Wolverine x Reader

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Up next: Peter Parker x Reader

Later: Bucky Barnes x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Because of my last name, people automatically made assumptions about me. Whenever people assumed, you already knew you were in for a rollercoaster. My father was a smart and loving man, but one day he made one wrong choice. In turn, that choice caused many people to lose people they cared deeply about.
  Because my father's identity was exposed, everyone believed I was only destined for the same fate. A fate I wanted nothing to do with. A fate I had been trying to live past every day of my life.

  As I sat inside the diner, I kept my head low and ate my small sandwich. Before I could even finish my sandwich, an ex-best friend of mine sat down across from me.

  She chuckled and said,"Hey, you. The disguise isn't working. Everyone knows you're here."

  I kept my eyes on my sandwich and she then leaned forward saying,"Where's your father? Is...Is he gone?"

  I grabbed her by her neck and said,"Don't talk about my father again. It's none of your business where he is."

  I threw her over the next table and walked out of the diner.

  When I made it home, Dad embraced me and said,"Sweetheart, come inside."

  I followed him inside, and he closed the door behind me. Then, he patiently waited for me to tell him about my day.
  Once I told him everything, I could see the guilt in his eyes. Something I hated to see from him.

  Dad said,"I...It's all my fault. You're...You're not going to....to be loved."

  I hugged his neck and said,"Daddy, I'm loved by you, and everyone doesn't have to like me. I don't care, as long as I still have you. One day, they're going to see that that night wasn't your fault. It was Mom's fault."

  I wiped Dad's tears and gave him his medicine, before someone broke down the front door. I protectively stood in front of Dad and aimed my bow at the intruder's chest.

  When I got a good look at him, I relaxed and smiled real big.

  Dad looked confused, yet he asked Logan,"What do you want? Why did you break my door?"

  I rested my hand on Dad's shoulder and motioned to Logan saying,"This is Logan. Logan, this is my father, David."

  Logan shook Dad's hand and I was sure Dad was squeezing Logan's hand hard, but Logan didn't seem phased by it.

  I smiled at the short moment and turned to Logan saying,"What brings you here, Wolverine?"

  Logan said,"You don't have to say yes to me darlin', but I wanted to know if you would like to join me for dinner. With your father's permission, of course."

  I turned to Dad, and he said,"If you trust him, Y/N, then I do too. Just have her back before morning. She's my eyes and ears around here."

  Logan nodded, and I just joined him the way I was dressed already. As Logan and I sat in our seats, I noticed he looked like he had been thrown around all day.

  I ran my fingers across his knuckles and Logan jumped, clearly not ready for my touch.

  I apologized saying,"Sorry. You look like me after a long day of school. Did you really just want to take me to dinner, Logan?"

  Logan casually nodded and said,"Yes. I haven't seen you in a long time, and I heard about what happened under your father's name."

  I snapped saying,"It wasn't his fault!"

  Logan jumped again and replied,"I never said it was, Y/N. Never said it was. What about your mother? Where is she?"

  I blankly replied,"Married. Two kids. Far away from here."

  Logan understood my tone and dropped it before he took my hand saying,"Your father is a good man. I heard about how he tried to help, even when no one wanted his help. You do the same thing. I didn't want your help, but you still helped me out."

  I said,"Yeah, but you also don't hate me like everyone else does. I know I say I don't care, but it feels awful, Logan. No one won't even give me a chance. No one wants to be my friend.  No one wants to sit or talk with me. No one cares about me, besides from my father."

  Logan finished saying,"And me. I care about you. I don't hate you. I'm your friend."

  I added,"And what if I want you to be more than my friend, Wolverine?"

  Logan smiled warmly at me and said,"Then, that's another conversation, darlin', that I'm willing to have right now."

Marvel Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora