Chapter 22: Brotherly Talks

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December 19, 2010



Ugh! Why is he so irrisistable?! I woke up this morning in his arms and... I liked it, but I don't trust him! My heart is in a neutral state. "Emily!" Sebastian called. I sighed and got up wiping my tears. I got to the door and smiled. "What?" I asked. "We need to talk." Bradley replied pushing through. I sighed closing the door after Sebastian. "Sit." Sebby ordered looking at the stairs. "Arthur, go to your room. We need to talk to your mother." Sebby ordered. "What's wrong? Did that asshole hurt my mother again?" Arthur asked glaring. "Get in your room, Arthur... please." Brad pleaded. Arthur turned his gaze upon me and he was worried. "Go. You have class tomorrow." I said smiling. He sighed in defeat and walked off. I smiled then Sebastian and Bradley sat either side of me. "Chris told me about last night." Sebastian stated as if he wanted me to explain my actions. I pleaded Bradley with my eyes to tell Sebastian not to push it. He sighed and shook his head. I glared at the fireplace and sighed in frustration. "What do you want me to say, Sebastian? That I regret what I did this morning and last night out loud? Is that what you want?" I asked feeling hot streams of liquid fall down my cheeks. "No, Emily. That isn't the only thing I want you to say. I want you to tell why the fuck are you still in-love with him? I love him like a brother and I know he's an ass most of the time, but you... I don't how you could still love him all these years." He replied glaring at the fire place as well.

"Fine. Chris pulled me towards his trailer and locked it behind him because he wanted us to talk about what happened last year in private. I laid Kieren on the couch as he fell asleep then headed towards the chair in front of the mirror. He then started to talk about the incident and I was of course pissed, but I remember everything. I knew it was Chris who took care of me last month. I know... I lied, but that was the only thing protecting me from my own feelings and now the wall broke down again... I have no control or protection now, Seb. Please... I'm... I'm suffering." I whispered covering my eyes with my hands. Both men didn't say anything, but hugged me. I cried harder and leaned on Bradley. Sebastian got up and got ice cream. "Here." He whispered handing it to me. "We're going to have a Doctor Who marathon to get your head off him. Emily... this isn't me asking... this is me ordering you... you need to distance yourself from Chris even if he stays here until tapping is done because your house is the nearest one to tapping." Sebby said turning the tv on. I smiled through the tears and leaned on Bradley. I was able to finish until Daleks in Manhattan until I finally fell asleep with the ice cream finished.

December 20, 2010


I yawned feeling the comforter. I frowned opening my eyes. How the hell did I get here!? "Mom!" Naomi yelled pushing my door open. I had wide eyes and quickly caught her before she fell on the floor. "Ack!" I hissed falling on my back and Naomi on my stomach. "I'm so sowy!" She yelped getting off me. I chuckled and smiled up at her. "What is it, love?" I asked smiling. "Dad is and Awtuw awe fiwghing!" She exclaimed worried. I had wide eyes and noticed I was in my clothes last night. I chuckled seeing I was still in my tank top and shorts. I carried Naomi and ran down the stairs to hear yelling. "Arthur! Stop! I'm not here to hurt your mother!" Chris reasoned. "Oh yeah!? Then why the fuck was she crying yesterday, huh!? Why!?" Arthur retorted. I gasped covering my mouth. Naomi stared at me confused. "What are you talking about!? I didn't do anything!" Chris yelled. "Really, now!? You were in her room last night after I told you to stay away from her! She deserves to be happy! Not to fucking fall in-love with a jackass like you!" Arthur yelled back. If I don't stop them now they'll end up throwing punches, but I couldn't bring myself to move.

Just hearing what they have to say is making me curious and hurt enough not to stop them. "Why are you turning the blame on me, Arthur!? Yes, I have been an ass to your mother, but I am willing to change! No, I am not only willing! I will change for her!" Chris yelled making Arthur speechless. I had wide eyes, but I was infuriated. No one is that willing to change for a girl like me. NO ONE! I came out of my hiding place and glared at both of them. "Don't make promises you can't keep." I spat directing my glare on Arthur. "You skipped school again." I stated keeping our eye contact. Both were to shocked to reply. I sighed walking towards Arthur and pulled him by the ear. "Ow! Ow! Let me go!" He yelled trying to pull away. I let him go when we were in the hallway and smiled at him. He frowned confused. "Aren't you gonna lecture me?" He asked. I chuckled and caressed his ear. "I will, but right now... Thank you." I whispered letting Naomi go and we hugged Arthur. He smiled hugging us back. "Mom?" Kieren asked yawning. I chuckled walking towards him and carried him. "Gosh, you got heavy, what has Grant been feeding you?" I asked shaking my head. Moose came running towards us. "Go change, Arthur. You're grounded for a week. Doing chores is your punishment for skipping. Now go walk Moose around the neighborhood." I stated smiling. He groaned and carried Moose up the stairs. Chris walked towards me and sat opposite me. "What do you want? Go get sleep." I stated carrying the twins and headed for the kitchen. He followed and I felt annoyed. I love him, but Arthur made me see that I was being blind again.

