Chapter 10: Falling for Another Man

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May 12, 2007



"Emily!" Colin yelled as I spotted him in the airport entrance. I smiled as we ran towards each others arms. I know cliche, but I still find it cute. We stayed in that hug for a while before actually pulling away. I miss the warmth that the hug gave. "Alright, so, where are you staying at?" He asked as we walked towards Sebastian's car which he let me drive. "You'll probably like it." I replied smiling. He smiled in return and we got in and drove away. His charming I swear I can't resist it. I swore last year that I would never ever love again, but here I am falling for someone equally cute, but not equally built. We reached the apartment and Luke met us with Naomi crying. "What happened?" I asked frowning. "All three have fever." Luke replied worriedly. I had wide eyes and immediately ran in my room and carried Arthur and Kieren gently. "Let me carry Arthur." Colin volunteered getting Arthur from me and we rode a cab towards the nearest hospital. Luke, Colin, and I gave my children to the nurses and waited for the results. "Fudge... This is all my fault. I should've know that they were sick. They looked so weak. I'm not fit to be a mother." I mumbled letting my tears fall down. "Emily, stop blaming yourself. You have taken care of them risking your career. You love them more than anything in this world You're an amazing mom." Luke comforted. I smiled hugging him.

"Emily, look at me." Colin ordered. I turned his way to have soft lips collided with mine. I froze for a second then Colin pulled away. "Sorry, I've been wanting to do that for awhile now." Colin mumbled staring into my eyes. "Do you fancy me, Colin?" I asked as I reached my hand to touch his. "Yes." He replied smiling. I smiled and kissed him. He kissed back and Luke had to clear his throat for us to pull away. "As much as you want to suck faces, we're in a hospital." Luke commented smirking. I blushed as we pulled away completely. "Miss Stan?" The Doctor asked smiling. "That would me, yes." I replied wiping the remaining tears I have. "You may take your children back home now. It wasn't anything serious. Just a fever." He said smiling. I smiled hugging both boys. We followed the doctor and got my children.

"Mama!" Arthur yelled reaching for me. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "We're you scared?" I whispered as we got a cab. He nodded wiping his tears. "Told you so." Luke whispered bumping our heads. I laughed and fell asleep on Colin's shoulder. "Emily, wake up." Luke whispered poking my side. I frowned opening my eyes to see I didn't hug anyone. "You're hugging Arthur already." Luke whispered as we got out of the cab. I'm a bit disappointed that Colin didn't wait for me.

"We're rolling. One... Two.. Three. Action!" Jensen ordered as we started to act. "Sam, shut up. You don't have a say in this." I said perfecting my lines and acting. "Amelia, why are you suddenly being mean?" Sam asked frowning. "Alright, shut it... Both of you. I sold my soul alright you don't have to do jack squat. Hell's Gates just opened and demons are running free. So why don't we kill some evil sons of bitches and raise a little hell?" Dean asked smirking. "Aaaaaaaaand cut!" Alright scene 27 take 35 done. Let's have a break everyone!" Jensen ordered as my make up artist started to re-do make up. "I'm so tired." I stated collapsing on the chair. "Emily, I feel you, seriously." Jared said smiling and taking my hand and rubbed it. I chuckled doing the same on his. We're weird that way. I know only couples do that, but it was nice doing it with a friend like Jared. "Alright everyone! Breaks over back to work!" Jensen yelled. I sighed as Jared helped me up with the same hand he used in rubbing my hand. "Mom!" Arthur yelled as I got back in thr trailer. "Hey, Arthur! How are your siblings?" I asked peeping in the bed room to see Luke with Kieren and Colin with Naomi. I smiled walking towards Colin and gently carried Naomi away from him. He was adorable when he slept. Three days ago he arrived here and we haven't spoken since that incident in the hospital.

I walked towards the couch and laid Naomi there. "Emily, are you in there?" Jensen asked. I chuckled walking towards my door and peeping out to see Jared and Jensen waiting for me. "What's up?" I asked sticking my head out. "You ask it." Jensen mumbled looking at the ground. "No, you ask it." Jared mumbled back punching his shoulder. "Just ask alright." Jensen punched back and Jared smiled at me. "Jensen was asking if you'd like to ride with us." Jared said smiling. "Nope, she's staying with us. She's driving." Colin said smiling and putting an arm around my waist to pull me closer. "Oh, so you two are a thing now?' Jared asked smirking. I blushed trying to pull away. "In the process." Colin replied proudly. "Stop saying things you don't mean." I whispered nearing his ear. "I wouldn't be saying it if I don't mean it." He whispered back kissing me. I had wide eyes and used my periphiral vision to see Jared and Jensen have wide eyes. Colin pulled away and smirking. "Thank you for coming, but she's ours tonight." Colin said closing the trialer door. I frowned pushing him away. "What is it?" He asked worriedly. "How can you do that in front of them!?" I asked glaring at him. He was silent so I just raised a brow at him and crossed my arms. He sighs smiling and rubbing his chin.

I got bored so I started biting my lower lip. "Stop doing that." He stated as Arthur came with a bag to pack the toys and tupperwares. "Stop what?"' I asked stiling biting my lip. I don't even know what he is pertainting to. He walked towards me and pinned me to the wall. "I'm trying to formulate what I'm going to say to you as an explanation to what I did earlier, but you biting your lip isn't helping." He whispered gently pulling my head up to look at him. I blushed trying to look away. I hate it when men do that! "You're adorable." He said smiling. "I'm not adorable. I'm older than you." I stated staring back at his beautiful orbs. He smirked and kissed me again. I smiled kissing him back. My arms snaked around his neck and he wrapped his arms around me. I forgot how it felt like being liked by someone after that asshole. "Mommy? Colin?" Arthur asked dropping his bag. We pulled away and Colin laughed kissing my forehead. I smiled closing my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder. "Uhm... Arthur, is it alright if I asked your mother to be her boyfriend?" Colin asked facing Arthur. I blushed hugging him tighter. "Yes!" Arthur exclaimed happily then Luke came out with Kieren. "We better go. It's going to be dark soon. Thanks guys!" Luke hollered. I frowned and we opened the door to see Jared, Jensen, Seb, Alana and Grant. "Oh you ass-" Colin cut me off with a kiss. I blushed kissing him back. Naomi started to cry so we pulled away. He carried Naomi and rocked her. She stopped crying. I smiled kissing his cheek and gently took Naomi from him. We walked out and headed for the car. We all drove away as Jared and Jensen went a different dierection. I fell asleep on Colin's shoulder and he woke me up when we reached the apartment. I smiled and followed as we put the three cutiepies to sleep. "We're off to bed as well." Colin stated as he pulled me towards the bed room. I didn't protest since I was tired as well. We collapsed on the bed and Colin immediately hugged me towards him. "It'll be nice to someday see you as happy with that man as you are with me." Colin whispered kissing my forehead and drifted off to sleep. I smiled turning towards him. "I'd love to see that day too, but in the mean time... We'll see what comes out of our relationship. Goodnight, love." I whispered kissing him and drifting off to sleep as well.


"I'd love to see that day too, but in the mean time... We'll see what comes out of our relationship. Goodnight, love." She whispered kissing me and falling to sleep. I smiled opening my eyes to watch her sleep. I quietly got out of bed and walked towards the living room to find Luke and Alana leaning on Sebastian. "So she confessed?" Seb asked as he turned off the TV. I chuckled and nodded. I walked towards the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Seb followed smiling. "Do you want some?" I asked heating water. "No, thanks. You know you make her happy, right?" Seb said smiling. I nodded, but I still had that feeling of jealously over Chris Evans. He was her first love! I can't compete with that. I like her a lot, but damn it. I hate this feeling of uselessness. I can't get her to be happier like when she was with that guy.

"Quit doing that." Seb said patting my back. "Ha, I'm not doing anything." I replied making tea and taking a sip. "She'll show you when she's ready." He whispered smiling. I chuckled nodding my head. He walked away as I finished my tea. I brushed my teeth and went back to her bed room to find her rubbing her eyes awake. "You left me." She commented sadly. I smiled walking towards her. "I needed to think." I whispered kissing her forehead. "I really like you." She whispered falling back to sleep. I chuckled drifting off to sleep as well. I don't mind sleeping and waking up to this every day.

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