Chapter 47: Is this a Sign?

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Son of a bitch! Fucking hell! Why'd they have to leave!? And Ella was the one who took her to add to the facts! I sighed glaring at the wall. "You're hurting the wall." Arthur commented smirking. "You have no idea how much I want to punch it right now." I replied clenching my fist. "Geez, calm down old man. She's going through something alright? I mean, do you really think it is normal for a unmarried woman who has a caring, loving boyfriend, to kiss her best friend who crushed her heart not twice, but thrice!?" Arthur scolded crossing his arms, challenging me to answer. I stayed silent and continued glaring at the wall. Is this a sign that I love her more than I thought? I'd do anything for her and thinking about it now, I am determined to break-up with Minka now just to be with her again.

Just to be able to hold her and call mine for the rest of my life, but I only dated her for four months back then. Is this fate? You've got to be kidding me if it hurts this much to be away from her. "I'll tell you what, stop glaring at the wall, and I'll tell you anything you want to know about my mom. Arthur said sitting on the couch. I sighed and followed as we left space between us. "Arty!" Naomi exclaimed jumping on his lap. "Ow! Kier, don't you dare!" He exclaimed as Kieren joined in. I laughed as Naomi turned to me. "Hi!" She exclaimed smiling. "Get him, please!" Arthur begged as both kids crushed him between them.

I chuckled and pulled Kieren away. "WooHoo. Alright, so what do you want to know about her?" He asked as Naomi settled on sitting on his lap. "What was she like after I... after I broke her for the first time?" I asked as Kieren played with my hand. "Well, let's just say it wasn't a pretty sight. You can't distinguish the difference with her real smile and laugh with the fake ones. She's the best damn actress I know. Anyway, she was... how do I say this lightly..." He trailed off thinking. "Be frank, Art." I kinda ordered.

"She hated you with the passion, but at the same time pitied herself. She even needed Misha to bring back herself esteem. Too bad the man was married. He could've ended up with her, no offense. She started to forgive you though for some unknown reason. Which leads us to now where she completely forgave you and gave one-fourth of her heart, wait no, that's not right... A half of her heart. She really does love you, Chris. All I ask is that you keep it, cherish it, and protect it. Come on, you can break-up with Minka anytime, you're just scared that Emily wouldn't love you anymore." Arthur replied as both twins nodded. I smiled and nodded.

"Alright, wise guy. Tell me why she doesn't break-up with Tom then?" I asked raising a brow. "Oh they broke up alright. Just awhile ago that's why she left, but like I said earlier. Half of that heart kinda belongs to Tom now. Unless you can win it back which, no offense, I don't think you can gain back. He's starting a plan now to ask her again. Maybe in a week or so which gives you plenty of time, but that's only if you want." He said smiling. I frowned as Kieren was now playing with both my hands. "Is she happy with him?" I asked nervous for the answer. "Not as happy as she is with you, I know cliché, but that's the best way to describe it." He replied grinning. I chuckled looking up. "Well, what do you say?" Arthur asked as Naomi crawled towards me.

"I'll leave them be. If Emily wants to stay with him, fine, but I'll give Minka a year. She's finally falling for another man. Art, don't tell this to your mom alright? Just... Just tell her to tell me if she chooses Tom or me, alright?" I asked looking at him. "Yeah, I can do that." Arthur said looking away. "Let's go get some dinner." I said standing up and carrying the twins on my back as we head to the phone. "What do you want?" I hollered as Arthur came yawning. "Pizza." He replied leaning on me as well. I chuckled as I carried him as well and took the stairs cautiously after I ordered.

I opened their door and and made sure not to accidentally let their heads bump on the walls and door frame. I laid Kieren on his bed first since he was on my back. "I love you, I'll wake you up when food comes." I whispered kissing his head. I laid Naomi next and kissed her forehead. "I love you guys so much. I'm sorry I let your mom start raising you alone... I swear, I'll be here every now and then to take care of you guys." I whispered to both then walked out. I chuckled seeing Arthur still sucked on his thumb.

I walked towards his room and laid him on his havoc. He snorted then turned on his side. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I wrapped his blanket on him. "I'm sorry I left you guys... I'm going to help raise you even if your mother and I don't end up together. I'll wake you up when food is here. I love you, Arthur." I whispered as I walked towards his room. "I heard you the first time." He hollered clutching the blanket. "Get some shut eye." I said smiling. I walked out and decided to write a letter for Emily. She loves cliché. I sat on the stool and started to write on the paper and pen I found in Arthur's room.

Dear Emily,

I miss you and I gotta tell you something that I hope I can tell you in person soon. Before you get any ideas of me going away, just to clarify your head... I'm not. I'll never leave you again, but I also know that you like Tom, maybe even above just like.

Anyway, that isn't what this letter will talk about. Ems, I really love you. I know I said it to you so much more times in person, but... whenever you're in doubt that I love you, just read this again and again. I love you, I love you, I love you so much. I'll never ever leave you again and I'll try to stop making you jealous all throughout our relationship if you do choose me, but even though you won't, I'll try minimizing making you jealous as well.

Emily Artemis Stan, I know you're probably contemplating on going back to Tom after reading this letter, but go back to him. I know we just 'got back together' recently, but give him one more year, a chance. If it doesn't work out, I'll be here waiting, Emily. I'll keep my promise of breaking up with Minka next year, it's up to you what to do with your relationship with Tom.

I love you, I love you, I love you so much. Best friends can kiss, right?

I love you,

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