Chapter 71: T'was the Night before Christmas

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December 24, 2012


Twas the night before Christmas, a family is preparing for their Christmas Eve and are planning to stay up till morning. The mother woke up first. She smiled realizing that Christmas would be in a few hours. She cautiously got out of bed as not to wake up her fiancé. She tip-toed down out the room, across the hallway, and down the stairs. She smiled looking proudly at the decorations she set-up with her fiancé. She walked towards the kitchen and tied her hair.

She thought about starting on making food for Christmas Eve. She started with breakfast first since today was going to be a long day. She brought out some eggs and sausages. She did not know that her brother woke up the same time as her and decided to five her a fright before she cooked.

The youngest brother of the Stan's cautiously tip-toed behind the only sister. The youngest brother then gave out a loud yell and light push, immediately frightening the only sister. Sh-

"Would you stop with the story telling and help us make breakfast?" Mom asked raising a brow. I stuck my tongue out. "I'm a good story teller, I'm going to be a storyteller when I grow up!" I exclaimed grinning. Mom rolled her eyes as Dylan laughed. "I'm already helping you! Let the boy have a little bit more fun." Dylan defended smirking at me. I laughed nodding. "Oh alright, just take it down a minimum, okay? I still have to prepare your gifts and the food!" She exclaimed as we laughed at her.

The mother continued to make breakfast with her youngest brother. The oldest son had other plans than to take the storytelling down a minimum. The oldest son watched his mother and uncle make breakfast as their youngest bodyguard joined him. They both watched the siblings make breakfast in laughter and they talked about Anime.

"What happened in Fairytail recently?" Rogers asked smiling. "I'm watching other anime at the moment like Psycho Pass." I replied grinning. "Ohhhh, that one sounds interesting! Tell me about it. Rogers stated smiling. "Well, I can't really explain to you since it would spoil the whole fun of watching it." I replied grinning. "You're no fun!" Rogers complained frowing. Sometimes I wonder what age he's in, twenty-three or five.

The kitchen was soon filled with the whole family. The father sat between his daughter and youngest son. The mother sat between the oldest bodyguard and her youngest brother. You get the seating arrangement, now that we got breakfast over and done with, the whole family started to prepare. The father and mother started to make the food for Christmas. Two of the bodyguards helped them. The youngest brother helped the oldest son of the couple make snacks. The twins and the youngest bodyguard were in charge of putting the gifts under tree.

"Arthur, would you stop with the story telling, pleaseeeeeeee?" Mom asked pleadingly. "Okay, okay, fine. What are we making?" I asked smiling. "Go help Dylan guard the cookies and dn't you dare eat because I'll know." Mom stated as she playfully glared at Dad who was already eating a cookie. I laughed as Dad didn't notice. "What? The cookies taste amazing! Just like you." He replied smirking. I gagged shaking my head as mom flushed. "Shut up. There's a child in the room." she mumbled as I laughed louder and walked towards Dylan before she throws anything at me.

I grinned thinking of a way to scare Dylan. I creeped up on him to have him smirk. "Dude, you know if you're trying to sneak up on me to scare me, you've done a terrible job already." He commented as I groaned and joined him as we wait for the cookies to cook in the oven. "Dyl, what's it like acting?" I asked out of boredom. He raised a brow and laughed. "It's really fun, you get to play these different characters and people getto give you advice at some point. "Why? Want to follow the footsteps of the old man and old lady?" He asked smirking. "WE are not old, Dylan! Don't make us sound so dramatic!" Mom hollered as we laughed. "Maybe, but you know, out of curiosity sake I had to ask. We aren't doing anything here as-" I was cut off by the ding of the oven. "You were saying?" Dylan asked as I laughed and stuck my tongue out. "Shut up." I mumbled helping him get the cookies.

The day went one like this, the family prepared the food until afternoon. They were interrupted by the families of both the father and mother. They then helped the couple make food.

The three children and three bodyguards played the xbox while the younger children on the father's side watched them and sometimes joined them. They had fun until there was another knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Mom exclaimed and let my two siblings play first. I watched her open the door and hug a small blondie. I raised a brow knowing exactly who she was. "Is he here?" Blondie asked nervously. "Yes, now come on. I want you to be a surprise." Mom replied as she lead blondie upstairs. I chuckled going back to the living room. "Art, do you know who the person was?" Dylan asked yawning. I smirked and shook my head. "Nope, mom said it was just a prank." I replied continuing to play with my siblings.

The mother came down after a few minutes and was bombarded by her youngest brother. The mother was able to get her younger brother off her back and the whole family ate their dinner. They discussed matters such as the wedding, the children, experiences and stories from their past. The three siblings of both the mother and father then washed the dishes as the couple rested.

None of the family members were able to stay up until the next morning so they decided to give the gifts in the next morning.

I woke up stretching and rubbing my eyes. "Arthur! ARTHUR! It's CHRISTMAS! Let's wake mom and dad!" Kieren exclaimed as he walked towards his twin's bed and woke her up. I smiled as they both giggled and squealed and practically dragged me towards mom and dad's room. They barged in and jumped on their bed as I stood on the doorway. I laughed as Dad hugged mom tighter to me and tried shielding themselves from the twins. "Aaaaaarthurrrrrrr! Help us!" Naomi whined as I chuckled and shook my head. "Don't you dare Arthur!" Mom threatened and I smirked running towards them and jumping on top of them as the twins joined me.

They both groaned trying to get us off. "Shit! Get the fuck off, Arthur!" Chris cursed and I laughed shaking my head. "Chris!" Mom scolded frowning. "Sorry babe. Couldn't help myself." He replied cheekily. I rolled my eyes as they started to flirt. "Guys, get the fuck off!" Dad complained as Mom glared at him. Poor guy. "I love you guys so much! I think I'm going to stay here a bit." I replied settling between them and mom laughed. "Fine, get under the covers then." She replied as I grinned and snuck under the covers between them. Das groaned in annoyance. "But I wanted to stay longer in bed with you." Dad whined as I laughed seeing mom blush. "Shush, this is punishment for saying so much bad words. You swear like a sailor!" She exclaimed as we all laughed and Naomi and Kieren joined us under the covers. I was in the middle of everyone was we all fell back asleep.

The brothers of the couple wanted to surprise them by waking the couple up with yelling, but the youngest of all mustered all the strength he had to push them all back and agree not to yell. They all agreed and when they checked the room again. The whole family of Chris Evans were asleep on their bed. Emily was hugging Naomi and Naomi as hugging Arthur. Arthur was hugging Naomi as well, but Kieren was hugging Arthur from behind. Chris was hugging Kieren from behind and the whole family was fast asleep.

The mothers of the couple decided to check on boys since they didn't come down. They gasped covering their mouths seeing their daughter and son with their children. It was adorable after all. They decided to let them sleep, but not without a photo taken by Sebastian. They let them sleep as they fixed the house for them and waited for the adorable family to wake up before opening any gifts.

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