Chapter 67: Early Christmas Gift

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December 5, 2012


I sighed laying back in bed after a long day of interviews. I'm amazed I even survived all those questions. "Moooooom!" Kieren called as he entered my room. "Yes, love?" I asked sitting up. "Are we going Christmas shopping today?" He asked hopeful. "That all depends on your Dad. He and I are quite tired." I replied as Kieren smiled and ran towards me. "Do you want to see a cool card trick I learned?" He asked shyly. I smiled and motioned for him to remove his shoes. He grins and quickly takes off his shoes and I carried him on the bed.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I asked as he brought out his cards. "I'm going to predict your card three times." He replied shuffling his cards. I smiled ruffling his head. "Where is your sister, brother, and Dylan?" I asked as Kieren yawned. "Asleep." He replied as he put down one card. "That's my first prediction. Now choose a card." He stated spreading te deck. I smiled taking a red 3 Spade.

Chris turned and laid his head on my lap. I smiled rubbing his head. "Okay, I'll choose the second card." Aj stated putting down another card. "Pick another one." He stated as I picked a black clover queen. "Okay, we're almost done. Tell me when to stop." He replied flipping through the cards with his thumb. I raised a brow. "Stop." I stated as he smiled and took the pile and put it on top of the other then pulled a red heart king. He gathered them then gave them to me by pair. "Okay, now flip them." He stated as I flipped to see my red 3 spade with the red 3 heart, my black clover queen pair with a black diamond queen, and my red heart king paired with a red spade king.

I gasped smiling at Kieren. "Can you do me?" Chris asked groggily. Kieren giggled and nodded. He repeated the process and it amazed us. "Kier, how long have you been practicing the trick?" Chris asked. "Just when mom said I can show her a magic trick." Aj replied smiling at me. "Man, your good!" Chris exclaimed as our door banged open to reveal Dylan carrying both Arthur and Naomi. "Are we going or what?" He asked grinning. "What are you doing to my children!?" I asked stnading up. "Uhm... Ems, I think you should cover up." Chris stated as I raised a brow and locked down to see I was only in my laced underwear. I smirked looking at Dylan who was blushing. "Aw, you poor boy. Anyway, you guys go on ahead. I need to make a few arrangements so gooooooo." I ordered helping Kieren fix his cards. Chris smirked and got out of bed as well and changed while Dylan was bickering with Arthur. "What are you going to do here alone?" CHris asked as he wrapped his arms around me. "You'll see, now shoo. Go to the mall now before tons of people start to crowd again." I replied kissing his cheek and unwrapping his arms around me.

"Aw, pretty please with a cherry on the top?" He asked pouting. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed as we saw a flash. We turned to see Salvatore smirking. "Thank you so much! Send that photo to me okay!" I exclaimed as Chris glared at Salvatore. I smiled giving him a chaste kiss. "I love you and all your cuteness. Now please go." I whispered as he smiled at me. "And I love you and all your beauty." He whispered kissing my neck and carrying Kieren. "We'll see you in the mall!" Dylan exclaimed as they all disappeared to the hallway. I sighed reaching for my phone on the bedside table. "Madame?" Rogers asked knocking on my door. "Yatz?" I asked as he came in with Murdock. "I think Murdock should go with them. Rogers is perfectly capable of guarding me alone." I stated as Murdock smirked and Rogers blushed. I shook my head calling the contact.


Hey! Is this Britt? Britt Robertson?

Uhm.. Yes, who is this?

Oh, right so sorry. I'm Emily Stan, Dylan's sister.

Sorry, Dylan's sister? He only has one sister.

I know, I know, but due to some circumstances, our parents removed that fact that Dylan is our brother.

How am I suposed to believe you?

You can check your apartment. If I'm not mistakened, you'll find a black box hidden under so many shirts in your closet.

Okay, hold on a sec."

I smiled waiting for her to find the box. After ten minutes she seem to find the box.

"Okay, what do I do now?

Open it and you'll see a certificate. I think he did some digging on us and and it's all in that box."

I heard a sigh then a gasp.

"You really are his siblings!

Yeah, I told you that awhile ago.

Wait, is Dylan there with you?"

I smiled hearing worry in her voice. Dylan hasn't talked to her in fear of messing everything up. Looks like it was the same for Britt. "No, I'm sorry. Did you want to talk to him?" I asked watching Rogers fidgte with his hands.  she sighed dissapointed. "I'll put the phone donw then." She whispered as I had wide eyes. "Hey, hey. Do not put the phone down. You see I called for the very same reason you and Dylan aren't talking." I replied as I heard shuffling. "You know?" She asked sadly. "Hey, don't worry. Dylan only told me, no one else... well maybe even my fiance, but you get the point. Anyway, you'll see you have mail. Can you check that for me?" I asked walking towards my closet. I heard another gasp from the other side of the line. "Well?" I asked tossing the clothes I was going to wear on the bed. "Why would you mail me plane tickets?" She asked weakly.

"Britt, I know my brother can a really big dick, but please. I can not bear the face he makes when he suddenly spaces out probably over thinking about what he's done. He was actually thinking of talking to you after New Year, but I will not spend that long to see his moping face so consider this an early Christmas gift for both of you." I replied smiling. "Oh my gosh! You can't be serious right now!?" She asked as I heard her squeal from the other side. I laughed shaking my head and covering the mic. "Rogers, close the door after you please. I'm going to change." I stated as he nodded and did as he was told. "Okay, done squealing?" I asked smirking. "Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed as I heard her bouncing on the bed. "Britt, I suggest you stop jumping on the bed before it collapses. You have to not talk about this to anyone okay? And when the media asks where you're going, do not tell them, okay?" I asked smiling. "I can do that. Thank you so much!" She exclaimed smiling.

"Well, that's that. I'll see you when you land. I'll be picking you up so don't worry about anything." I stated putting my top. "Okay, thank you, Emily. THis means a lot. I owe you so much." She replied as I put my pants on. "You can make my brother hapy and I'm fine with that." I replied smirking. "See you on Friday then?" She asked as I sighed fixing my hair. "Yup, see you. It's nice to finally meet the girl that makes my brother blush. See you." I stated as I heard a faint see you and the line went dead. "Okay now that, that's done. Rogers, let's meet up with them." I stated smiling as Rogers and I wlked down the steps of the house and we were off to the mall.

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