I sat the twins on the stool and got the cereal from the cupboard. I could feel Chris's gaze on me and I ignored it. "Stop staring." I stated preparing the bowls and spoons for us to eat. "I couldn't if I tried." He replied taking a seat beside Kieren. Kieren and Naomi smiled up at him and he returned it. I smiled and hid it as he turned to me. "What do you two want to do?" I asked pouring the milk on our bowls. "Read!" They exclaimed at the same time. I smiled and we started to eat. Chris was silent the whole time which was making me nervous. "Mom, your phone!" Arthur hollered from the living room. "Excuse me." I mumbled running towards the living room. "Hey Uncle Seb!" Arthur exclaimed. I laughed getting the phone from Arthur. "Go walk the dog." I said smiling. He rolled his eyes, but smiled and walked out. "What he do this time?" Sebby asked chuckling. "Skip school." I replied smirking. He laughed. "Go easy on him. Oh by the way, is he there?" Seb asked. "Shut up, no one tells me how to discipline my child. Yup... Sebastian, please tell me you have something?" I asked hopeful. "I thought you'd never ask. We have a photo shoot in an hour. I'll text you the meeting place." He replied smiling. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed smiling. "Alright, shush. "Go eat your food. It's probably cold. Bye." He said smiling. "Byeee." I said ending the call.

I skipped towards the kitchen and ate my cereal. Naomi and Kieren were debating about whether the Doctor and Sherlock were smarter. Naomi is Sherlock and Kieren is the Doctor. I chuckled and washed the dishes as Chris watched them amused. I quickly ran to my room and changed. I went down to hear Arthur join in saying that they were both equal because both men had their own good qualities. I chuckled getting in the bathroom and brushed my teeth. "Going somewhere?" Chris asked leaning on the door frame. I sighed and gargled. "Yup, I'm going with Sebastian on a photo shoot." I replied washing the sides of my mouth and quickly getting passed Chris, but he caught my wrist. I glared at the my feet for being so slow then face him sarcastically smiling. "What now?" I asked trying to get him to let go. He sighed and pulled me towards him. I gulped hitting his chest and he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Are you ignoring me?" He asked. "What? No, of course not. Why would I?" I asked trying to pull away more. "I'm not convinced so tell me, Emily..." He trailed off cupping my cheek. Oh come on! Not this one again! "Why are you ignoring me?" He asked nearing our faces. I didn't budge. "I am not ignoring you, Chris. Let me go, please." I said smiling. Buy it. Buy it... Buy it!

He crashed a lips and pulled away before I kissed back which got me frustrated and I pulled him in for a proper slow kiss. I blushed wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled and we pulled away slowly. I'm gonna regret this when I face Sebby. "Go. I'll watch over the kids." He whispered sending chills done my spine. "Thank you." I whispered kissing his cheek and we pulled away. I ran towards the bowl for the keys and got my car keys. "Bye mom! Have fun! I love you" Arthur hollered as I got to the door. "Love you too!" I hollered closing the door behind me and walking towards my car. I started it and sped away from the house. I swear, I hate myself right now. Just thinking about what happened earlier us making my blood boil. How can I be so stupid?! I parked beside Sebastian's car and leaned on the steering wheel. I need to sort out these feelings. I hate it. "Emily!" Sebastian yelled knocking on my window. I jumped wiping my tears again. Ugh... I need a break far away from everything. I got my bag and got out smiling.

"Emily, don't give me that look." Seb whispered leading me towards the staff. I didn't pay attention anymore I was over thinking and Sebastian knew it. The photo shoot ended and I removed the make-up right away when I got in the car. Sebastian got in and sat shotgun. "Emily, you know you can tell me anything, right?" Sebastian asked smiling. I smiled back sighing. "You already know the problem though. I don't need to tell you." I replied side glancing. He joined me as we looked at the rear-view mirror. "Well, it's better if you say it verbally. Not just by your actions and the stories of our brother." Sebastian reasoned. I chuckled lightly punching his arm. "Fine. I want to figure out my feelings and this situation with that guy in the house is not helping." I replied leaning on my chair. He chuckled patting my back. "You know, a young lady once told me... You can never find out your true feelings from someone unless you try." He stated smirking. "Don't use my word against me. I have tried for months, remember?" I asked starting the car. He sighed and patted my back again. "You'll see soon enough." He mumbled looking out the window. I frowned confused. What the hell does that mean?

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