck. I smiled and kissed his head as we walked towards their room.

Emily intertwined our fingers as we reached their room. I opened the door to have Kieren jump off me and a pillow was thrown towards us which I caught. I frowned and looked past the pillow to see Rogers, Naomi, Arthur, and now Kieren peaking through the pillow fortress they made. "What is this?" Emily asked raising a brow. "We're challenging you both to a pillow fight instead of embarrassing yourselves." Arthur replied as we heard the door close. Murdock and Salvatore joined us behind an already made pillow-fortress in front of us. I smirked and kneeled behind the piles of pillows.


I smirked and kneeled down beside Chris. "Challenge accepted. What happens to the winner and the loser?" I asked raising a brow. "The winner obviously gets to order around the loser and the loser has to comply." Arthur replied smiling. "How do we know which one is the winner?" Murdock asked as we peaked at the other fortress. "How many times each person from each team is hit." Arthur replied throwing a pillow towards me, but Murdock caught it. "What happens when you catch it?" He asked as I took it from him and smirked. "Other team's point." I replied throwing a pillow as it hit Arthur. "Shit! I wasn't ready! That wasn't fair!" He yelled frowning. "Dollar, now." I ordered as Arthur groaned and walked towards the jar and dropped dollar in.

"Okay, one, zero. Get ready!" I exclaimed as we took cover. "Go!" Chris exclaimed as we all started throwing pillows at each other until our last pillow hit Rogers and I caught their last pillow. "Looks like we won." Chris commented smirking. "Fine, alright. We're doing house work for a week. I think we're all a bit sore." Arthur mumbled as he cradled Naomi in his arms. I smiled and walked towards them then gave all my kids a kiss on the forehead before tucking them in. "Goodnight... mum." Kieren whispered as I smiled caressing his head. "You guys hit the hay as well. We could be a hand-full as a family." Chris ordered as the three nodded and walked towards their room. I smiled proudly and I pulled Chris towards our room.

He pinned me on the door again and gave me a big hug. "I'm going to miss being able to do this..." He whispered kissing my shoulder. "This..." He whispered trailing his hand up and down my sides. "Especially this..." He whispered capturing my lips in his. I smiled kissing him back and trailing my hand up his neck. We slowly pulled away for air then went back to kissing passionately. Goodness gracious, he's an amazing kisser!


Chris groaned on my shoulder as we pulled away unwillingly. "We just can't take a break, can we?" He asked as we walked down and opened the door to see Sebastian and Alana grinning. "Sorry, can we stay here? The paparazzi is guarding my apartment like a bunch of hawks." Sebastian asked embarrassed. I chuckled letting them in. "Guest room and keep quite. If you haven't noticed, we were about to sleep." Chris said a bit annoyed. It just means that we weren't getting anything sexual out of our last night not working. "Alright, geez. We aren't a bunch of crazed puppies who go at it every free time we get." Sebastian teased as I slapped his head. He groaned until Alana pulled him up the stairs. "Well there goes our eventful evening out the window." Chris whispered as we walked towards our room and changed into pajamas. "Agreed, I'm a bit tired myself so I guess it's fine. Goodnight, I love you." He whispered kissing my shoulder as I shut the lamp off and he gave my shoulder a kiss. "I love you too." I whispered closing my eyes and falling askeep.

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