Chapter 19: Remembering the Hospital Incident

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December 10, 2014



I wonder if she remembers... I chuckled laying my head on the pillow. She looked so adorable when she slept and I missed that. I missed her, Arthur, my twins and of course Moose. Spinee was starting to get used to Minka, but he didn't seem to really like her, at all, but for my sake, he's been doing it for me. I chuckled sighing. Minka was off on a photoshoot so I was alone again and... I have too much thinking time. My thoughts keep going back to that day I made her go away because I can't accept the fact that I was the father of her unborn children. I love children, but I wasn't ready yet... I think. Spinee came to the bed and buried himself in my right arm. I chuckled petting him. "I miss her, bud." I whispered sighing and laying back down. I closed my eyes and repated the events in the hospital in my mind.


Emily was asleep and I smiled as I woke up to her still sleeping. "Emily, we ha-SON OF S BITCH!" Bradley exclaimed covering his mouth as Emily sturred, but she stayed asleep. "What the fuck are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off fu-" Seb covered his mouth. "Forgive my brother, he can be rough around the edge around people, especially with people who hurt our little sister. So tell us... Why the hell are you here?" Sebastian asked glaring. I sighed trying to pull away from Emily. "Don't move." She mumbled. I froze gulping and looking down. I pleaded Sebastian with my face to help me with my dilemma. He rolled his eyes and helped Emily get off me. "So, are you gonna tell us the reason why you're here or am I gonna wake her up and you feel her wrath? What's it gonna be tough guy?" Sebastian asked. I sighed chuckling. "Look, you're trying to protect her from me and I get that, really, but you can't stop me from worrying about her constantly." I replied sadly. Sebastian sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Emily groaned starting to wake up.

"Get out now. She's going to throw a fit if she finds out you're here. You can come again tonight... Watch over her. She has a fever and go get these. The doctor prescribed it for her." Bradley said handing me a slip of paper, my cap  and my jacket as I quickly walked out. I looked at the paper to see they were pain relievers. I sighed putting on my cap and jacket as I walked out of the hospital.

*Next Night*

I showed up at th hospital 8:30 just as Sebastian was saying goodbye. "Chris, listen... uhm... you can go here even in the morning if you want, but please... just take care of her, alright?" He asked smiling. I frowned confused. "Look man, I know you don't like me at the moment, but why are you saying that?" I asked confused. He smiled patting my back. "I don't really. I hate you at the moment for throwing my sister's heart to the freakin' dogs like trash, but she has no one at the moment to take care of her. Just... try and change your voice a bit. She's uh... she's temporarly blind because of the after shock of the crash." Sebastian explained. I sighed understanding what he said. "Alright, I'm telling my manager that I'm taking this month as a break." I said smiling. "Thanks, mate. I've gotta go. Bradley is having trouble with the kids." Seb said running away. I sighed and went in the room. Emily was flipping through the channels. "Hey." I called feeing myself smile. "Whose there?" Emily asked turning towards my direction. "Yeah, uhm... I'm Johnny. I was just passing by in town when your brother told me too watch over you. I'm a friend of his from England." I replied smiling.

"Cut the crap, your accent isn't British, Irish, even Scottish so tell me, Mr. Johnny. Who the hell are you?" Emily asked frowning. "I'm gonna regret this." I mumbled chuckling. "It's me Emily. Chris... Chris Evans." I replied smiling. "C-Chris? Oh my gosh! W-What are you doing here?" She asked nervous. I smirked walking towards her. "Uhm, would you believe me if I said I was here because I worry about you... constantly?" I asked taking her hand in mine. "I'm probably dreaming." She mumbled shaking her head. I chuckled kissing her hand. "You can say that." I replied smiling.

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