Thor x Reader

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Up next: Harley Keener x Reader

Later: Wade Wilson x Reader


  I wanted to ask Lady Y/N for her hand in marriage, but Captain America told me she had just lost her mother a few days ago. I was not aware of this fact, yet I was ashamed for not reaching out to Y/N.
  Loki walked up beside me and said,"Just go see her, brother. She won't reject you. She's hopelessly smitten with you. For what reasons, I do not understand."

  I chuckled and clasped Loki's shoulder, before I traveled to Midgard. When I knocked on Lady Y/N's door, I received no reply.
  I waited for a couple of minutes, until a man walked up towards Lady Y/N's front door.

  Before I even said a word, he chuckled and said,"I was sure Y/N was lying to me when she said she knew you, but I guess not. If you want to know where she is, she's at the hospital. I suggest you wait here. She'll be here in a couple of minutes. I can let you in, if you're planning on staying."

  I nodded to the man and said,"Thank you. How do you know Lady Y/N?"

  He sent me a smile and said,"I'm her brother, actually. It's nice to know she has someone like you, Thor. I'm Connor, by the way."

  I shook his hand, and he left. When Lady Y/N got out of her car, her appearance had changed since the last time I saw her.
  Lady Y/N stopped at spotting me, yet she was in my arms in a matter of seconds.

  I immediately held her, and she mumbled,"It's so good to see you, Thor. I've really missed you. I'm so happy to see you."

   Y/N'S POV

  I was genuinely surprised at seeing Thor at my house. I rushed up to him to make sure he was real, and he was. I missed him so much.
  Thor welcomed me in his arms and kissed my hair a couple of times, before I led him inside. He took a seat on the sofa and placed his hammer down.

  I knew he was here because someone told him about my mother. That person that informed Thor had probably been Steve.
  I took a seat beside Thor and said,"I appreciate you being here. I really do. Loki still driving you crazy?"
  Thor laughed deeply and replied,"Things are better between us, Lady Y/N. I am grateful for that. I wanted to see how you were doing. Loki encouraged me to come and see you."

  I smiled and said,"I'll have to thank Loki another time, then. I know you didn't come all this way just to check on me, Thor."

  Thor's eyes widened, and he cleared his throat saying,"I don't know what you're implying, Lady Y/N. I only came to Midgard to see you."

  I chuckled and rested my hand on his large bicep saying,"I was only messing with you, Thor. Now, I know something is up. Just go ahead and tell me, Odinson."

  Thor appeared to be hesitant, yet he took my hands.

  He said,"I would like to spend the rest of my life with you, Lady Y/N. I know you just lost your mother, but I want to be here for you. I also love to be around you, and you helped me understand how your world works. I would like to know if you would allow me the opportunity to take your hand in marriage."

  I became lost for words. Thor wanted to marry me. He wanted to be with me.

  I threw myself at Thor and hugged his neck saying,"I would be honored to marry you, Odinson. Honored."

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