Chapter 29: Reaching UK

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January 13, 2011



I woke up due to the snoring of Arthur. He's really cute when he sleeps. I always loved watching hiim sleep. "Emily?" Someone whispered behnd me. I frowned, slowly turning to see a man with a fedora hat and shades. "Am I supposed to recognize you?" I asked letting Arthur sleep on my lap. "It's Micahel. Michael Fassbender." He whispered letting his shades fall a bit so I could see his eyes. "Hi! Why are you on this flight? Shouldn't you be back in Georgia for tapping?" I whispered, lowered Michael's head and smiled brightly at the attendant as she passed by. "Is she gone?" He whispered looking through the shades. I chuckled and nodded. "You do know you look stupid wearing that thing during the night." I commented smirking. He chuckled silently and leaned back. "Can I sit with you for awhile?" He asked after looking serious. I frowned gently carrying Arthur to move a little so Michael can fit. He sat beside me and looked around. I continued to frown as he turned to look at me and removed his shades. "James told me about situation." He whispered pulling me for a hug. I frowned checking if Arthur was still asleep. "Emily, answer me this." He whispered hugging me tighter. I frowned wrapping my arms around him as well. "Hmm?" I asked closing my eyes.

"Why are you hurting yourself by loving him?" He asked as I stayed silent thinking about what he said. They really are best friends since James told him about my dilemma. I smiled feeling hot tears alling down my cheeks and I tighten my hug around him. "Shhh... Emily, please stop hurting yourself." He whispered raising his hand to my head and strokes it trying to calm me down. I smiled taking in deep breathes and wiping my face. We pulled away, but he put his hands on my shoulders. "Emily, you have to be careful who you give your love too." He said smiling and letting me go. I smiled wiping my tears away as he stood up. "Sir, please sit down." The attendant scolded. He nodded at me and went back to his seat behind us. I smiled as I moved back to my original seat and closed my eyes for some shut eye even for a little amount of hours.


I woke up to the slight tapping on both my shoulders. "What? WHat!?" I asked slowly opening my eyes to see Sebastian, MIchael, and Arthur tapping me. "WHAT!?" I asked glaring at the light coming through the windows. "You really are adorable." Michael commented smorking. I frowned about to retort. "Come on, we're the only passenges left. We should go." He said reaching out his hand. I chuckled taking it as he helped me up. I smiled thankfully feeling and hearing my stomach grumble. Sebastian tried to hold in his laugther until we got out where Colin and James were waiting. Michael also laughed causing me to glare at both. "It's not my fault that I'm hungry." I mumbled feeling embarrassed. They laughed as we walked towards the car. I opened the door to see a sleeping Bradley which casued me to give an extremely girly shriek. "WHat!?" He asked then groaned laying back on the chair. "WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE! HE SHOULD BE RESTING!" I yelled glaring at Colin. He smiled nervously. "He insisted on coming." He replied looking down. "AND YOU FUCKING LET HIM!?" I asked glaring even more. "EMs, stop the yelling.... my head is hurting." Brad whispered as I sat beside him. I frowned and checked his forehead. "You have to take car eof yourself!" I exclaimed hugging him tightly. He coughed, but laid his head on my shoulder and slept soundly as everyone conversed about the upcoming projects.


I woke up to Bradley shaking me awake. I yawned rubbing my eyes. "Come on, it's better to sleep on a bed." He said smilng and sneezing. I chuckled and helped him out. Sebastian held the door for us. "Ems, we dropped Michael off after you fell asleep." Arthur said reading a book with the twins asleep besdie him. Brad kept sneezing so I covered his mouth with my handkercheif. Sebastian helped me get him to his room and change his clothes. "Get a thermomiter and a hot compress, please. I think he has flu. Tell Colin to cook soup, we're having that for dinner and Seb... Tell Arthur to carry the twins in their room. It's freezing this time of year." I ordered trying to warm Bradley. "Ems?" Brad whispered. "Yeah?" I asked stroking his head. "Bin." He whispered giving a sign for vomitting. I quickly got the bin beside his bed and helped him up as he vomitted in the bin. "I need to get to training tomorrow." He whispered in between vomits. I shook my head and continued to rub his back. "No training for you mister. Not until your flu is gone at least." I replied as he leaned on the headboard. He coughed clutching his head. "How do you even know I have flu?" He asked taking a peek at me behind his hands. "Because I wanted to become a doctor before I pursued acting, dum, dum." I replied smirking.

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