Deadpool x Reader

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Up next: Wolverine x Reader

Later: Sam Wilson x Reader Part 1


Currently, I was resting in Wade's arms. His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, but there was something bothering him. He had never held me this tight before, and that scared me.
I turned around and faced Deadpool. He pulled me closer and buried his face in my neck. I sighed and rubbed his shoulders, trying to comfort him.

My phone went off, and I carefully grabbed it off the nightstand.

I answered,"Hello?"

The other voice chuckled and said,"Y/N? I did not think you would answer. How have you been?"

I looked down at Wade and said,"I have been fine, thanks. Why are you calling me, though?"

He said,"Because I want us to get back together. I know I was stupid for cheating on you, but I still love you. Please?"

"No, Jake. I cannot, because I really needed you then, and you were not there for me. Now, I have a man who actually cares about me. Goodbye!"

I hung up the phone on Jake and set it back on top of the nightstand. Strong arms pulled me back, and I looked up to see Wade sending me worried eyes.

I shook it off and noticed the hurt in his eyes.

I frowned and stoked his cheek saying,"Pool, we have gone over this plenty of times. I am not interested in him, okay? Jake never even loved me. He just used me for his status in school. Wade, I..I.."

I buried my face in Wade's chest and said,"Please do not treat me like that, too. I really do love you, and I promise I do not want to be with someone else."

Wade wrapped his arms around me and whispered encouraging words in my ears. I held his hands to my face, and Wade kissed my nose. I was trying not to laugh, and Wade smiled softly at me.

Wade lifted my chin and kissed my forehead saying,"I love you, too. Y/N, these are for you. I meant to give them to you yesterday, but I did not know if you would like them."

I nodded, and Wade got out of the bed. I laid back down on the pillow and watched him pull something from his bag. I smiled and slowly sat up.

Wade crouched down in front of me and put the necklace around my neck saying,"I actually saved up and got this for you. No, I did not steal it. Y/N!!"

I giggled and playfully sent Wade a look.

Wade just smiled and nervously said,"Do you like it? Please say you do, because Spidey said you would."

I placed a gentle and sweet kiss on his lips and pulled him in for a hug. Wade hugged back, and I could hear Wade let out a sigh of relief. I smiled and held him tighter.
I went to lie back down, but we both heard a loud crash. I followed the sound of the crash and saw him...

I immediately panicked and said,"How did you find me?"

Wade pulled me behind him and whipped out multiple swords at one time. I thought that was incredibly attractive. Wade sent me a wink, before Jake started walking around Wade and I.


Jake chuckled and looked at me saying,"This was the best you could do? I see why that may attract other girls, but that attracts you, Y/N? He has already got you wrapped under his finger, but you do not know him like I do."

Wade looked down at me and calmly said,"Y/N, do not listen to a word that guy says to you!! He does not know what he is talking about. YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS!!"

Wade started counting, but Jake just smirked standing there. After a few seconds, Wade grew bored counting and lunged towards Jake.
Jake almost hit me, but Deadpool pushed me out of the way. I ended up hitting the floor, and I became Wade's focus. I regretted falling, because Jake caught Wade off guard.

Wade struggled against Jake's grip, because he was so worried about me.

Jake rolled his eyes and looked at his watch saying,"This is taking way too long. Just hold still, and it will not be that bad. Look, Y/N has a front row seat!! You may want to close your eyes, Y/N!"

I went to close my eyes, but I realized I could save Wade right now. He had done too much for me to sit here and just watch him die. I quickly looked around and tried to find something to use. I saw a gun and grabbed that. I pointed it at them but realized I did not know how to use it.
I panicked, and Wade noticed. I could tell he would anything for me to not have to pull the trigger, but I had to do something. Jake went to kill Wade, but I pulled the trigger and closed my eyes at hearing the shot. I felt a soft hand touch mine, and the hand belonged to Wade.

I grabbed his collar and kissed him hard. Tears poured down my face, while Wade kissed back.
He brought me closer, and tears formed in his eyes, too. He pulled away and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back and held him tight.

Wade kissed my nose and said,"I am so glad you are okay. Everything is going to be fine. I love you, Y/N."

I sniffed and said,"I love you, too, Wade."

Wade said,"Nice shot."


"Sorry, just don't look down."

Marvel Imagines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें