Clint Barton x Reader

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Up next: Rhodes x Reader

Later: Tony Stark x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Ever since the government cornered the Avengers about signing the contract, Clint had put up his suit and retired. It had not been that long, but he felt like the government should not have control over everything that he did or currently does. I agreed with him, too. There was only so much power you had under the authorities, no matter what branch or house it was.
  Right now, I was making my way up the stairs. I spotted Clint watching the news, and I gasped at the sight. Bucky had been accused of blowing up the conference hall in Vienna, and sure enough, they had a picture of him to prove their point.

  I frowned and looked down at Clint saying,"I hope he is all right, baby. Bucky would not do something like that, would he?"

  Clint sighed and looked down saying,"I do not know, Y/N, but it does look exactly like him. Do not worry, he will be fine. I am sure that Cap already has a plan worked out for all of this."

  I nodded and calmly said,"Right. You're leaving, aren't you?"

  Clint turned to me, before he got up and made his way towards me. Clint pulled me close and nuzzled his nose against mine.

  I giggled and smiled, before Clint mumbled,"I cannot stay here anymore, Y/N. You and the kids will be fine, okay? Cap needs me, and I can bring something to the table. You have to let go, baby, you have to."

  I cupped Clint's face saying,"But, I do not want you to get hurt again."

  Clint put his hands over mine and said,"Aww, babe, I can handle myself. This may be bigger than some of the battles I have been in, but this determines character, Sweetheart. I cannot sit back and do nothing, while my friends are fighting for their lives and what they believe in. Understand?"

  I nodded saying,"I understand, Barton. I am sorry for being such a pain and all, but I just-"

  He smiled and placed kisses on both of my hands saying,"I better get dressed. Do not want to go in this, do I?"

  I chuckled and shook my head, before Clint kissed my forehead and made his way towards the closet. I heard loud footsteps, before David and Jessica ran into the room.

  Jessica sat in my lap and asked me,"Mommy, where is Dad going?"

  I stroked her cheek and said,"To work. You know how important Daddy's job is, don't you?"

  Jessica nodded and smiled saying,"Yes, he shoots his arrows and protects us from the bad men out there. Why does he have to go now, mommy? I want him to stay."

  I kissed her head and said,"I know you do, but Daddy does not get to choose when he wants to leave or not. Trust me, I am sure that GOLF is making his day."

  I heard Clint yell,"Y/N, DO NOT TELL OUR CHILDREN LIES?!!"

  I giggled while Jessica did the same.

  I noticed David had been quiet and gently nudged him saying,"What is going on with you, David?"

  David looked down at his hands and said,"I just don't want to be left alone again. What if Dad gets hurt? What if-"

  Jessica's eyes filled with tears, and she started to cry.

  David just went on and on, before Clint yelled,"ALL RIGHT, DAVID, THAT IS ENOUGH!! DO NOT SCARE YOUR SISTER!!"

  David rolled his eyes, and I had never seen him like this before. I gave Jessica to Clint, before I pulled David out of the room.

  He went to walk away, but I tightly grabbed his arm and sternly said,"David, if you do not tell me right now what is going on with you, I will ground you for 4 months!!"

  David frowned and groaned yelling,"MOM, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!"

  I put my hands on my hips and sternly said,"A year and a half. Keep on going David. I am just trying to help you. Let me in, David."

  David sighed and looked down, before I noticed tears in his eyes. I immediately regretted yelling at him, because my day had been rough, too. I picked up David, before I carried him up this room.

  I sat down with him on his bed, before he snuggled into me and cried saying,"I am sorry, Mom. I did not mean to yell at you, I am really sorry."

  I shook my head and leaned on David saying,"I am sorry, too, baby. I should not have been so harsh at first. I should have tried the soft approach first. Forgive me? What is going on?"

  David looked up at me and said,"I am scared, okay? Scared that Dad will not come back...and I will not have a father who cares for me anymore."

  I nodded and noticed Clint and Jessica standing at the door. I let go of David, before he ran into Clint's arms.
  I smiled at the sight, before Jessica joined in on the hug. Clint sent me a wink and held out his hand, and I gladly entered his embrace.

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