Chapter 16: The Talks

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Crap, she's pissed, but why the hell did she kiss me? "Emily, stop." I ordered as I closed the door behind me. She stopped as I caught her arm. She was shaking. "James, I'm so sorry. I-I was pissed and I wanted to get back at him so bad. They said in the news about him is true, James. My heart can't take the pain. Please get the thing piercing it." She begged crying on my shoulder. Thank heavens I was still taller than her even just a few inches. This girl was tall. "Shhh... Arthur, Kieren, and Naomi need their mother now. Just because someone pierced a knife through your heart, doesn't mean you have to change for them. Yes, you're hurting, but you need to be strong, Emily." I whispered gently pulling her towards me and hugged her tightly. She chuckled then sobbed taking in deep breathes. "Alright, let's get you home. You're exhausted." I said as we headed for the van. "Emily! What the fuck happened?!" Sebastian asked taking Emily in his arms. "He did it again... Didn't he?" He said in such a cold tone it gave me a shiver. I sighed nodding my head. "You're never going near that man again. Nor are you Arthur." Bradley cut in. "I wouldn't dream of it." Arthur replied glaring at the house. Emily's phone started to ring. "Hello?" She asked sniffing.

"You asshole! Leave him alone. We were never officially together. You put that fucking story in the media and I swear I will kick your ass so hard, you go to hell, got it?!" She asked pulling away from me.

"Listen to me you two faced douche. Your son touches mine in anyway or as much as talks to to him. I will destroy you.

No, no. You're the one going down. You don't want to mess with a broken-hearted girl who is a raging psychopath inside.

You fucking spread that Chris and I have children... you're gonna wish you were back in your mother's womb!" She yelled ending the call. "The hell was that?!" I asked worriedly. "I... Crap. I sounded like I still loved him." She mumbled embarrassed. "You can't unlove someone that fast. It takes time to forget your first love believe me. Emily, it's natural. I'm just asking what and who the hell was that?" I asked sighing. "I... Uhm... It's a really long story I don't wanna tell." She replied blushing. "Alright, lovebirds. Let's get you both home. Don't you have a tapping to go to?" Sebastian asked raising a brow. "Of course. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go now." I stated smiling. Emily hugged me tightly. "I wanna come with you." She whispered. "You're not going with anyone. Let's go home." Bradley ordered gently pulling Ber away from me. I chuckled as they drove away. I got in the car and drove away as well.


Son of a bitch! I defended that asshole! Attractive, hot, sexy arsehole. Damn it! I should stop saying that! "Earth to Emily, Emily to Earth, are you alright or do you already miss Mr. McAvoy?" Bradley teased. I punched him and crossed my arms. "I'm doing no such thing." I replied smirking. Arthur was asleep on my lap while Alana and Bradley took my small angels. They'll be turning four next year. They're so adorable. I need a break for a bit. My phone started to ring again. I frowned and answered it. "What do you want?" I asked pissed. "Calm down, Ems. It's Jensen. I have good and bad news." He stated. I chuckled leaning back. "Sorry about that. So good news first." I replied smiling. "Well, you're still in the next season." He replied nervously. "What's the bad?" I asked a bit worried. "You're going to be Castiel's love interest." He replied calmly. Shit... I'm kissing the new guy, huh? I thought he was going to be appearing just this season. "There's more." Dean interuppted my thoughts. "What is it?" I asked frowning. "You're... Never mind. You'll find out soon." He replied smiling. "Aw! Jensen, don't leave me with a cliffhanger!" I exclaimed annoyed. "Yeah, well you have to. I can't tell you more, sorry." He replied smirking. I can hear laughter from the background. "I swear, Jared tell me what happens to my character or I will tell Gen what you did." I said smirking. "You wouldn't! This is blackmailing! Where'd our old Emily go?!" He demanded. I chuckled, but I was a bit hurt. I miss old me too. "Kidding, just tell me please." I begged.

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