Chapter 28: Leaving America

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January 12, 2011









"Open up, Ems! There's three hours before our flight!" I opened my eyes and frowned feeling something under me. I looked up to see Chris lovingly, staring at me. I remembered what happened just hours go and blushed. He chuckled and leaned on his arms. "Come on, we have to get to your brother before he barges in and sees us like this." He said getting out of the bed. I pulled the comforter off and he slid his arm around my waist as I put an arm around his neck. "Ready?" He asked as I wobbly stood up. I nodded and we walked towards the door just in time before Sebby said another word. "Took you long enough. Chris, go prepare the table." Sebby ordered as he gently pulled me away from Chris. Chris threw me a smile as Sebby closed the door behind him. "We need to talk." He said helping me sit on the bed. "What are we going to talk about?" I asked feeling as if it's about Chris. He sat beside me, but faced the wall opposite to him. "Why were you yelling last night? And I know Chris slept in here last night... on your bed. Ems, why are you hurting yourself like this?" Seb asked frowning. I knew it! I smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

"Sebby, this is the last time I am seeing the man in months... He took care of me ok? Unless you want me shouting all night for him to come to my room while he was in his room on the other side of the house." I replied raising a brow. He chuckled sighing. "I'm just worried, alright? Besides, I know you." He whispered flicking my left ear. "Ow! Asshole!" I yelled slapping his arm. "Ack! Damn it! Did you have to?!" He asked rubbing his arm. I laughed smirking. He shook his head and put an arm around me. "Well, do you feel better? Can you walk? I know you hate going to hospitals so we did what we can here... We uhm... asked Chris's mum for what kind of medication we should give you just an hour ago so here." He handed me a bag. "That bag has some make-up in it to from Alana and Katie. Colin and James would be the one picking us up from the airport since Bradley is sore from soccer trainin yesterday." Sebby said patting my head. "Bradley!? You didn't care to call me when the ass called!?" I asked narrowing my eyes. He laughed and stood up. "Dude, the crutches are here." Chris said getting in the room. "You'll be using these when you get there. Chris will be driving us there." Sebby said handing me the crutches. I laughed putting the crutches under my arms. I laughed navigating the crutches to go forward and back and around. "Ems, you're a pro." Sebby teased. I glared at him and he shut up earning a silent chuckle and smile from Chris. "Foods ready." Chris stated walking towards me. "Let's get you stuffed for the trip." He said smiling. I smiled back and moved my crutches forward to follow him. Sebastian walked behind me just in case I fall. I feel more handicapped then yesterday and nervous actually since Sebastian is a trickster sometimes.

I handed my right crutch to Sebastian and went down slowly. I sighed finally reaching the last flight of stairs. "Emily!" Arthur exclaimed hugging me. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Hey." I whispered as he let me go. He's growing so fast. I want him to stay with me, but he's been starting to call me by my first name ever since he was still 5 when I let Chris hurt me for the first time. I sighed as he lead me towards the table. "Mama!" The twins exclaimed reaching for me. I smiled brightly as Arthur helped me sit and I carried the twins. "Awe we goin back two Uncle Bwad?" Kier asked smiling excitedly. "Yes, but you have to be good because he's tired." I said patting his head. He nodded and reached for Sebby as he let my crutches lean on the wall beside me. I watched Chris as he sat beside me. "Mummy?" Naomi called getting my attention. I blinked an smiled at her. "Yes?" I asked. "Awe you hungwy?" She asked facing up. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I want that bacon and pancakes." I whispered as she carefully got some with a fork and put it in our plate. She smiled proudly as we ate. Sebastian teased her and her ears turned red.

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