Chapter 61: A Scandal... Or is it?

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Previously: "Sebastian ordered me to come here and warn you." He replied as Salvatore put him down. "Warn us about what?" I asked frowning. "She's going to tell the press about her being pregnant with Chris' baby." He replied panting.


"W-What?" I asked suddenly feeling nervous. She would do that just to get Chris... "Emily?" Chris asked as he tilted my head to face him. It looked like he was about to say something until Hugh hollered something I couldn't understand. "What?" I asked frowning. "Emily! Chris! Come here now!" He ordered as I pulled away fro Chris and walked towards Hugh to have him hand the iPad towards me.

"You're saying that you're pregnant with Chris' baby, Minka?

Yes, this little bundle of joy in me is indeed Chris' child.

But there are rumors that he is with another wo-"

"Chris!" I heard as I looked up to see Mads and Hugh duck. I did as well as Murdock and Salvatore pushed the press away. Arthur rushed in and Chris closed the door. "Get in the car, Ash!" I yelled as he nodded and closed the back door. Rogers stepped on the gas and we rode back to the hotel to be almost ambushed by the press if it weren't for our three amazing body guards, we'd be stuck dealing with the press. I sighed, leaning on the door after closing it behind Ash. "Mom, what do we do now? I don't want Dad going back to the psycho." Kieren asked glaring put the window. "Honey, get away from the window please." I stated closing my eyes and taking in deep breathes.

I felt arms snake around me as I was lifted and laid on the couch. "Thank goodness we booked a room beside yours." Mads stated smiling. I smiled and opened my eyes to see Chris had my head on his chest as he smoothened my hair. "Emily, I'm going to fix this now. I know you don't want them to know about us since they're going to make a big deal out of it... and I'm not asking your permission... but I have to tell them about us to make what Minka said to them backfire on her." Chris said kissing the top of my head and pulling away. I frowned and caught his hand before he could leave. "Emily, please. Don't make this any harder than it al-" I cut him off with a kiss. No tongue, just a simple, soft kiss. He sighed as we pulled away and I smiled brightly at him. "Chris, I'm not letting you do this alone, but I'm not exposing my children to those people down there either. I'm not ready for that yet." I stated looking him in the eye.

He smiled and kissed my nose. "Let's go then." He replied intertwining our fingers together and I smiled as we walked towards the door. "Take care of them and watch the telly to check out what's happening out there!" I hollered closing the door behind me and we went in the elevator.




"Hello?" I asked as Chris kissed the top of my hand. "They're in the lobby." Hugh replied as I sighed and smiled at Chris. "Thanks, Hugh." I replied ending the call. "Chris, I know you hate the paparazzi, but if I learned anything from our line of work... We make a point through being impulsive. I was think-" I was cut off with a cup on the cheek and my lips being attacked smiled as I heard the familiar ding of the elevator. Gasped filled the room and I smirked into the kiss as Chris slowly pulled away from me and took my hand in his as we stepped out the elevator. Murdock, Salvatore, and Rogers immediately surrounded us.

"Chris! Emily! What's the meaning of this?

Are you both in a relationship?

Oh my goodness! Did we get that on air!?"

I blushed looking at Chris who looked calm as ever.

"One at a time, please." He replied taking my hand in his. "Move aside!" A lady yelled and I frowned as the lady before us smirked, Amelia.

"So, what's the deal with you both? Is Chris like cheating on Minka since there hasn't been any news about any break-up between them?

No, I'm not cheating on Minka. What she said was a lie. We've separated since Mother's Day.

Really? She said you might be cheating on her with someone, we didn't know it was with Emily Stan."

She smirked at me. I scoffed silently and smiled.

"What is with you and always trying to get me to say something bitchy? Chris didn't cheat on Minka. She's been telling you people all these lies and you seem to believe it for some reason. I could honestly say that Chris didn't cheat on Minka." I replied as every reporter had their jaws open. "T-There you have it. Looks like what Minka has been saying about Chris has been debunked... Chris, Emily, what is your relationship then?" Amelia asked blinking.

"Emily is now my fiancé. We've been dating since mother's day... But I've known her even before I met Minka and I've regretted the moment I broke her heart." Chris replied, smiling lovingly at me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Can I ask you one last question?" Amelia asked smirking. "Sure." Chris replied for us. "Why did you decide to come back for her now? She was with Colin Morgan then Tom Hiddleston, don't you think she's become a bit of a sl-" Chris cut her off with a glare and a reply. "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me... In all honesty... I didn't know what I was doing with Minka... She's sweet and all... I... It just didn't feel right and when I saw Emily after so long and I can not stop thinking about her ever since." Chris replied caressing my hand.

"Salvatore, please escort these people away from us." I whispered as Salvatore nodded with a grin. All three started stared to push all the press away from us. Rogers was pushing Amelia until her heel broke and he grinned my way as he continued to push her away. "Now that they're gone..." Chris trailed off cupping my cheek and pulling me in for anther kiss. I smiled wrapping my arms around Chris to pull him closer. "Can't you both keep it in your pants!?" Hugh's voice asked as we pulled away and I blushed embarrassed.

"Hugh, you ruined the moment." I commented as Chris took my hand in his. "I know a place by the corner where we can have our next date." Chris stated tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled as Hugh rolled his eyes shaking his head.

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